How is it that it is almost the end of June? And then it will be halfway through the year. The past few months have been interesting and challenging. As I mentioned in this post, my mother had a stroke at the end of March, and our lives completely changed. Luckily she is doing better and we are taking it day by day.
I am on summer break but also working summer school. That sounds weird. Or should it be that my summer break will start when I am done with summer school? By the way my last day is July 3rd.
I did a Day in the Life of a Teacher post in 2016. I decided to do another one now that I am done with the regular school year. I hope it isn’t too boring. 🙂
Here is a typical day for me (I chose Tuesday):
4:30-5:00 AM
I haven’t been sleeping well so I wake up at this time. I remember when I needed an alarm to wake me up. I make coffee and get ready for my run. Sometimes I do an easy run (4-5 miles) or a speed workout.
Since it is Tuesday I double check my Tuesday Topics post and publish it.
6:00-6:30 AM
Depending on my run I get home around this time. I shower and get ready. I also make more coffee and my breakfast (usually overnight oats with fruit or greek yogurt with fruit). I get to school by 7. There is NO reason why I should get to school at 7. I guess it is just a habit.
7:00-8:15 AM
I check email, Facebook, and Instagram. I also chat with some coworkers. Sometimes I put my head down for a little bit to rest.
8:15-9:00 AM
I go downstairs to wait for my students. I started with 14. Then I had 12. Then 13 and now I have 12 again. 🙂 We then go inside to get breakfast and take it upstairs to the classroom. The students eat breakfast while watching “The Magic School Bus”. They love it. I take attendance and get my copies ready for the day.
9:00-10:00 AM
We have reading and small group instruction. Six of my students cannot read and I sit with them to help out as much as I can. I think reading in Spanish is “easy” because it is phonetic, but I guess it is difficult for some of them.

10:00-10:10 AM
Break time! We either do a GoNoodle, go outside to the courtyard, or down to the STEAM Room.

10:10-11:00 AM
I do a math mini lesson and also have small group instruction.
11:00-11:50 AM
The students work on an art project. They use tempera paint, watercolors, markers, crayons, felt, and tissue paper for their project. They are very creative and I love seeing their work.

I want to make colored pasta for my students. I think they will love it.

11:50 AM-12:00 PM
The students get ready to go home. We then head downstairs. Half of my students get on a bus to go home and the other half have parents waiting for them outside.
12:00-12:15 PM
I go back inside to use the restroom and sign out. Then I head over to my mom’s.
1:00-8/8:30 PM
I am usually there by 1pm and that is when the caregiver goes home. My mom is eating lunch so I join her. When she is done I make sure she takes her medicine and then we take a nap. 🙂 My mother takes medicine 3x a day.
After our nap we watch TV, go to the store, or do errands. We take advantage whenever we have nice weather to be outside. Last week we went to Lake Katherine because it was finally nice enough to go there. We were there for about 2 hours. Sometimes she isn’t in the mood to go anywhere so we stay home.
At about 6 or so we have dinner. I wash the dishes while my mother watches TV. Sometimes she likes to sit in the balcony and listens to music. If there is time I’ll check the post for comments and respond back.
At 8 she takes her bedtime medicine. I also give her an insulin injection and check her glucose level. We check her glucose level 3x a day and write it down in a sheet of paper. We started doing this because her doctor asked as to. She also wanted us to inject her with 5 units of Novolog (a rapid-acting insulin) before every meal. We no longer give her Novolog but still keep a record of her glucose level. We’re hoping that based on the daily numbers we won’t have to check her glucose level 3x a day.
I hate having to prick her fingers to check her glucose level. Currently she has the FreeStyle Libre which is a “small, water-proof, fully disposable sensor worn on the arm. When scanned over the sensor, the reader shows a real-time glucose reading.” It is easy to use and we don’t have to prick her fingers. However, it is expensive. I paid about $150 for the reader and the sensor. The sensor is only good for 14 days and then it needs to be replaced. Since we already have the reader, for the next time we only need to buy the sensor.

Between 8-8:30 pm I pack up my things and go home. I get there around 9. I wash my breakfast container and coffee mug and go to sleep. It’s been a very long day.
During the school year I would leave school at 3 and get to my mom’s at 4. I blame it on traffic. 🙂 I do this on Tuesdays and Thursday. I also go on Saturday morning after my long run and spend the night there. Then I go home on Sunday evening.
This routine leaves me exhausted. I am not complaining but simply stating why I am constantly tired. It definitely does not help that I have not been sleeping well. I know how important sleep is and how much better I feel and function when I get enough sleep.

My runs help me focus and think. My runs are my ME time. I look forward to them. Sometimes I think about everything going on in my life and sometimes I just focus on the music. I have a running playlist on Amazon Prime but recently started listening to Pandora. I have a station (is that what it is called?) that I like but I hate the ads/commercials. It is tempting to upgrade it to skip the ads.
Thanks again to everyone for your support and encouragement.

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic. Feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!