Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: April 2022 Review

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topicFeel free to post any running related blog post.   Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I know April is not over yet.  We still have a few more days left.  I am excited for this month to be over because then next month is May which then brings us closer to the end of the school year. 

After a rough start with running due to the weather, I am back at it.  I started a new run streak and am excited about it.  I am also planning to run a 50k this year.  Yikes!

So let me tell you about how this month is going.

At the end of April we’ll be 1/3 done with 2022.  Time is going by fast!

Mileage:  As of yesterday morning I’ve run 55.30 miles.  All of my runs have been easy runs with run/walk intervals.  Each day I run for a specific amount of time instead of miles.  I like it!  Each week I am slowly increasing my mileage and last week was 16.79 miles.  There are still a few more days left in April but I am guessing that I will have about 70 miles for this month.

Highest Mileage Week:  16.79.  It was this past week and it took me 3:45:46 hours.  

Current Challenge:  My running streak.  Yesterday was day #25.  Weather is so much better than a few months ago but still does not feel like Spring.  

Current Book:  Finally reading “When I Ran Away”.  It is taking me longer to finish reading it and I have mixed feeling about it.  I have my days when I like it and days when I don’t.  

Current Shoes:  Currently running in an “older” pair of Brooks Launch.  I’ve run mostly in the Ghost and kind of forgot how much I love this shoe.  I remember the first time I wore the Launch, my feet hurt, and I almost stopped wearing them.  Glad I didn’t.  I have a new pair of the Ghost that I am thinking of sending back and instead get the Launch.  But after that, no more shoes.  

2022 Running Goal:  My goal this year is to run 1,200 miles.  I am at 7% done with 95.57 miles.  Who knows how realistic this goal is.  I have a long way to go but hopefully the 50k training will get me to that goal or at least close to it.

What am I looking forward to next month?  Almost the end of the school year!  My last day of school is  June 7th.  😊

How is April going for you?

Topic for next week – Your favorite medal and why?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Running a marathon for charity

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Tips or benefits of running a marathon for charity?   You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Did you watch the Boston Marathon yesterday?  Wow!  The women’s race was INTENSE!  My students and I were jumping up and down and screaming.  I had my students watch it with me – not the whole thing but definitely the ending of the women’s race.  They were so cute!  I love spectating the Chicago Marathon and have decided that next year I will go to Boston to spectate.  Save the date for April 17, 2023!

It has been years since I’ve run a marathon for charity.  My very first marathon in 2006 I ran on behalf of Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization.  I think I had to raise $3000.  Other years I’ve also run on behalf of the American Cancer Society.  Two things that I loved about running for them were the free training programs through CARA and the hospitality tent after the race.

I think I was lucky when I was fundraising because I received a lot of money from family and friends.  I used to work at the American Bar Association and I also asked the members to donate money.  I remember them giving me $250, $100, and $50.  I had no trouble raising the money for the various races.

🟣  Back then I relied a lot on letters.  There was no Facebook or Instagram to ask for a donation.  I mailed everyone I knew a letter explaining why I was running the marathon and the reason for running for that specific charity (one of my sisters is a breast cancer survivor).  I also included a self-addressed and stamped envelope for them to send the form with a check or credit card information.  Very convenient for them. 

🟣  I sent emails.  Again, no Facebook to send messages.  I sent a couple to remind them to send their donations.  Many would thank me for the reminder.

🟣  Thanks for Facebook, friends that are raising money post about it there.  I like reading the story behind the race and the charity.  I want to know why they picked that charity.

🟣  I have asked friends to remind me about the donation.  As much as I would love to drop everything right there and then to click on the link and make a donation, most likely it won’t happen.  Life happens.  I get distracted and forget.  I tell them that I will NOT be annoyed if they keep reminding me – I want them to!

I don’t think I will run and raise money again for a charity but am more than happy to make a donation.  If you are running for an organization that has to do with children (extra points for education), breast cancer, or pets (cat lover here), then definitely count me in.

Topic for next week – FREE Topic.  Feel free to write about any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Fun hobbies/activities besides running

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What fun hobbies/activities do you do besides running?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Happy Tuesday!  I am happy that this will be a short week – I am off on Friday!  So far things are going well with my students.  I have been playing music by Selena in the morning and they all seem to enjoy it.  However, I know one day they will probably tell me to play something different.  

As you know I enjoy running in the morning.  I listen to music or just get lost in my own thoughts.  This time alone prepares me for the day.

Besides running I enjoy watching TV and reading.  Lately I’ve been watching too much TV and am ready to give that a break.  I became hooked on Chicago Med and finally am caught up thanks to Netflix, Peacock, and Hulu.  I also enjoy watching Chicago PD and Law and Order: Organized Crime.  I am not so crazy anymore about Greys Anatomy and am wondering when the show will end.  Most of the characters are annoying but I feel like I need to watch it till the end.  Anyone else is a fan?

imma head out

Let’s talk about reading.  I love to read.  Now that I am caught up on my shows I will spend more time reading.  Thanks to Wendy’s reviews I have a long list of books to read.  I am actually excited about it!  I started my list from a review she did in August.  Yes, I have a long way to go.  Even though I plan to teach during the Summer, I will have plenty of time to read a few books.

Bitmoji Image

Right now I am reading this book.  Anyone else has read it?  

