Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: My running or race pet peeves

Hey there!  It is Tuesday again and time for another fun topic to discuss.  I am actually excited about this one and hope that you still like me after reading my post.  🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are your running or race pet peeves?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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Time to rant!  

• Runners that post their pace all of the time.  Maybe I am jealous because I will never be fast like them.  I know some people that post their Garmin AND Strava paces after each run.  I know someone that will just post her “fast” time.  Seriously?  No one cares about your pace but you.  That reminds me that I need to stop posting it in my blog too.  🙂


• Walkers that start in the front of a race.  I’ve been in a few races in which I’ve crossed the start line and immediately see walkers.  Now, there is nothing wrong with walking in a race but shouldn’t they start at the back of the race?

• Runners that make sudden stops.  There’s been a few times in which I am running and the person in front of me decides to stop to either walk, fix their shorts, or tie their shoelaces.  Move to the right side!

• Runners that take up the whole path.  Ugh, so annoying.  Sometimes the path isn’t wide enough so we have to run either single file or by twos.  Yeah, some people think they own the path.

• Dog owners that don’t leash their dogs.  I know I am a cat person but do like dogs.  However, I don’t like it when I am running and there is a dog with no leash and its owner is nearby.  I dislike it even more when said dog runs towards me.  I don’t care that it is a small dog or that he is friendly and won’t bite me.  

• Runners that blast their music.  I wear headphones so that only I can hear the music.  I hate it when runners run with a small radio so that everything around them could hear it too.  Just no.

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• Runners that talk non stop during  a race.  You know how I feel about talking while running.  But must you need to talk throughout the whole race?

Talking Blah Blah Blah GIF by Wiz Khalifa - Find & Share on GIPHY

Haha, I have quite a few.  Are any of these YOUR pet peeves or am I just a weird person?
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Tuesday Topics: I love taper time

Hey there!  Happy Tuesday again!

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Taper time, love it or hate?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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What’s not to like about taper time?  I for one do love it and always looked forward to it when I was training for a marathon.  

Cat Running GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

So what is taper time and what is the big deal with it?  Tapering starts right after completing your last long run (which is usually 20-23 miles but depending on your training plan and/or coach).  During this time you reduce the mileage each week allowing you to rest and recover and be ready for marathon day.  Many runners think that during this time they lose fitness because of the reduced mileage.  That is not true. 

Many other great things happen during taper. Tapering allows muscle glycogen stores to return to peak levels.  Metabolic enzymes, antioxidants, and various hormones, depleted during training, return to their optimal ranges.  Muscle and connective tissues repair and strengthen.  And, the body’s immune system improves dramatically too.  In short, tapering allows your body to prepare for peak performance.” (Source:

During this time people notice a weight gain of 2 to 4 pounds.  Basically it is carbohydrate and water being stored which you will need as you run 26.2 miles.  

What else can you do during this time?
• Drink plenty of fluids and cut down on alcohol and caffeine.
• Protein is your friend.  Have more of it.  
• Eat more food with complex carbohydrates but also include traditional sources of it like rice, fruit and legumes.  

GO RUN 26.2 MILES!!!

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So what is your opinion, love or hate taper time?
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Tuesday Topics: How I stay fit with in-home workouts

Whew!  How is it again Tuesday?  How is the weather where you live?  Last week we had some cool Fall weather which I love.  However, it did warm up a bit yesterday and then today and tomorrow it is supposed to be even warmer.  Definitely some crazy weather here.

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  No gym access? How do you stay fit with in-home workouts?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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I’ve been trying to be a fit person.  Ever since I started running in 2005, I’ve mainly focused on running.  I know I should be doing more but for some reason or another (more like excuses), I don’t do it.  I do love reading about other bloggers and their workouts whether at home or at the gym.  

Candy Whatever GIF by M&M’S Chocolate - Find & Share on GIPHY

Due to plantar fasciitis, I haven’t been able to run.  I have been foam rolling and stretching.  I bought a Strassburg sock to wear at night and also use orthotics in a pair of running shoes.  I don’t run in them but wear them on my way to and after school.  It does feel better but still I want to take it easy so that this injury goes away for good.

