Category: Running

ZOOMA Half Marathon Training Recap, Week 7

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I am excited to be training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon on September 15.  I am also excited to share that I will train using the Hansons Half Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. 

Week #7, July 9-15

M Did not run
W Ran 2.00 miles
TH Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
S Did not run

This week did not go well for training.  I was in a funky mood and had no desire to run.  I missed my run on Monday and Sunday.  I also missed my long run last Sunday too during week 6.  I don’t remember feeling like this last year so I am not sure what is going on.  

Wednesday morning I wasn’t hungry early in the morning like I usually am.  I did some errands but by 11 am I had to eat and stopped a restaurant close to my house.  I had a pepper and egg sandwich with hash browns.  It was yummy!

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That evening I decided to head out for a run.  I wanted to do 3 but ended up with 2 miles.  As I was turning a corner, another car also turned, and then stopped not too far from where I was.  That freaked me out.  I stopped too waiting for the car to keep going.  It didn’t.  Other cars were behind it and also stopped.  It still didn’t move.  The cars went around it.  Still didn’t move.  The driver finally turned on the blinkers.  I then turned around and went back home.  I don’t know if there was car problem or the driver was waiting for me.  

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Saw this the next morning on my run.  Yes, we have a problem around here.

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Ran faster than I wanted to and almost managed negative splits.

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Friday and Saturday were easy runs too.  It rained a little on Saturday but it felt so good to be out there.

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I want some fall weather!  That is my favorite season for running.  Hopefully next week will be better.  I need to figure out how to not miss/skip my long runs on Sunday.  I am thinking of moving them to Saturday to run with friends and hopefully that will motivate me to run.

Total mileage for the week: 14.00 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  146.73 miles
Total mileage for the year: 598.11 miles 

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1 and 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6

Elmhurst 4 on the 4th Race Recap

On Wednesday I ran one of my favorite races in the Chicago area – Elmhurst 4 on the 4th.  I’ve run this race since 2013 and have always had a great time.  I like the price, the distance, and the location.  It is very easy to get there and I always find parking..FREE parking.

I left later than usual and even thought I didn’t park in my usual spot, I still managed to park close to the start line.  Then I got my bib and met the Oiselle girls for a picture.

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Let’s go back to my bib.  I gave the volunteer my name and she found it on the roster.  I remember hearing the number 24 or something like that.  Once I got my bib, I didn’t look at it and just went to meet up with the Oiselle girls.  I have a Fitletic belt and use the toggles for my bib.  Again, I did not look at it.

I talked to Heather and Kathleen for a few minutes and then we lined up.  It was already sunny and HOT.

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This race is not a big race but there are a few people cheering for you.  There is just something about running in a small town for a race.  I knew I wasn’t going to get a PR.  I started off too fast and then paid for it at the end.  Still, I don’t think it was too bad.

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I did walk a few times because I also got too hot.  I didn’t have a visor with me because that morning I checked the weather report and it was supposed to be overcast.  Luckily there was some shade and that helped.

This course has a few hills.  Not too many but the worst one is right before the finish line.  I know this but I curse every single time.  🙂

At the finish line, I got a water bottle and an ice cold washcloth to cool me down.  I was sweating a lot.

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.I walked for a bit to cool down before going home.

In my car is when I had a feeling that something was wrong with my bib number.  I remember hearing the number 24 but not 25.  I just wanted to get home to shower and eat.  I knew there was nothing I could do about it so I decided to handle it at home.

Yep, I got the wrong bib.  Once the results were available on Athlinks,  I couldn’t find my name but did find my results with the bib number I used to run the race.

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I emailed the race director right away and explained the situation.  After a few emails back and forth, the problem was resolved.  

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I also checked Kim’s name and she was given a new bib number to run.  Glad that worked out too.

I highly recommend this race to everyone.  It is always fun and the perfect way to start off the holiday.

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


ZOOMA Half Marathon Training Recap, Week 6

ZOOMA Half Marathon-1

I am excited to be training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon on September 15.  I am also excited to share that I will train using the Hansons Half Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. 

Week #6, July 2-8

M Ran 4.00 miles
W Ran 4.04 miles
TH Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
S Did not run

I am loving the “easy” runs.  Sometimes I can get negatives splits and sometimes I don’t.  

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On Wednesday I ran the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th and had so much fun!  I’ve done this race since 2013 and will continue to do so as long as I am in town.  It is one of my favorite races in the Chicago area.  I just realized I don’t have  recap yet and plan to have it this week.

