Category: Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down: Recovery week and not running happy

Happy Sunday!  I am so glad it is finally getting warmer here.  Yesterday it got as high as 50 degrees and today it went up to over 60 degrees.  It feels like Spring is around the corner.

I did not run one single day this week.  After my half marathon in Atlanta last week, it took me a few days to recover.  I was hurting a lot.  It hurt to walk and also when getting up in the morning.  I felt like I had just run a marathon.  The feeling was also similar to when I ran the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon in October.  Anyway, I knew I was going to be sore for a few days since I did train properly and the course was very hilly.  🙂

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My legs felt better by Thursday but my body wanted to sleep.  And that is what I did.  I was also more hungry than usual.  

I was off on Monday due to Casimir Pulaski Day.  I was glad to be off but honestly don’t understand why we are off.  I would rather work that day and get out of school one day earlier.  This year our last day is Friday, June 5th.  I went to get a haircut, did laundry, and finished some work.  My babies kept me company.

This week we did several fun activities to celebrate Dr. Seuss!  He is one of our favorite authors.  We colored, watched a movie, and made some hats.  I realized I did not take pictures of the activities.  🙁

I don’t know if I mentioned this but last month I applied to be on the Brooks Run Happy team.  Sad news but I was not selected.  Am I sad and disappointed?  Yes!  It was on my running wish list from last year.  I was so happy to find out that Brooks opened up the application process and anyone could apply to be on the team.  I know thousands applied but don’t know how many were selected.  Notification emails were sent on Monday and I know of two girls that were selected.  Since I didn’t receive a rejection email, a little part of me thought that maybe I was on the “backup” list.  Nope.  I found out on Friday that I wasn’t selected.  Apparently there was a problem with Brooks’ email notification system and that is why many people were not notified.  I found out from someone at BibRave.  

Anyway, moving on.  Life still goes on.  🙂  I still like their shoes and will continue to buy them.

My next half marathon is the Garmin Oz Half Marathon in Olathe, KS on April 18.  It will be state #44.  After that race I will be going to Boston to spectate the marathon.  I am looking forward to it!  However, I’ve read that there is a possibility that it could be cancelled?  NO!  After running in Kansas, I will be going to Fargo, ND for state #45.

Have you run either of those marathons?  I know KS is hilly and ND is flat but that is all I know.  What to join me on either or both races?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: The Olympic Marathon Trials Edition

I did not run one single day this week.  I did rest as much as I could while getting things ready at school for my days off.  Since I was planning two days worth of work for the substitute teacher, I decided to also work on my sub tub/emergency plans.  While I did finish my sub tub, I did not finish my emergency plans.  Oh well, next time.

Sub tub-1.jpgFriday morning I took a 7:10am flight to Atlanta.  It was a quick flight and landed earlier than expected.  Saw this at the airport and just wanted to share it with you.

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I shared an Uber with another Oiselle friend from Ohio.  It took us maybe 20 minutes to get to the hotel (we stayed at the Atlanta Hilton).  We quickly got our key and then went to get something to eat.  There we met up with our roommates.  There were a total of 5 of us.  I was sharing a room with one of them and the other 3 were in another room.  Then we went to the expo to get our bib and to listen to a panel discussion.  The discussion was moderated by Mary Wittenberg and featured Alison Desir, Kara Goucher, Kara Finley, and Sally Bergesen.

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I was not impressed with the expo.  Hardly anything but why am I complaining since I rarely buy anything.  I did sign up for the Clif Bar newsletters and I got 3 different bars.  As I was leaving I saw Kim and Charlyn.  

Then we went back to the hotel.  It was cold and windy.  Oh, and lots of hills which I knew but still made me nervous.

That evening we went to Monday Night Brewery for a casual get together with other Oiselle friends.  I wasn’t planning to stay too long since I was tired, but we ended up staying till about 9pm.  I had one beer and a beef brisket sandwich and they were both yummy!

The next morning there was a shakeout run with Kara Goucher sponsored by Clean Sport Collective.  I did not run but there were so many people there.

Then it was off to spectate!  Spectating a race is fun.  Spectating a marathon gives me chills.  Spectating the Marathon Olympic Trials is a very different feeling.  Unbelievable.  AMAZING.  Lots of goosebumps.  Chills.  Yep, you name it.  I will post pictures and videos so you can see for yourself.

The way the course was set up allowed us to see the runners six times.  Yes, 6!!

There were so many runners.  What made me more happy was that there were twice as many women than men!!!!  I was rooting for Desi to make it on the team but that didn’t happen.  Hard to believe she missed it by 11 seconds.  I will be rooting for her at the Boston Marathon next month.

This morning I will be running the half marathon.  Maybe by the time you read this post, I would have finished or will still be running.  I have no finish time goal but just to finish it and to have fun.  Did I mention it is a HILLY course?  I read that there are 23 hills in the course for the half marathon.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Race week and “taper” mode

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It is race week!  I ran one day and took it easy the rest of the week.  I felt some discomfort in my right quad.  Ugh!  I am annoyed about it but there isn’t much I can do about it.  Not sure if and when I will run this week before my race.

