This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are some of your disastrous running costumes or race outfits? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
I’m deviating from this week’s topic to write about a day in the life of a teacher during remote learning. I will make it as exciting as possible! 😀
As you know, school is very different right now. In the beginning of the school year I worked from home. Then in January I taught in an empty classroom. Since March I’ve had 3 kids on various days in my classroom while still teaching online to the rest. It is a BIG mess and I do not like it. I know it needs to get done so I make the best of it.
Here is a typical day for me (I chose Tuesday):
5:30-7:30 AM
I get up and make coffee. Then I check my email. I also read blog posts and comments. Since it is Tuesday I make sure my post is up. Then I go out for my run. For the past couple of weeks, Tuesday has been a speed workout day and I run between 3-5 miles. Today it was 6 miles.
After my run I shower and get ready for work. I get my coffee and breakfast ready and head out the door.
7:30-8:30 AM
I arrive at school between 8-8:30am. I live 6 miles from my school and there is minimal traffic in the morning which makes it for an easy commute.
During this time I eat breakfast, drink coffee, check work email, and go to the bathroom. Then at 8:30am I go downstairs to get my students. I have 2 that come in on Tuesday and Wednesday and 1 student on Thursday and Friday.
8:30-8:50 AM
My students log in their computer and work on Imagine Math or Imagine Español. I finish up any last minute things that I need to do.
8:50-9:15 AM
I log in and then my students log in. I take attendance. We talk about what they did the day before. We go over the number of days we’ve been in school. This is all done via Google Slides. Last week I added two slides to include the last day of school and the number of days left of school. If time permits we also do “Would You Rather”. I check if anyone else has logged in and submit my attendance. I remind them to finish their breakfast and to take a bathroom break.

9:15-12:05 PM
The first subject is Reading. Currently we are reading John Chapman in Spanish. The book is originally in English but it is a difficult book for them to read and understand. Last year my coworker translated it and it is still difficult for most of them in Spanish. 🤦🏻♀️
Then we have Writing. We are working on revise and edit sentences/paragraphs. My students struggle with writing. Many do not write complete sentences. Many don’t start sentences with capital letters nor add punctuation at the end. It is very frustrating! The worst part is that they’ve been using their Chromebook for the past year and have not done any writing with pencil and paper.
Then we move on to Social Studies/Science. The last unit I taught was on “How can one people make a difference?” We talked about Garrett Morgan, Jane Addams, Luis Valdez, and Susan La Flesche Picotte. Even I learned about Susan!

The last subject I teach is Math. It is my favorite! We have an hour for it. I teach the lesson and then they work on their assignment. Last week we finished the unit on even/odd and arrays. Next week I will start the unit on fractions.
School with me ends at 12:05 pm. I tell my students to have a good lunch and afternoon and that I will see them the next day.
12:05-12:25 PM
We finish up. My two students use the bathroom one last time before going home (I do too). At 12:15 we go downstairs so they can go home. I stick around for door/playground duty until 12:25 pm. Then I go inside for lunch.
12:25-1:00 PM
Lunch time!
1:00-1:40 PM
Meeting time with my coworkers. Each week we alternate between Reading and Math. We talk about assessments, assignments, students, etc, etc. Sometimes we just vent on all of the BS that we have to do.
1:40-3:00 PM
I plan for the next day. I also review assignments. I talk to my coworkers. Sometimes I just put my head down and take a break.
After work I may stop at the store or go straight home. On a good day I am home by 3:30 pm but sometimes there is more traffic than usual and I am home at 4pm. Then I take a quick nap or rest for a bit before taking a Peloton bike class.

Afterwards I shower and eat dinner while reading blog posts. Sometimes I skip the blog posts and watch TV. That is why sometimes I am very late is reading and responding to comments. 😬 By 9pm I am tired. I give my cats a snack and go to bed.

How did I do? Is my day exciting? I realize the schedule is not ideal for students because I don’t spend enough time teaching the various subjects. There have been many complaints about it. However, I have NO complaints about it.