On Friday I ran 4 miles again but Strava only recorded 3.7 miles.  How is that possible?  I use my Garmin for all of my runs and then those sync to Strava. 

Friday was also my last day of summer school.  I cannot believe 4 weeks went by already.  Now I can enjoy my summer break!  🙂

Sunday morning I woke up with a tight calf.  Lola and I make sure to always use correctly the yoga mat.  Using a tennis ball to foam roll hurts but always feels good.  My leg felt so much better afterwards.

Another week of training!  This week went well except that I skipped Sunday’s run.  Again, woke up later than usual and it was just too hot to run outside.  I was hoping that it would be cooler in the evening but it was still warm and sunny.  I didn’t want to deal with it.  How many months till fall?

Total mileage for the week: 20.04 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  132.73 miles
Total mileage for the year: 584.11 miles 

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1 and 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

Goodbye June and Hello July!

How is it that we are halfway through the year?  

Hello July

• June was the end of the school year.  I also started teaching summer school and that ends this Friday.  For the rest of the month, I will be relaxing while also hanging out with family.  I have a cotillion on the 14th and then my sister and her husband will be in town for a week.

• Training went very well this month.  I am currently training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon in September.  There were some decent days but definitely quite a few HOT ones.  I’ve been doing my easy runs (3-4 miles) early in the morning before work.  If I don’t then I have to wait till 6-7 once it cools down a little bit.

• Ran 104.68 miles.  Another month over 100 miles.  I am now 47% done of my yearly goal.  

2018 Goal

• Total time running was 21:15.  Not quite a whole day but pretty close.

• 23 days of running.  I run 5 days a week and have been loving it.  Now I am at the point in my training plan in which I will be running 6 days a week.  Last week would have been my first week but I skipped my run on Sunday.

June 2018 Calendar

• Getting back to weekly speed workouts.  I had some really great ones when I was training during the winter.  Still pleased with how I am doing so far.

• Looking forward to 1 race in July.  I am running the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th on Wednesday.  It is one of my favorite races and I’ve done this race since 2013.

Overall, I am proud of myself with how I did in June.  I missed one run and didn’t finish another one.  Hopefully July is just as great or better!

June 2018 Report Card

Join me on September 15 for an inspiring weekend filled with strong women, yoga sessions, speakers, an exciting expo, and celebrations in an unforgettable resort location.  Click HERE to register.  The code is valid till July 4.

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So how did June go for you?  What  is the weather like where you live?

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


ZOOMA Half Marathon Training Recap, Week 5

ZOOMA Half Marathon-1

I am excited to be training for the ZOOMA Half Marathon on September 15.  I am also excited to share that I will train using the Hansons Half Marathon Method.  In a nutshell, this training is based on the concept of cumulative fatigue.  You train your body to run often so that you are frequently running on tired legs.  The idea is to run this way so that during the last miles of a race you are prepared to push through the final miles. 

Week #5, June 25-July 1

M Ran 4.00 miles
W Ran 6.75 miles
TH Ran 4.01 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
Ran 4.00 miles
S Did not run

Another HOT and HOT week of running!  Ugh, I need to be out there by 5:30 so that I am not too hot.  It was mostly easy runs of 4 miles on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

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My speed workout  (1.5 mile warm up and cool down and 8x400s with 400s recovery) was on Wednesday and I almost nailed it.  I have no idea why the first interval was my slowest one.  I didn’t know it was my slowest one till after my run and I saw my paces.

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I ran again in my Brooks Launch 5 and I’d forgotten how much softer these are compared to the Launch 4.

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Saturday was the end of the month and I ended it with 104.68 miles.  Total to date is 564.14 miles (per my Garmin; my Google Sheet shows 564.07) and that puts me at 47% done of my yearly goal.

Total July 2018

I woke up late on Sunday and it was already hot.  I was hoping that it would be cooler in the evening so I could still run.  It finally did around 6pm (78 degrees, it was high 90s in the morning) but by then it was supposed to rain and I also got lazy.

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Total mileage for the week: 22.77 miles
Total mileage for this training cycle:  112.69 miles
Total mileage for the year: 564.07 miles <<Per my Google Sheet; Garmin shows 564.14)

Here’s how training has gone so far:
Week 1 and 2
Week 3
Week 4