I was off today and went to the gym.  Watched “Narcos Mexico” while running.  Felt good but tired at the end.

Not a very exciting week.  Good news is that I cancelled my hotel reservation in Atlanta and will be sharing a room with another Oiselle friend.  At least now I will have some company and my hotel cost won’t be expensive.  School was the same with my students.  I have my days when I like my job and then also days when I don’t.  

While I am excited for Summer break, the other day I applied to teach summer school.  I wasn’t going to do it but then decided to go for it since the work is easier than during the regular school year, there are fewer hours and fewer students.  Plus, it is nice to earn some extra cash.

I went to see a house on Monday and I was so disappointed.  It was a good price but it needed a lot of work.  I don’t mind fixing a few things here and there but this house required a whole lot more.  I found out the other day that the owners have accepted an offer.  I did not think it would sell that fast since really I thought it was a horrible house.  Anyway, back to looking.  The goal is to move this summer.  I don’t know how much longer my landlord will allow me to continue living in the apartment.

Thursday was National Love Your Pet Day.  Both of my cats are rarely together and when they are, I make sure to take a picture.

How was your week?  I am sure it was much more exciting than mine.  🙂

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Three runs this week and 2 more weeks

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Hey there!  I hope you all had a great week.  Last week I wrote about how I did not feel well.  I didn’t get a cold and I feel so much better.  Maybe I just needed to rest?  I have a race in two weeks and I absolutely cannot get sick.

I don’t remember too much about this run.  I just know I did run.

WEDNESDAY:  4.33 miles
I wanted to do 10×400 intervals with 400m recovery.  I did 8 and each recovery was less than 1/4 mile.  Felt good but got tired towards the end.  This rarely happens but my Garmin showed the mileage as the treadmill.  I was actually shocked. 

It was not my day at the gym.  I wanted to run 4 miles but got to the gym late.  I started watching “Narcos Mexico” but honestly could not even get excited about it.  Also, I need to wake up earlier since I’ve noticed that it takes me a little bit longer to get out of the house.  

Two more weeks till the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon.  I am excited but also nervous about it.  While I am not 100% ready/trained for it, I am more ready for it than I was for the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon.  The goal is to finish it.  It will be state #43 for me.

Overall not my best week.  Since I didn’t do a long run this weekend, the plan is to do it tomorrow morning.  A little off schedule but that is OK.  Also, I have an appointment with my agent to see a house so cross your fingers that it goes well.  

How was your week?  Anyone planning to go to Atlanta to spectate the Olympic Trials and/or run the half or marathon?  A friend of mine was planning to go and share the hotel cost but now cannot make it anymore.  Let me know if you want to share a room.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Sick again and a favorite treadmill

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Hey there!  I hope you all had a great week.  Mine was OK because I got sick again.  So far this year hasn’t been kind to me.  Oh well.  Enough complaining and let me tell you about my week.

It just wasn’t my day at the gym.  I got there later than usual since I was in the bathroom longer than expected.  Yeah, I ate way too much on Sunday.  Monday was the day the workers decided to clean the treadmill which meant the one I use was not available.  I got on a different one but it was shaking the whole time and that wasn’t pleasant.  I moved to another one and the same thing happened.  Finally, “my” treadmill was available but by then it was time to go.  Oh well, at least something instead of nothing.


WEDNESDAY:  1.5 miles
I was tired and just could not get into my run.  I stopped my watch and when I tried to save my run, I accidentally deleted it.  I couldn’t believe it!  I don’t think that had ever happened to me.  Oh well.  Not a big deal since I manually added it.  I don’t remember exactly the distance but it was around 1.5 miles so that is what I am going by.

That night I went out with friends for dinner.  Yummy but I was so full and sleepy by the time I got home.  Oh and more snow that evening.  🙁

Again at the gym to run 4 miles.  Actually felt really good which made me happy but I was exhausted by 2pm.

I thought about running outside but it was still dark when I was ready to head out.  Back to the gym and my favorite treadmill was available.  I watched a few episodes of “Money Heist”.  I was wrong the first time I wrote about it.  There are 3 SEASONS (not episodes) so I was happy to continue watching the show.  Planet Fitness had Einstein bagels for its guests and I grabbed two.

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When I saw this I stopped running.  I was like WTF!!!!

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My poor kitty when I woke up.  Even he was still sleepy.  🙂


This was a weird week.  I kept sneezing and coughing but it did not feel like a cold.  I drank Emergen-C with warm water before going to bed each night and that helped.  Saturday morning I woke up queasy.  I had a light breakfast and then in the afternoon went out to lunch with my coworker.  Afterwards I still was not feeling well.  Still queasy and bloated.  I was so uncomfortable pretty much all day.  I am feeling so much better so that is a relief.

How was your week?  Do you have a favorite treadmill or workout machine at the gym?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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