Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: Traveling the Alphabet – Part 1

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Where I’ve been, A-Z: Letters A-I.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

What a fun post.  I know several bloggers have done something similar and I got excited when Kim added it to our list of topics.

Thanks to my Race in the 50 States +1 running goal, I’ve run in 43 states.  I need 8 more to complete it.  Before I was a teacher, I worked at the American Bar Association.  Through this job I also traveled to various states for our Spring and Annual Meetings.  The traveling aspect was fun but the work itself was not.  I was ready for something different and more challenging and so I went back to school to become a teacher.  My job now is different and definitely challenging.

So, let me tell you where I’ve been.  Ready?

A is for Anchorage
I went there as part of The Great Alaskan Running Cruise.  I felt like I was in another country when in fact I was still in the USA.  I had a wonderful time!  I’ve also been to Atlanta twice.  The first time I was there was in maybe 1999 for an ABA Annual Meeting.  It was my first time traveling in my job and I hated it.  I was so tired and exhausted.  

B is for Boston
My first time there was when working at the ABA.  I loved it!  I went again about 10 years ago during the Summer.  The last time I was there was in 2013 when I ran the Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon.  I also traveled to Bloomington (Lady Speed Stick Women Half Marathon), Birmingham (Magic City Half Marathon), Buffalo (Buffalo Half Marathon) and Baltimore (Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon).

C is for Cleveland
Cleveland reminds me of “The Drew Carey Show” where they are all singing “Cleveland Rocks!”  I went there to run the Rock ‘n’ Roll Cleveland Half Marathon.  It was the first time and maybe last a RnR race took place there.

D is for Detroit
I went there to run the Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon.  I was undertrained for this race.  It was a miracle I actually finished it and I was sore for days afterwards.  It was fun running in two different countries.  I even had to run with my passport!

I’ve also traveled to Dallas (Rock ‘n’ Roll Dallas Half Marathon), Des Moines (IMT Des Moines Half Marathon), and Denver (Rock ‘n” Roll Denver Half Marathon).

E is for Elmhurst
I’ve been there mainly to run the 4 on the 4th race.  I’ve mentioned a few times that it is a fun race!  Does anyone remember the Mizuno Elixir?  They were great shoes and I was disappointed when they were discontinued.

F is for Florence
A few years ago I went on a cruise to Europe with a few friends.  It began and ended in Barcelona.  We went to various cities in Italy and France and had a lot of fun.

G is for ?
I am stuck here.  There are plenty of cities in Illinois but nothing worth mentioning.  Maybe Gurnee for Six Flags Great America?  I’ve been there plenty of times.  I remember my first time going when I was a kid but cannot remember how old I was.  My guess would be 9 or 10.  Many years later I would get a free ticket and go with my nephew, Ivan, as part of the Read to Succeed Program.

H is for Hartford
I’ve been there a few times to run the Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon.  I have a few friends that live in CT but haven’t been there in a few years.  I’ve also traveled to Harpers Ferry (BCT Harpers Ferry Half Marathon) and to Hubbard Glacier.  

I is for Icy Strait Point
Another Alaska picture.  It was the first and last time I’ve kayaked.  It was an experience but I was terrified!

Wow!  So many great trips and memories.  It’s been fun looking at the pictures and reading posts about the trips.  I can’t wait to get started on the next two posts!

Topic for next week – Where I’ve been, A-Z: Letters J-R.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: Inside Tracker Update

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I wrote about my first experience with Inside Tracker back in March.  My results from that test were the following:

At risk: LDL

Needs improvement: Glucose, HbA1c, Hemoglobin, Iron, HDL, Triglycerides

Optimized: Vitamin D, Calcium, Folate, Creatine kinese, Total cholesterol, Magnesium

Each biomarker is categorized as optimized, needs improvement (could be low or high), and at risk.

I went again in June and got updated results.  I’ve made some improvements but still need to work on a couple more things.  It is always something, right?

At risk: Vitamin D (low), Glucose (high), Total cholesterol (high), LDL (high), 

Needs improvement: HDL (low), Triglycerides (high), Ferritin (low), Hemoglobin (low)

Optimized: Calcium, Magnesium, Creatine kinese, Folate, HbA1c

I made another appointment to get tested again in September.  However, I am also going to see my primary doctor for my annual physical test in September too.  I will talk to her about my results and ask her to order blood work.  Then I will skip the one with Inside Tracker.

