Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: Would I rather do a short or long run?

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Would you rather do a short or long run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

To me a long run is anything over 6 miles.  Both have benefits.  The shorter ones are easier to fit in a schedule and the long runs build endurance and strength.

I prefer short runs – even more if it is too cold or too hot.  It is easy for me to get up, get ready, and head out from my house.  No need to drive anywhere.  I’ve run up to 6 miles going up and down the streets.  For the most part it is quiet and if I go early there are fewer cars (I like running on the street instead of the sidewalk).  Midway Airport isn’t too far away and one loop around it is 4 miles.

However, on a cool Fall day then I do not mind a long run.  I’ve done a few runs at the Morton Arboretum and Waterfall Glen.  A run along the lakefront also has to be a long one.  No way will I drive there just for 5 miles, well, unless it is for marathon training.

What about you?  Would you rather do a short or long run?  Topic for next week – What’s on your Spring bucket list?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: 5 words to describe me

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  5 words to describe yourself.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

My words from last year’s post are: Introverted, Proactive, Independent, Hardworking, and Beautiful

For some reason it was hard this year to come up with five words.  After doing a lot of thinking, the words I came up with this year are:

Definitely and proud of it!  I am grateful for the opportunity to speak, read, and write in two languages.  I remember in college knowing that it was important but it wasn’t till I became a teacher that it made more of an impact.  Having this experience and knowledge allows me to help other students become bilingual too.  I could be trilingual since I do communicate with my cats.  Does that count?

I feel lots of feelings.  Various things make me happy, sad, angry, etc.  But aren’t we all emotional?  I have cried while reading “The Giving Tree”.  

I get the work done.  That could also be a bad thing because then I spend hours getting the work done.  But no matter what it is, my coworkers know that they can depend on me to get it done.  I know my family also depends on me for taking my mother to various doctor appointments (and she has quite a few). 

I may not have my own children but as a teacher I am responsible for 21 students.  They’re with me for about 6 hours each day.  That’s huge deal!  I also responsible for my 2 fur babies.  Also, I do as much as I can to make sure my mother has what she needs.  She is getting older and requires more assistance.

Saved the best for last!

Topic for next weekWould you rather do a short or long run?  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Some random thoughts and life updates

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Here are some random thoughts that have been on my mind lately.  I am doing OK.  Hanging in there and taking it day by day.  

💬  Hey there!  How is it that we are going on two years when everything changed?  I remember two years ago I was worried about all the hills in Atlanta.  I was running a half marathon and was not ready.  

💬  I love today’s date: 2-22-22!!  I had some fun activities for 2-2-22 (it was a remote learning day for us) and will be doing something similar today with my students.  

💬  Lately I’ve been in a weird mood.  I was doing really good with my Peloton and then suddenly felt unmotivated.  I was taking a bike class everyday since January 1 and then took a few days off.  I am not running (more on that later) so at least I am staying active on the bike.  My goal is to complete 300 Peloton rides.  As of yesterday I am at 252 rides.  I’ve had so much fun with Camila’s classes.  I’ve gotten a few PRs and a couple of badges.

💬  I’ve been struggling with a student in my class.  Due to his behavior I’ve had to call for assistance and my students and I have had to go to another room.  It has left me emotionally drained and exhausted.  I feel bad for him and for my students.

💬  My last run was on January 18.  I am over the cold weather and the snow (yesterday was a great day for running but I didn’t have time to run in the morning).  I see others running outside and I simply cannot do it.  I know, I know-it sounds like a bunch of excuses.  I know that having the proper gear makes a different and I have it all, but still no.  Some days I miss running and other days I do not.  

💬  I signed up for the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle!  It was $40 and it is one of my favorite races.  I am a little nervous but my goals are just to finish and have fun.  That is all I can do since running my last race almost two years ago.

💬  Do I still want to run a 50k this year?  Absolutely.  Not sure which one yet.  I am bummed I could not keep up with my training and run the original race I was planning to run on March 26.  Oh well, things happen for a reason.

