Magic City Half Marathon (part of the Ruben Studdard Celebration Weekend)

Done, state #10.

This race had an awful course with a lot of headwind.  I was so happy when I was done with it.  My finish time was about 2:41:06.  Am I happy with it?  No.  However, I have no one else to blame but me.  I did not run smart.  I did not train properly.  Anyway, it is done and I can’t do anything about it.

I did not get into Birmingham on time to pick up my packet so that meant I had to pick it up on race day.  The hotel was nice enough to give those that were running the race a ride to the start line.  I picked up my bib and dropped off my bag and it took less than 5 minutes.

The race was supposed to start at 8 am but due to some complications/problems it did not start till 8:30 am.  Yeah, not happy about it.  I was chatting with another runner whom I met in the hotel lobby as we were waiting for the hotel shuttle.  The announcer mentioned that Ruben Studdard had arrived but I did not see him.

The race started and off we went.  There was zero crowd support.  If it weren’t for the cars that were stopped at intersections by the cops to let the runners through, the city of Birmingham would not have known there was a half marathon going on in their city.

The headwind was awful.  I thought it was never going to end.  It lasted till about mile 10.  Terrible!!  By then I was running with another girl and we were motivating each other.  She told me that we only had a 5K to go.  Hmm, so simple but yet difficult.

Finally I saw the sign for mile 12.  I was so happy to see it.  I was struggling.  My neck was bothering me and I could feel some blisters forming on the bottom of my right foot.  I was annoyed about it.  I rarely get blisters on my feet.  I was wearing compression socks with my Brooks Glycerin.  In the past I’ve worn the same socks with my Brooks Connect.  Hmm, maybe the shoes?

I saw the finish line and picked up the pace.  Not a good idea.  I stopped for about 10 seconds to catch my breath and took off again.  I heard the announcer mention my colorful shoes and my name.  That made me smile!  🙂

I got my medal, picked up some food (pizza and chips with salsa) and walked back to the hotel.   It was a gorgeous day to walk plus I think it helped my legs.

The race was blah.  Next race on my calendar is the Run 3.14 Pie Race on Thanksgiving and the Mississippi Blues Half Marathon in Jackson, MS on January 5th.  That reminds me that I still need to register.

By the way I loved the hotel and my room!!

Run Happy!

Carrera de los Muertos 5K

Yesterday I ran a fun race.  Fun because it is close to where I live,  I LOVE seeing the participants dress up, and I get to see and run with my favorite running buddies.

It was weird that no one sang/played the National Anthem.  Maybe because it was only a 5K?  Mental note:  Pay more attention to it at the smaller races.  I was tired that morning.  I went out to dinner the day before and got home around midnight.  I woke up at 6am (but did not want to get up) to get ready.  I had some stomach trouble and made sure I was OK before leaving for the race.  I arrived a little before 7 and waited in my car till about 7:30 to meet up with my friends.

The race started and I took off.  I was not aiming for a PR but just to have fun.  I was cold at the beginning but then quickly warmed up.  As usual, I started off too fast.

Mile 1-8:06 – I was shocked when I saw this!!!
Mile 2-10:27 – Stopped to get some water and catch my breath.
Mile 3-10:19 – Walked a little bit.

Garmin official time for 3.25 is 31:10.  That’s a 9:35 pace!  🙂

Run Happy!

October 2012 in Review

I cannot believe there are two months left in the year.  It is going by so fast!!

This month I ran 58.81 miles compared to 57.25 last month.  Very slow month.  Need to work on motivation.

I ran two races in October:  Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon and the Indianapolis Half Marathon. They were back to back on two weekends and kicked my butt.  Despite the hills, they were great and beautiful courses.

Upcoming races in November include.
11/3      Carrera de los Muertos 5K
11/10    Chicago’s Perfect 10K
11/18    Magic City Half Marathon, Birmingham, AL
11/22    Rotary Run 3/14 Pie

I’ve been busy planning the various half marathons I plan to run next year.  It is not an easy task.  I need to check flights (preferably Southwest since Midway Airport is about 5 minute from my house) and hotels.  So far I’ve purchased a ticket for the races in Washington, DC and Nashville.

I was planning to have surgery in November but I’ve postponed it.  Because of the surgery I was going to stop running after the race in Birmingham.  Now that it is postponed, no need to stop.  Now to look for other races in December, January, and February.  Any suggestions?

Run Happy!!

Indianapolis Half Marathon

Done, half marathon #9.

I was supposed to fly out on Friday afternoon.  Instead, I decided to drive.  A cab ride from the Indianapolis International Airport to the hotel was about $80.  So $80 times 2 is $160.  That is a lot of money for a taxi.  I left work at 11:30 am, went to get something to eat and then hit the road.