I am aware I should be concerned about cholesterol and LDL levels, but I am more concerned about the ferritin and hemoglobin levels.  They’ve both gone down since March.  I sent a message to a sports doctor I’ve seen before hoping that I could see him and work with him sooner than September.  After going back and forth he ended with “Let’s start with your primary doctor first”.  I get it but still it doesn’t help.

What have I been doing? 

  • Taking supplements but do not want to depend only on them.
  • Trying to eat more iron rich foods but that isn’t always easy.
  • Eating more quinoa, tofu, and red meat (the latter not too much since I don’t like it too much). 
  • Cooking in avocado oil.
  • Eating more fruit and vegetables. 
  • Keeping up with running and Peloton bike classes. 

I feel like I am on the right path.  

School will start next month and the first few months stress me out – way more than the rest of the year!  I am known for eating a “not so healthy meal” from McDonald’s when I am stressed out.  😬 😬

Topic for next week – Where I’ve been, A-Z: Letters A-IFeel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My Top 5 Tuesday Topics Posts

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Brag Time: Share some of your most popular running related blog posts!  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Last year I wrote a similar post – My most popular running related blog posts.  Today I am going to focus on only 5 Tuesday Topics posts.  It was so much fun checking out past posts from this linkup and others in general.  At one point I was writing about my training to get a BQ!  Ha, who knows if that is something I will consider again.

I walked 610,966 steps in the StepBet Challenge!  Published on 2/2/2019.  It was a fun challenge!  I didn’t care too much about winning money but I also didn’t want to lose the $40 I paid.  I haven’t done another one of these again but now am thinking about it.  I will be going back to school next month and most likely will be walking a lot more.  Have you participated in a StepBet Challenge?

Thankful for running.  Published on 11/24/2020.  I will always be thankful for this hobby of mine.  But it was during that year that I was even more thankful for running.  It has gotten me through some very tough times whether it was personal or work related.

What I bring along on my run.  Published on 3/19/2019.  I have made a few changes since this post was published.  I sold my lightening layers and got the Noxgear vest.  Sometimes I forget my pepper spray.  I definitely run with my Road ID and a Koala Clip (instead of a running belt).  Depending on my runs I wear the Oiselle pocket joggers and I store my water bottles in the pockets.

My cold weather running essentials.  Published on 2/19/2019.  Just thinking of cold weather makes me shiver.  Haha.  Last year I was outside running every single day during the Winter.  This year I was not brave enough to get out there.  I know the right gear makes a big difference.  I have added an insulated Vim jacket and fleece lined tights from Baleaf.  Let’s see if I will be brave again this Winter.

Publix Atlanta Half Marathon Race Recap.  Published on 3/3/2020.  A HILLY race!  This race was after the Olympic Marathon Trials so it was a fun weekend.

Topic for next week – Ask someone who’s been struggling to share their story.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My 2022 Mid Year Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Your 2020 mid year review.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

In December I wrote my goals for this year.  Since we are halfway through the year, let me update you on how it is going.

✅ Stay injury free.  So far so good but I’ve been noticing some pain that feels like plantar fasciitis.  I’ve been using my mom’s leg massager.  It has been helping a lot.  I like to use while watching “Golden Girls”. 

✅ Buy a house.  Still looking.  Supposedly house prices are going to decrease?  

✅ Travel.  Nothing yet but thinking of going to NY for my 50th birthday.  Don’t want to be there when it is cold but I am sure it will still be fun.

✅ Continue to be patient at work and at home.  Going good.  Though sometimes I have my days when I am so frustrated and sometimes lose it.  I am human.

✅ PR in my 50k.  Last year I started training for a 50k in March.  I stopped because of the weather.  Yep, excuses.  I am training again and that is still the goal.  My race is on October 29th.

✅ Run 1,200 miles.  I thought about changing it but I decided to leave it to see how close I get to it.  I am trying, but regardless I will still be pleased with whatever number I end up with.

✅ Complete 300 Peloton rides.  Very close to it.  Right now I am at 274 rides.

So let’s review on how 2022 is going so far.  

✳️ Picked my word for 2022 – Patience.

✳️ Took my first bike class with Camila and decided to do all of her classes.  At one point I needed 34 classes to go.