A month ago I got a Peloton bike.  So many people raved about it and I can see why.  I love the convenience of waking up in the morning and within 5-10 minutes being able to start a class or workout.  There are so many classes/workouts to choose from depending on the instructor, length, class type, and music.  So far my favorites are the ones with 80s music.  This is the perfect activity to do while I recover.

A few weeks ago my doctor diagnosed me with runner’s knee.  Symptoms include pain in and around the kneecap or rubbing, grinding, or a clicking sound when you bend and strengthen the knee.  The latter is what I have.  It was so weird to hear a clicking sound and I remember it used to freak me out.  Now I am used to it.  My doctor gave me a couple of exercises to do to strengthen the muscles that support the knee.  He also asked me to wear a knee brace while running.  I will confess that sometimes I get bored with the exercises but I know in the long run it is for my own good.  I am not consistent with them and that is why it is taking me longer to get better.  However, my knee does not click as much anymore and that is definitely a good thing.  

Every day I try to do something different whether it is a plank, tricep dips, wall pushups, or kettlebell swings.  I remember last year I did a 30 day challenge but only made it halfway through.  They’re definitely not easy to do.  Maybe I should try again.  No burpees for this girl.  Those I will save for later.  🙂

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It isn’t perfect and definitely not consistent.  I am not as fit as I would like to be but I am trying.  What are some of your favorite at home workouts to stay fit?
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Tuesday Topics: My Fall race schedule

Hello there!  Welcome to September.  Finally my favorite season will be here.  Although here in Chicago it already feels like Fall and I am LOVING it

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s your Fall race schedule?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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My next race is the Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon on October 20.  My training has not been going like I wanted it to go but I am excited to run a race in a new state.  I am more excited about running to/in Canada (although I’ve read that the tunnel is about a mile long and it is HOT in there).  I have 7 weeks to go so I think I will be ready?  🙂

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Another race is the Kiawah Island Golf Resort Half Marathon on December 14.  I have airfare taken care of but still need to find a place to stay.  It is expensive to stay on the island.  I am thinking of maybe staying in Charleston and renting a car.  Hopefully I’ll find someone that already has a hotel room and is willing to share it with me.

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I was hoping to finish my 50 states goal next year in Hawaii.  The plan was to run in 3 states in August but I had to cancel due to my plantar fasciitis.  I have races planned out for most of the remaining states but still need WY, SD, and ND.  Any suggestions?  Perhaps one I can in November or January?

2020 Kona Half Marathon-1What is on your schedule?  Do you enjoy running in the Fall season?
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Tuesday Topics: My bucket list races

Hey there!  It is Tuesday again and almost the end of August.  The days and weeks are definitely going by too fast.  September is around the corner and that will leave us with 4 months left for 2019.  🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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To date I’ve run over 150 races ranging from 5ks and ultra marathons.  I’ve also done two relay races (Ragnar Relay Chicago and Illinois Marathon Relay).  Right now I am focusing on completing my goal of running a half marathon in each state.  I have 10 more to go.  However, there are a few races I would love to run one day.

Boston Marathon
It seems like almost every runner would love to do this race.  However, the qualifying times still make it difficult for me.  Remember, I am a “slow” turtle.  Right now I need a 3:55 to qualify but most likely need a 3:50 to maybe guarantee a spot.  A big maybe.

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Marine Corps Marathon
I’ve run this race before but now I would like to run it “officially”.  Enough said, you get my point.  Once I am done with my goal, this is the marathon I plan to run.

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Credit Union Cherry Blossom 10-Miler
I love running in DC and enjoy 10 mile races.  These two make the perfect race.  I know so many people that have run this race and have enjoyed it.  I want to be a part of it too.  Next year’s race will be on April 5th with the lottery opening up in early December.  A lottery for a 10 miler race?  Yep, it is that popular.

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Little Rock Marathon
I ran the half marathon in 2013 but when I saw the medal for the marathon, I knew I had to go back one day and run the marathon.  That thing is as big as your face! 


Yes, only 4 races on my list.  Have you run any of those races?  What’s on your bucket list?
Tuesday Topics

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