Weekly Workouts, April 22-28, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 5 x 1000 (400 RI)
Done.  Love these repeats!

Thursday – Yoga
My plan was to go to Bikram Yoga River North.  I even checked the schedule and there is a class scheduled at 4:30pm.  I get off work at 3 so I knew I would make it on time.  However, on Thursday the negotiation team met after school.  The teacher contract we put together earlier this month was voted down.  The plan now is to come up with a new/revised contract.  It is a lot of work but also rewarding.

Saturday – Half Marathon
I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon.  It rained all through the race.  I was miserable.

Total miles ran this week is 19.45.

Weekly Workouts, April 15-21, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 2 x 1200 (2 min RI) and 4 x 800 (2 min RI)
Done.  I ran these on the treadmill at 7.5 which equals to an 8:00 mile.  I struggled with the 1200s but did good with the 800s.

Thursday – 1 mile easy, 2 miles @ mid tempo, 1 mile easy, 2 miles @ mid tempo, 1 mile easy
Done.  Ran these on the treadmill at 6.8 which equals to an 8:49 mile.  I was soaking wet when I was done! Also, I ran in a new pair of Brooks shorts.

Saturday – 8 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
Done.  Ran these at 6.6 which equals to an 9:05 mile.  My legs were still sore from this week so I took a few walking breaks.

Total miles ran this week is 20.91.

Run Raleigh Half Marathon

Done, state #16.  Read the post about the packet pick up here.

My official finish time is still to be determined.  I’ve been back and forth with someone from the race and he has informed me that my finish time is 2:25:48 but yet on the website it is listed as 2:26:40.  I know it is just a minute but the former is close to the time on my Garmin watch too.

Weekly Workouts, April 8-14, 2013

On Sunday morning my alarm went off at 6am and I cursed the 7am start time.  Of course I got over that once I was dressed and drank coffee.  I was thankful too because by the time I was done it was sunny and very warm.


Run Raleigh was a small race.  I lined up in the middle because I wanted to be as close as possible to the 2:15 pace group.  Of course the race was hilly! I decided to just deal with them.  Why get all worked up and frustrated about them?  They’re challenging and make the races a little bit more exciting.  I have to embrace them and love them too.  OK, maybe not love but at least like them right?

I need to learn to pace myself.  I always start off too fast and then end up paying for it at the end.  My mile splits are:

Miles 1 through 4-9:57, 10:06, 10:32, 10:22 Not too bad here.
Miles 5 though 8-10:03, 11:07, 10:17, 10:34 Pretty good here except mile 6.
Miles 9 through 12-12:02, 12:19, 11:42, 12:43 Tired and am running slow.
Mile 13 through 13.18-12:36, 1:32

The course was a combination of running along the streets of Raleigh and through various trails.  I did like the trails because it provided shade but it was not even pretty or exciting to look at.  Thank goodness I had my music to distract me.

There was no GU at all.  Not even candy, oranges, or some other kind of sweets.  There was water and Gatorade at various stops along the way.  The volunteers were great!

I knew I was close to the finish line when I passed my hotel which was about 4 blocks away.  Then it was mostly going up and down various times. Towards the end it was a long stretch slightly downhill. Loved it!  I felt like I was flying!!


I was so happy to cross the finish line.  I was hot, sore and tired.  I then walked back to my hotel but had to sit on the steps for a few minutes to rest.  As for the medal?  I think it is OK.  Nothing great or fancy.


Next race is Rock ‘n Roll Nashville on April 26 where I will finally meet Laura from Absolut(ly) Fit.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, April 8-14, 2013

I still cannot wrap around my head the tragedy that took place today in Boston.  I am still speechless. Running in the Boston Marathon is pretty much every runner’s dream.  The tragedy today did NOT shatter that dream for me. It has made me even more determined to qualify for this prestigious race. One day I will cross that finish line with a huge smile on my face.

Weekly Workouts, April 8-14, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 10 x 400 (90 sec RI)
Done.  I am loving these 400s!!  I felt really good afterwards.  I ran these on the treadmill at a 7.5 speed which is an 8 minute mile.

Thursday – 2 miles easy, 3 miles @ short tempo, 1 mile easy
I did not run.  I wanted to give my legs a rest before the half marathon on Sunday.  I am thinking of going to bikram yoga on the Thursday before race day weekend.

Saturday – 9 miles at HMP, 10 minutes walking
I ran 13.18 in Raleigh, NC.  It was another hilly race.  The course was boring too.  It was a beautiful day and perfect for a race.

According to my Garmin my finish time of 2:25:50.  However, my official finish time from the website is 2:26:40.  That makes no sense.  Or does it?

Weekly Workouts, April 8-14, 2013


Total miles ran this week is 18.68.

Run Raleigh Half Marathon Packet Pickup

Today I am in sunny and warm Raleigh for a half marathon tomorrow.  My hotel is 4 blocks from the start line.  Very convenient.

When I checked in the front desk clerk gave me the Hilton’s signature cookie.  I mentioned that I was running a half marathon the next day and she gave me another cookie.  Yes, that made me happy!


After I left my suitcase in my room I walked over to David’s Dumpling & Noodle Bar for lunch. Unfortunately it was closed.  What?!?!  So, I went next door to Players Retreat.  I ordered a grilled cheese and fries.  I couldn’t wait to get out of there.  The service was bad and there was a smell that I could not put my finger on but it was just horrible.

There was no expo but just a packet pick up at Capital Run Walk.  This is what I got at packet pick up–just a shirt and a bib.


The store offered a 20% discount to those with a bib.  So, I looked around and found two Brooks shirts.  I love their stuff!  I found a pair of shorts (Brooks Women’s Versatile 5″ Woven Shorts) but decided to order them instead from Running Warehouse.  The reason being just in case they don’t fit well or I don’t like them then I can send them back.


I walked next door to a Hallmark store.  I looked around for a coffee mug and found one for me.


The race starts at 7am so I should be ready and out the door by 6:45 or so. As for the weather it will be in the 50s tomorrow morning.  🙂

Now, it is time for dinner and to get my stuff ready for tomorrow.

Just Keep Running!