Weekly Workouts, January 14-20, 2013

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 6 x 400 (400 RI)
Thursday – 1 mile easy, 2 miles @ mid tempo, 1 mile easy, 2 miles @  mid tempo, 1 mile easy
Did not do this.  I had a meeting at school till 8:30 and was too tired to run afterwards.
Saturday – Half Marathon
Done but ran on Sunday instead of Saturday.Total ran this week was 18.17.

The speed workouts were easier than my warm up.  Weird!  I set the treadmill at 5.8 to warm up and had to stop and walk because I could not keep up with it.  I ran the next 6 x 400 repeats alternating between 6.9 and 7.0.

Yesterday I ran the Rock ‘n’ Roll Arizona Half Marathon.  Great race and awesome weather!!  I will write a recap in the next day or so.

Right now I have a cold.  🙁  Thank goodness I have the day off so I can rest, grade papers, and watch the Presidental Inauguration.

Just Keep Running!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Expo in Arizona

I LOVE their expos!!!

I bought a Brooks shirt, Pro Compression socks, two Bondi Band headbands, SnuggBuds headphones, and a pink Fellow Flower.

I saw Frank Shorter but almost did not recognize him because of his beard. I think he is a handsome man but the beard is a no no.

For the first time I had the Gatorade Cucumber Lime flavor. Delicious!!!

For sure I am looking forward to the next expo in St. Petersburg next month. Let’s see what I buy there.

Just Keep Running!

Weekly Workouts, January 7-13, 2013

Thanks to my new book, Run Less Run Faster, I’ve developed a training plan for this year.  Yes, this whole year.  In this plan I am supposed to run 3 days a week, cross train 2 days a week, rest or cross train one day, and take one day off.  Pretty easy huh?

For now I am doing my training on the treadmill because it is either too cold or too dark to run outside.  Plus, the treadmill keeps me stay on pace.  This is what my schedule looks like:

Monday-cross train
Tuesday-speed workout
Wednesday-cross train
Thursday-tempo run
Saturday-long run
Sunday-cross train or rest

Workouts this week:

Tuesday – 5 x 1000 (400 RI)

Thursday – 1 mile easy, 2 miles @ mid tempo, 1 mile easy, 2 miles @  mid tempo, 1 mile easy

Saturday  – 8 miles at HMP + 10 minutes walking
Done but ran on Sunday instead of Saturday.Total ran this week was 20.20 miles.

I have been doing speed workouts for a few weeks and like them.  I like mixing them up so I am not doing the same ones every week.  So far my favorite is 400, 600, 800, 1200, 800, 600, 400 (90 sec RI). Maybe I am crazy or ambitious for developing my plan for this whole year.  However, I feel that it will help me with my training for my upcoming races this year.  Of course, I will play it by ear and listen to my body.  Also, I know that I will adjust the speed on the treadmill as I go along with the plan.

Just Keep Running!

Mississippi Blues Half Marathon

Done, state #11 and my first race of 2013.

Check out the course and elevation maps.  Yikes!!

I arrived in Jackson at 1:30 and took a cab to the hotel.  I was meeting some friends at the hotel.  They had already picked up their packets but were nice enough to walk again with me.

After packet pickup we went to the Elite Restaurant.  Nothing fancy but the rolls were DELICIOUS!! We asked the waitress to keep bringing out rolls.

Race morning came and I was a bit nervous because of the weather.  It was 36 degrees with 40% chance of rain.  I decided to wear a long sleeve shirt underneath a short sleeve shirt, biker shorts, and compression socks.

We were off at 7:05.   By mile 2 I was already warm.  Did I mention it was a hilly course?  Very hilly.  But not as bad as the race in Minnesota.  I walked most of the hills but also tried to jog through them.  I need to make them my friends.

The split off between the full and half marathon was around mile 5.  I was so glad I was not running the full marathon.

I took an ibuprofen at mile 6.5 and a Gu at mile 5 and 10.  I felt good through much of the course.  I did take some walking breaks but kept pushing myself to keep on running.

A little before mile 11 the first marathon runner passed me.  Dang!   He was running fast!  Then another passed me.  And another.  A total of 4 marathon runners passed me before I crossed the finish line.

Now let me tell you about the finish line.  I had to run up a hill to get there.  Not fun.

I knew I was not going to PR but am happy with my finish time of 2:29:29.  I know that if it was a flat course then I would have definitely PRed. 🙂  I guess all of my speed workouts have helped me run a teeny tiny bit faster.

The best part was the medal!   Don’t you love it? Also, I loved the post race food spread.  Yummy!!

I am so glad I ran this race.  Oh by the way, it rained just a little bit during the race. But by then I had showered, changed, and on my way back to the hotel after eating pizza again.

Next race is the P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Arizona.

Just Keep Running!


I’ve been reading several blogs and have been motivated by runners posting their goals and resolutions.  I gave it some thought and decided to make a list for me (running and non-running related).

1. Finish all of the races I sign up for
I am on a mission to run a race in all 50 states.  To date I’ve done 10 counting 2 full marathons in CT and LA.  In the past I’ve signed up for races (such as 5Ks) and then for whatever reason decided not to run in them.  This year I am determined to run each single one (unless injured).

2. Run a sub 2 half marathon
I’ve ran 28 half marathons with finish times ranging from 2:53:10 (worst time) to 2:20:00 (best time).  This year I will train smarter with three runs each week (speed, tempo, and long run) with two days of cross training so I am positive I will achieve this goal.

3. Run more than 1,000 miles
This year will be the third time aiming for this goal.  Ugh, this has to be the year right?  No more excuses!

4. Do more foam rolling and cross training  
I don’t like the roller because it hurts.  However, I’ve had some IT band issues so I know the benefits of the roller.  Did I mention that it hurts?  Many people write about how bored they get running on the treadmill.  I guess I am used to it because I don’t mind it.  However, I do get bored on the elliptical and bike.  Oh my goodness!!  I would like to cross train at least 2 times a week.

5. Be more patient with my students
I am a first grade teacher with 24 students.  Enough said.

6. Keep traveling
I love traveling!  I’ve been to several states and countries.  My latest adventure took me to Mexico, Ecuador, and Peru!  I am looking forward to this year because I will be traveling to various states to run a half marathon.  Plus, in April I will be in Riviera Maya during Spring Break for a wedding.

7. Eat more vegetables
I don’t like them very much.  I am aware I need to eat them every single day.  Does it count if I drink a Green Monster Smoothie every day?

8. Have breakfast/lunch/dinner with a friend each month
I love going out to eat with friends.  It gives me a chance to talk to adults (see number 5) instead of kids.  I want to meet up with friends that I don’t see on a regular basis.  Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, I know what is going on with them but I like the face to face interaction.  I love seeing the smiles and hearing the laughters!  

Just Keep Running!