Topic for next week – Tips or benefits of running a marathon for charity?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Things I saw on my last run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Things I saw on my last run.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Happy Tuesday!  I went back to work yesterday after being off for one week.  Only one student was absent and everyone did well.  I did have trouble with one student (same one with the behavior issues) but that was resolved in 10 minutes.  We have 9 weeks to go till Summer Break!

Yesterday I ran for 25 minutes.  I slept in a little bit, drank some coffee, and then went running.  Earlier I had checked the temperate and it said it was drizzling.  I was not happy about that.  However, once I was ready to head out, I checked again and it was clear.  

Here is a before and after picture.  It was a good run!

Unfortunately I didn’t take too many pictures.  I did see a few things that I will mention here.  Also, I will mention a few things that I thought about on my run.  Originally I thought that was today’s topic.  🤷🏻‍♀️

〰️  There is a lot of garbage on the ground.  Why are people so disgusting?

〰️  I see some pretty flowers.  Are they real or plastic?  

〰️  I like the darkness.  I am in my own world.  

〰️  What is that white van doing there?  I need to stop watching so much TV.  White vans mean only one thing and they freak me out.

〰️  Cute cat.  But why is it running away?  I hope he/she has a home.

〰️  Broken bottle glass.  Be careful.  You don’t want to trip and fall (again).

〰️  So many nice houses here but none for sale.  Could one of these be a house for me?

〰️  I have to use the bathroom.  I went twice before my run.  Can I hold it long enough till I get home?

〰️  I wonder how many students will be in school today?

〰️  Will I be back in time to shower, get ready, make breakfast and head out the door?  I really do not want another parking ticket.  Let me explain.  On Sunday night I left my car on the street that surrounds a school.  There is no parking allowed between 7am-4:40pm when school is in session.  I made it out to my car at 7:03am.  Clarification:  I did not get a parking ticket.  I got lucky.

Topic for next week – What fun hobbies/activities do you do besides running?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Thoughts on Inside Tracker

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

For years I’ve heard about Inside Tracker but never purchased their plan.  My latest blood work was done in August but I was curious to know where I stood now.  I looked into the various plans, reached out to someone about it, and purchased the Essentials Plan.  It isn’t cheap but I told myself I wouldn’t buy more running shoes.  😄  I used a coupon and I paid $136 for it.

I answered a few questions about nutrition, supplements, exercise and lifestyle.  Once I completed it, I made an appointment with Quest Diagnostics for Monday, March 7th.  I was off that day and went there after doing a few errands.  Luckily I didn’t have to fast. 

Two days later I got my results.  I had already downloaded the app to my phone and was excited to see my results.  The first thing I had to do was select my goal.  The options were overall health, lose fat, metabolism, gut health, energy, heart health, endurance, aging, sleep, and cognition.  I picked overall health.  The point of it is to get recommendations (exercise, nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle) based on the results and my goal.  

Each biomarker is categorized as optimized, needs improvement (could be low or high), and at riskAnd yes they’re also identified by those colors.  

My results:








Vitamin D



Creatine kinese

Total cholesterol


Based on the results and my goal, the following thing were recommended.

➡️  Level up my aerobic workouts

➡️  Incorporate more olive oil

➡️  Take an ALA supplement

➡️  Eat one serving of a probiotic food everyday

➡️  Take a psyllium supplement

➡️  Take spirulina

➡️  Continue to sleep 7-9 hours daily

What’s next?  I was definitely overwhelmed with all of the information and recommendations.  I compared my results from my last blood work in August and did notice an increase in my triglycerides, HDL, and HbA1c levels, but a decrease in my glucose level.  My doctor tested for other things as well.  She told me my results were normal/negative and that my cholesterol was pretty good.  She also mentioned that my HDL was a little low.

These past couple of months have been hectic.  I haven’t been taking care of myself and haven’t kept up with a consistent form of exercise.  I know I did a lot of Peloton cycling classes but then didn’t keep up with it either.  My mother and I cook every weekend and, well, Mexican food is not healthy.  A lot of food we make is fried.  Cooking with her is a special thing we do.  We make a lot of her favorite dishes and it makes me happy to see her eat the food we make.  

I have purchased a few of the supplements but I know that I need to do more than take supplements.  But at least it is something to start with.  The information/results on the website are more thorough than the app.  On the website you get food recommendations for each group that needs improvement or is at risk.  As an example below are some recommendations for my high LDL.  I’ve never heard of bulgur, spelt, kamut, or teff.  I clicked on the icon on the right of each image and the image turns around to give me more information about it.  I click on the image on the left and I get a recipe.  

I did find it interesting that my iron and hemoglobin levels was low.  I already take an iron pill.  I wonder now if that is the reason why I am feeling more tired than before.  I don’t remember being this tired last year when I was running everyday!  My coworkers tell me that this school year is taking a toll on everyone (especially with my one student that is giving me a lot of trouble).  I rarely drink coffee in the evening because it keeps me up at night.  Now there are times that I drink a cup of coffee and can still fall asleep at night.

I mentioned earlier that all of this is overwhelming.  However, I am glad I did this to get a better understanding of where I am health wise.  I do want to avoid getting diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  My cholesterol level goes up and down but never high enough to be on medication.  Once my doctor told me I was pre-diabetic and that freaked me out.  

Will I use Inside Tracker again?  Absolutely.  I want to check my progress.  It was recommended that I get tested again in June.  Hopefully I will see more biomarkers in green.

Topic for next week –Things you saw on your last run.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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