The drive was lonely and scary.  It was raining and many people sure drive fast.  I arrived in Indianapolis at about 4:15 pm.  I quickly checked into the hotel and then went to the expo to pick up my packet.  The drive there was beautiful.  There were trees with leaves in various colors everywhere. There were some hills and you know we are not BFFs.

I am glad I decided to drive because I don’t know how I would have gotten to the expo to pick up my packet.  I could have picked it up on Saturday morning but I had purchased a shuttle ticket to take me to the race.  But how was I supposed to get my shuttle ticket if it was in my race packet?

Even though I had a shuttle ticket, I decided to drive to the race.  Luckily I did because it was cold in the morning so I waited in my car till about 8am (the race began at 8:30).  I made my way over and got in line to the bathroom with hundreds of other people.  I tried convincing myself that I did not need to go but it did not work.  Finally I went and made my way to the starting line.  I decided to run with a pace group that was running the full marathon.  We would be running together till 12.5 miles then we would split.

I stayed with the group till the first water stop at about 2.5 miles.  I stopped to get water.  They didn’t. We got separated and then I lost them.  Oh well.

The course was just BEAUTIFUL!!!  I took short breaks here and there.  I had a jacket on but took it off around mile 4 because I got warm but then put it back on because I got cold.  I ran with it on the rest of the way.  The volunteers were wonderful!  There was plenty of water and gatorade stations. However, no one was giving energy gels.  I look forward to those.  Good thing I packed three in my belt but ended up needing only two of them.

The last three miles were challenging.  These hills really kill me.  As soon as I saw the split area between the full and half marathon, I tried kicking it up a notch but just couldn’t.  I was tired and sore.  I did not care about my time but just wanted to finish.

Finally I saw the finish line and just sprinted.  Finish time is 2:33.32.

I was pleased with my time considering that I did a half the week before.  Two half marathons in two weekends kicked my butt.  I am in awe of people that can run back to back half marathons in a weekend. 

Next race is the Lady Speed Stick Women’s Half Marathon in Arizona.  That reminds me, I still need to register.  

Baltimore Running Festival Half Marathon

Done, Half marathon #8.

On Friday I flew out to Baltimore to run another half marathon.  I was kind of iffy about it because I knew there were going to be hills.  Ugh, I dislike them very much.  Oh well, can’t always run a flat course just like in Chicago.

My flight got in at noon and my friend picked me up.  However, my luggage did not make it on the plane so the next flight out from Chicago would not arrive around 1:30.  No problem.  I filled out a report and was told that if I went back to pick up my luggage, Southwest would give me a $50 voucher.  Sweet.

My friend and I went to the expo.  As usual I bought stuff that I did not need.  I bought two shirts and another iFitness belt.  Well, what I really wanted was the one that holds the bib.  I already have a belt with two pouches but I thought it was a different belt for the bib holder.  Later on I found out all I needed were the two cords to hold the bib.  Sigh.  Do you need an iFitness belt?  If so, please contact me.

The day of the race it was cold in the morning.  The half marathon began at 9:45 which gave us plenty of time to get on the light rail, use the bathroom, and get some rest before the race.  I had a short sleeve on along with a long sleeve.  By the time the race began, it was kind of warm so I took it off and tied it around my waist.  I did not have a finish time goal.  All I wanted was to finish in time to get something to eat, shower, and be ready for a shuttle pick up at 1:40 to head back to the airport.

The course took us through some nice areas of Baltimore.  I ran close to John Hopkins and immediately thought of Henrietta Lacks.  If you get a chance, read her book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”.  One of my favorite parts of the course was running around Lake Montebello which was about 1 mile long and flat.  The race began and was immediately welcomed by hills.  I started off too fast with the rest of the runners.  When will I learn NOT to do that?  I walked through most of the hills.  I made a mental note to train for hills.  The nice thing is that whenever there are hills, there are always downhills.

Around mile 11 I had to run up a bridge.  Seriously?  Why are there hills/inclines towards the end of a race?  As I mentioned before, when there is a hill there is also a downhill.  I just wanted to be done with this race.  I looked at my watched and realized that I could still finish it in less than 2:30.

Mile 12 was another favorite part of mine.  There were so many people out there.  I swear that whole mile was filled with people.  It was great to see that towards the end of race.  I felt energized and motivated to keep on running.

My official finish time is 2:28:45.  I am very pleased with my time.  One day I will do a sub-2.

I did not like the area around the finish line.  I know.  So many people.  What did I expect?  As soon as I crossed the finish line, I could not move forward because there were so many people in front of me. The holdup?  Volunteers were handing out those heat sheets.  People please move.  I have an hour to shower and eat before my shuttle pick up.

Next race is Indiana on Saturday, October 20th.  Overall, this was a great half marathon.  Despite the hills, I did like the course and was pleased with the weather and my finish time.