💬  I bought some new shoes.  Have you seen the latest Brooks Ghost 14 shoes?  So cute!  But that’s it.  No more shoes this year.  😀  Someone take away my credit card.

Topic for next week – Five words to describe yourself.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My six favorite of 2021

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Your six favorites of 2021.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

What a year 2021 was!  It was full of ups and downs.  I managed to find joy in various things and here are some of my six favorite things of 2021.

⭐ Favorite Day.  It was the first day of school for the 2021-2022 school year – August 25th.

I’ve written about how the 2020-2021 school year was awful.  I was beyond happy when I found out that teachers and students were going back to the classroom.  Remote learning is a lot of work and it isn’t fun for teacher or students.  I made welcome bags for my students and was happy to see my classroom with students.  

⭐ Favorite Group Run.  I hope one day I can run with this group!  Thanks to Kim for putting this collage together.  We may not all be running together but at the same time we are.  Right, girls? 

⭐ Favorite Cat Photo. So many to pick from since I take many pictures of them.

Love my fur babies!  A coworker has 2 male kittens and it is tempting to bring them home.  However, I have no room in this apartment and I think Lola will run away if I bring two more kittens.  She already has to put up with Mateo.

⭐ Favorite Run.  August 28th when I completed my one year run streak.  

Favorite Purchase.  The Happy Planner.  Years ago my coworker told me about it but I never looked into.  Last year I saw another teacher post about it on Instagram and immediately went to Michaels to buy one.  Then I bought another one.  Then another one.  I have about 5 different ones but only use one.  I know I went overboard.  I have different tabs to organize my papers and I like how I have everything that I need for school and my students in one planner.  Saves me time as I don’t need to look in different places for one piece of paper.  

⭐ Favorite Thing I Found while Decluttering.  Two Winter coats!  I cannot remember the last time I wore these coats.  I have a few black jackets but like adding a bit of color once in a while.  It was hard to get a good picture but the blue coat is gorgeous.  I thought about donating them but I like them and will try to wear them more often.  They do bring me joy!

This was another fun topic.  It was great going through my photos to remember the good and not so good moments of 2021.  

Topic for next week –Next week is a FREE topic.  Feel free to write about any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: What’s on your Winter bucket list?

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What’s on your Winter bucket list?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I do wish I could tell you that I have signed up for a few races.  I have not.  I am still waiting for the weather to improve so I can resume running.  We are supposed to get more snow tomorrow.  🙄  One of my goals this year is to do 300 Peloton rides.  As of yesterday I am at 193 leaving me with 107 to go.  I thought about changing it to 400 but who knows how it will be once I start running again.  I know I won’t take a class everyday.  

These are not exactly bucket list items but they’re a few things I want to get done or continue this Winter.  

❄️  Continue to use the Peloton bike.  I know I’ve mentioned before that Camila is my favorite instructor.  I do prefer her Spanish classes than the English classes.  She has 85 classes and I’ve taken 35 leaving me with 50 more to go.  I cannot keep up with her!  Even if I take one of her classes per day I won’t be done till maybe May.  And then I also need to take into consideration her newer classes.  Why did I wait so long?

❄️  Look for another 50k.  I would like to do one in the Chicago area.  

❄️  Train and run the Fargo Half Marathon.  OK, so this one isn’t technically in the Winter but training needs to start soon (the race is May 21).  I am not signing up yet because I don’t know what the situation will be like in May.  I thought airfare would be more expensive but it isn’t.  I checked on Sunday and it was $318 roundtrip.  But add in hotel, a rental car, and race registration and I am looking at least $500.  I guess I shouldn’t complain since I haven’t paid for any races, lodging, etc., in 2 years.  My last race was in Atlanta in 2020.

❄️ The last item is this 🏠.  I know you are all tired of hearing me talk about it so I won’t.  

Topic for next week – Your six favorites of 2021.  Feel free to write about this or any running related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

Tuesday Topics

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