1. Tomorrow is the last day of school! Can you tell I’m excited? I have been waiting for this day since my first day back from Spring Break in April. My students will be in class for one hour and then I can leave 20 minutes later. Except, I won’t go home. I need to help tally some survey results for our teacher contract. Then I will head out to pick up my nephew, Ivan, whose last day of school is also on Friday. We have so many exciting things to do this summer. Our first one is Six Flags Great America on Monday. Also, one of my goals this summer is to organize my medals. Do I have enough or what?
2. Last year I participated in my first Ragnar and had a blast! Unfortunately, this year I cannot participate because of school. See #1 above. I am truly jealous of those running it this year. I will be volunteering for it. I am looking forward to being “behind the scenes” and to see the runners in action. I will be at Exchange 35 (Northwestern University) from 6:30 am – 12:45 pm. Not sure what I was thinking in signing up for a shift that early. Oh well.
3. Yesterday was National Running Day and so I ran one mile with my nephew. He is such a cute little kid. He told me no jogging. He did not jog. What did he do? He ran fast, got tired, and had to walk. That was OK. We still had fun. A few years back he did a few small races but now has retired. I am hoping he gets that running bug again.

Just Keep Running!