This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic. Feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
My word for 2021 was Joy. As much as we were all looking forward to 2020, it did not turn out to be like we expected. Now that it is 2022, will it be better? Who knows but like everyone else, I am tired. Simply tired of Covid and all of its variants (how many can there be?) and the effects on everyone. I thought 2021 was a bit better but not all great either. Still, I looked for joy in it. While it wasn’t easy I did find it.
My health. Luckily I did not encounter any health issues. I am grateful that I managed to stay away from the doctor or hospital (I did go for my annual physical exam and mammogram).
My students. It was a ROUGH year and I hated it. I started off the year teaching in a semi-empty classroom to having 22 students in my room. I did get frustrated many times but also had many fun moments. No matter what, they’re still kids.
My running. The beginning of 2021 was nonstop with snow and I hated it. However, I managed to still run everyday for my run streak. Running is what got me started in the morning. I love the solitude and being able to “forget” what was happening in the world.
Spending more time with my mom. Growing up we weren’t close. I never had that mother/daughter relationship that most people have. However, it has been different ever since her stroke. She is no longer independent and relies on her daughters to help her in many aspects. We spent HOURS listening to music while enjoying the warm days of Summer, we also watched TV, and cooked a lot. She now tells me that since I know how to cook, that I can get married. 🤣 🤣
My friends. Unfortunately, I did not spend too much time with them. However, I was still happy to get a message here and there knowing they were doing well.
My coworkers. I don’t know what I would do without them. They are always there for me. The 2nd grade team works very well together and we tackled many difficult tasks last year. 2021 was rough for many teachers but my coworkers sure made it a bit better. We talked and laughed a lot and made the best of it.
My cats. My fur babies!! They are the best. Too bad Lola and Mateo still do not get along. They’re both very different. Lola is more serious and loves following me around. Mateo is the trouble maker but still makes me laugh.
My iMac. It was the best thing I purchased for remote learning in 2020. I hate the small screen on my work computer. Last year I used it mostly to catch up on work. Now I have it in my classroom and hope I don’t get in trouble. No where does it say we cannot take our own devices but administrators like to make their own rules.
My Brooks shoes. I spent HOURS running in my Brooks shoes. I was done with my run streak in August so I ran everyday in them for almost 8 months.
My Oiselle long roga shorts. I love running in shorts and wear long rogas on all of my runs. I also ran many miles in these beautiful shorts. Another great pair are the Oiselle pocket joggers. They’re great for also storing my small water bottles. I’ve lost count but I think I have almost 30 pairs of the long rogas.
My MAC patent polish lip pencil in Ruby. These were discontinued in 2020 and I bought a whole bunch of them hoping to wear them in 2021. Unfortunately I didn’t because I rarely went anywhere and when I did I had a mask. My lip pencils are still in two boxes (yes I bought that many) and hopefully soon I can wear them.
Cooking with my mom. I’ve learned so much from her. We spent hours together and cooked many meals together. I do regret not doing this sooner but am glad I am doing this now.
My new car. I still miss my old car but I do love my new one. Now, if I only I can get it to stay clean. One of these days I will take it to get detailed. There is absolutely no reason why it isn’t clean inside. The best thing about my car is the remote starter. Though I did confess that I didn’t find out about it till months later. Haha, better late than never.
My running playlist. I love running with music. My playlist consists of Spanish and English music. Definitely a great combo! I use Amazon Music for my playlist and like adding new songs to it.
Making apple martinis. My favorite drink. I honestly do not know why I did not make them more last year. I did have a lot of wine.
My pens and highlighters. Ha, I have way too many pens but I use them a lot every day. It depends on my mood but sometimes I use black ink, then switch to purple, red, or blue. Oh, I also have those with glitter and those with a fruity scent.
Working with my coach. He is truly the best. Very patient with me. He has always been there for me when I have great and bad runs. He was also very supportive during my run streak.
My blogger friends. They’re truly the best group of running friends. Even though I haven’t met everyone (yet), I am so lucky they’re my friends. THANK YOU!
My family. I am grateful for the great times we had together. We ate. We laughed. We talked. We celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. Hopefully we can continue to do that this year.
Topic for next week – What’s on your Winter bucket list? Feel free to write about this or any running related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!