✳️ I stopped running because of the weather. 

✳️ Ran 11.10 miles in January.

✳️ Signed up for the Bank of American Shamrock Shuffle.  My first race since February 2020.

✳️ Ran 1.49 miles in February.


✳️ Ran the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8k.

✳️ Got bloodwork done through Inside Tracker – low iron and high LDL cholesterol.

✳️ Ran 27.68 miles in March.

✳️ Thought about running the Marine Corps 50k in October to celebrate my 50th birthday in November.  

✳️ Ran everyday in April.  

✳️ Ran 68.13 miles in April.  Highest mileage to date.


✳️ After over 10 years of not wearing contacts, I began wearing them again.  I think eventually I will get Lasik surgery again.

✳️ Got a cold.  First one in over 2 years.  I had to stop my run streak.  I was not upset about it.

✳️ Got my assignment for Summer School to teach 1st grade GE.  I was not happy about it.

✳️ Found out my school will be closed for the 2022-2023 school year.  Was moved to a different school.

✳️ Ran 55.40 miles in May.

✳️ School ended.  Had 3 days off and began teaching Summer School.  

✳️ Went to see “Ain’t Too Proud: The Life and Times of The Temptations” and had a blast!

✳️ Decided to run the Chicago Lakefront 50/50 on October 29.  I don’t have to travel, I can sleep on my own bed the night before, and I can actually train on the course.

✳️ Ran 62.42 miles in June.

✳️ Summer School ended.

Topic for next week – Brag Time: Share some of your most popular running related blog posts!  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Would you rather?

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topicFeel free to post any running related blog post.   Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Today is a Remote Day for us.  I still have to go to school but students stay home.  Now, do YOU really think that makes sense?  Our schools are used as a polling place but still not clear as to why students stay home.  

Anyway, let’s have a little fun today.  My kids love “Would You Rather?”  Sometimes they would give me a 3rd option and I would have to explain that there is no 3rd option – they have to pick one or the other.  Let’s do this!

Would you rather…

Run with someone chatty or silent? Definitely silent.  You all know I cannot stand it when there are chatty people around me.

Run with no socks or no sports bra? Oh gosh, definitely no socks.  I cannot imagine running without a sports bra.  I am not well endowed but still need some support for the boobs.

Run a mile naked or in a snow suit? Definitely a snow suit!  

Run in the freezing cold or sweltering heat?  I dislike both of them but will pick freezing cold.

Run with an empty stomach or a full bladder?  An empty stomach because I will pee along the way with a full bladder.

Run a hilly 5K or a flat marathon?  A hilly 5k.  I’d rather “suffer” for 3 miles instead of 26. 

Run without music or without a GPS watch?  Without music.  As much as I enjoy running with it, I have also run without it and it isn’t that bad.  Does my run count if I run without my watch?  JK.  I know Kim runs a lot sans a GPS watch but I just couldn’t do it.  

Run the New York City or Boston Marathon?  The Boston Marathon!  I know both are great races but come on, Boston.

Run as much as you want on the treadmill or only once a week outside?  I do like running outside but don’t mind too much the treadmill.  I like it even more in the dangerously cold and hot weather.

Run a beer mile or a color run?  I’ve heard about both of them but think the beer mile would be more fun.  Run and drink?  Sure. 

Run on a trail or the road?  Trail.

Run in shoes that are too big or too small?  Too big.

Eat a slice of pizza mid-race or drink a milkshake?  Cheese only pizza, please.  

Run in the rain or snow?  As long as it isn’t cold then the rain.  Cold weather and rain is not a good combo for me.

Run alone or with a big group for the rest of your life?  Run alone.

Run the same outdoor route every single day or run on a treadmill every single day?  Same outdoor route. 

Have a personal chef or running coach?  A personal chef.

Get free running shoes or free race registrations for life?  Free shoes!  

Do only gentle yoga or intense boot camp classes for your cross-training?  Gentle yoga.  

Run in your favorite outfit every day but only wash it once a week or run in clean clothes that you hate every day?  Clean clothes.  I sweat so much and I stink.  I cannot imagine wearing it every day and washing it once a week.

Questions are from an article in Women’s Running.  Click HERE for the article.

Topic for next week: Your 2022 mid year review.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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