Three Things Thursday-May 9, 2013

1.  I got my latest medal from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Series.

Three Things Thursday-May 9, 2013

2.  I am participating in two challenges-squats and planks.  The planks are not so bad but the squats are BRUTAL.  I may or may not sign up for another squat challenge anytime soon.  Ask me in a couple of months.

Three Things Thursday-May 9, 2013
Source: Pinterest
3.  I registered today for the L.A.T.E. Ride on June 29th-30th.  It is a 25 mile bike ride that goes through various Chicago neighborhoods.  Finally another item to cross off this list.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, April 29-May 5, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 6 x 400 (400 RI)

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
Done.  Ran these in my new running shoes and new shorts.  No pain with the shoes.  As for the shorts, a little tight around the waist but maybe I was just feeling bloated/fat that day?  I hope so.  I will wear them for another run and then decide if I will keep or return them.

Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I ran 6.34 miles which includes the 10 minutes of walking.  I was just not feeling it.  It had been a long and tough week at work.  My students were misbehaving galore!!!  I was supposed to drive to Iowa for a half marathon yesterday but decided not to go.  Instead, I slept in both yesterday AND today and it feels really good.

Total miles ran this week is 15.34.

Three Things Thursday-May 2, 2013

1.  I received the email below.  The half marathon in Pittsburg was cancelled.  Dang, that would have been my race in PA.  Luckily, there is another race in Philadelphia in September so I registered for that race.

Three Things Thursday-May 2, 2013

2.  To top it off I also found out that the Cleveland race has been moved from Saturday, October 5th to Sunday, October 6th.  What else is Rock ‘n’ Roll going to change?  I don’t mind it too much because now I can leave for Cleveland on Saturday and not take a day off on Friday.  When I found out I changed my airline and hotel reservation.  I had to pay a little bit more for my return flight to Chicago but got a hotel closer to the start/finish line.

3.  I’ve read great reviews about the Eugene Marathon that took place last weekend.  I wished I would have ran it this year but now I am determined to make my way over there next year.  For a great race recap read Kim’s at (Just) Trying is for Little Girls.

Just Keep Running!

April 2013 in Review

This month I ran 71.64  miles compared to 85.68 last month.

I ran two half marathons:   Run Raleigh and Rock ‘n’ Roll Country Music Half Marathon.  Raleigh was warm and sunny and Nashville was cold and it rained all throughout the race.  Very different!

My races in May are the Rock ‘n’ Roll Portland Half Marathon on May 19th and Boston’s Run to Remember on May 26th.  Both races should be fun and I am looking forward to both of them!

Today was my last run with my Brooks PureConnect.  I bought these in the beginning of January but began running in them either mid January or beginning of February.  Regardless, I think I’ve put in about 200 or so miles. On Sunday I went to Fleet Feet Chicago and bought the Mizuno Wave Elixir. Love the colors!

April in Review

I have not taken a bikram yoga class yet.  I am very disappointed in myself but plan to start soon. To date I’ve ran four Rock ‘n’ Roll races so these medals should be in my possession soon.


April in Review


Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon

Done, state #17.

I got in Nashville after 4pm.  I wasn’t sure whether to call for a shuttle or take a cab to the hotel but my new friend Laura told me that a friend of a friend (Jeff) was at the airport with a car and could give me a ride to the hotel.  Sweet!  Perfect timing too!

He was going first to the expo so I went with him.  I did not wait long for my bib which was nice. Check out the cool bracelet I received!



I love Rock ‘n’ Roll expos but I’ve been to a few of them and didn’t need/want anything.  We walked around and saw Frank Shorter.  I had to take a picture with him.


Later that night Laura and I went out for dinner.  We stopped at The Old Spaghetti Factory but the wait was 45 minutes.  We left our name on the wait list but left to check out other restaurants and possibly get a beer.  We ended up at Rock Bottom Brewery and ate dinner there and drank beer.


Wake up time on race day was 5:15 am.  The hotel was nice enough to offer race participants a ride to the start line.  We went down a little after 6 and waited in line for about an hour.  I was a little annoyed because I don’t like waiting but was glad I did because at least I waited indoors and not at the start line since it was raining.


The rain damped my mood.  It rained all through the race.  I wore shorts, short sleeve shirt, light jacket, and a plastic bag.  I made a mental note that I had to purchase a water resistant jacket (I bought one on Sunday).  I chafed in many places and was in pain when I took a shower.

My goal was to finish in less than 2:30.  Finish time was 2:29:39!!!  And yes another hilly course. Obviously if it hadn’t rain that much then the race experience would have been so much better!

My mile splits were:
Miles 1 through 4-10:12, 10:39, 12:10, 12:39
Miles 5 through 8-11:43, 10:24, 10:48, 12:16
Miles 9 through 12-11:18, 10:41, 11:28, 11:18
Mile 13-12:38

The best part of this race/trip was meeting Laura.  She is such a sweet and amazing person!  She ran the full marathon and finished in 3:55:26.