Fit Five Friday: 5 favorite race photos

We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!

So many race photos and only 5 to pick.  It wasn’t easy but I managed to do it and I added an extra one.  The photos aren’t in any specific.

NYC Half Marathon, March 19, 2023

Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon, 10/20/19

Chicago Distance Class Half Marathon, 8/13/2006 – This was my first half marathon!

Great Alaskan Half Marathon, 7/23/17

LaSalle Bank Chicago Marathon, 10/22/06 – My first marathon!

EXTRA: Rock ‘n’ Roll Chicago Half Marathon, 8/2/09 – My 100th race!

The topic for next week – Runfessions with Marcia.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Fit Five Friday

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Tuesday Topics: Running on the treadmill or outside?

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers! 

I like running outside and on the treadmill.  I know many people don’t like the treadmill.  In fact, many people HATE it and call it the dreamill.

Here are a few reasons why I like running outside:

• I love running outside because I can leave the house and get some fresh air.

• Sometimes I like running when it is dark because it makes me feel safe and alone in my own world.  I know it sounds weird but this way I tend to not think about all of the things going on in this world and just focus on ME.

• I like checking out the neighborhood.  It makes me happy to see some of the cats.  It makes me sad too because I wonder why they are out there.

• When I run in the neighborhood, I look for any houses that are for sale.  I also like to pick a house and imagine me living there.  Silly?  Maybe.

• I get my vitamin D.  

I haven’t run on the treadmill in years but here is what helped me get through treadmill running:

• Listen to fun music.   I have a variety of Spanish and English music and various playlists.  Depending on how I was feeling is the music I would pick.

• Watch TV.  Sometimes music gets on my nerves so I prefer to watch TV.  I’ve watched whatever is playing on the television or a show on my iPad.

• Change incline and pace.  I did my runs at 0% incline but made sure to change the pace.  I would set a timer for 1:30/2:00 minutes or 3:00/4:00 minutes and then change the pace (I would have 3 different paces) at the sound of the buzzer.  Or I would change it after each song.  This would make the run a bit more exciting and made the time go by faster.

• Break up the run into parts.  I never did a run without stopping.  Who wants to run 10 miles without stopping?  Not me.  For a run of that distance, I would run 2.5 miles, take a quick break, and run again 2.5 miles.  Then I would use the bathroom and/or get more water and repeat for the rest of the 5 miles.  Something similar could be done for 12, 14, or 16 miles.  The key is to not think of it as a LONG run of 12, 14, 16 miles but instead as short and quick runs with breaks in between. 

• Reward myself.   For me it would be a coffee, food, beer, or a new piece of gear.  Of course I wouldn’t do this for every single run but mainly on days when I had ZERO desire to run and needed some motivation.

The topic for next week – What are your favorite recovery aids?  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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2024 Chicago Marathon Training Week #3

Chicago Marathon Weekly Recap-1Happy Sunday everyone!  I am on Team TCS Teachers and training to run the Chicago Marathon on October 13.  This will be my 9th marathon and my 6th Chicago Marathon.

Here is how my week went:

Week #3, July 8-14

Monday: Walked 1.73 miles and 25 minutes on the Peloton.  It was warm and a little humid when I went outside but I enjoyed my walk.  I used the Peloton app for the walk and love listening to Matty.

Tuesday: Ran 2.70 and walked 1.23 miles.  An easy run with some hill strides.  Total 2.70 @ 12:37 average pace.

Wednesday: Ran 4.81 and walked .34 miles.  An interesting and fun workout.  I did a 1.5 mile warmup, 4×2 minutes @12:03 with 2 minutes recovery after each one, 4 minutes walking, 4×90 seconds @10:13 with 2 minutes recovery after each one, and then 1 mile cool down.  Thank goodness for the option to program this in my Garmin!

Thursday:  Walked 1.73 miles and 25 minutes on the Peloton.  I am liking a lot the low impact ride classes.  They’re not too easy and not too difficult either.

Friday: Ran 5.0 and walked .71.  The plan today was to do my long run of 9 miles.  I had a busy day on Saturday and didn’t want to be tired and sore.  However, it didn’t go as I planned.  I made it to 5 miles.  But, at least I tried.

Saturday: Ran 9 and walked .24 miles.  I tried again to run 9 miles.  I did a couple things different from Friday’s run.  1) I went out earlier in the morning, 2) I wore socks with more cushion, and 3) I did run/walk of 10:1.  The run went so much better.  I cannot believe I ran 14 miles in two days.  I took two water bottles with me – one with plain water and another one with water and Tailwind.  I think for next time I am going to have water in both of the bottles and take Huma gels with me.  It was a warm morning and I was very thirsty by the time I got home.

Sunday:  Walked 2.32 miles.  I was still a bit sore from Saturday’s run and this walk helps to recover from my long run.

Running: 21.52
Walking: 9.29
Cycling: 10.53

Here’s how training has gone so far:

Week 1
Week 2

Fit Five Friday: 5 fitness goals for the last half of the year

We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugs, and me for another Fit Five Friday link-up!  

Friday is my favorite day of the week.  But, this Friday is making me a little sad.  My first day of school is in a month.  I have two days full of meetings and then the students start on the 14th.  How is this Summer going by so fast?

Here are my 5 fitness goals for the remainder of this year:

Continue running and walking.  I am not doing a running streak but I do have a running and/or walking streak.  I’ve been doing some kind of outdoor activity since June 28th.  I hope to continue doing this during the Winter as well.

• Use the Peloton bike.  I’ve been using the bike 3x a week.  Total minutes for each class is 25 minutes which includes a warm-up and a cool down.  

• Watch what I eat.  I don’t want to use the excuse that just because I am training for a marathon that I can eat anything I want.  I’ve mentioned before that my A1C was in the pre-diabetic stage.  I am planning to get tested again in the Fall and hopefully my A1C will be lower.  

• Get enough sleep.  I need to get plenty of sleep or I don’t function well.  Plus, I get cranky if I don’t get enough sleep.

• Spend time on recovery.  My long runs are getting longer and I don’t bounce back to my bubbly self like I used to.  I ran 7 miles last Saturday and was sore the whole day.  I must remember to use my massage gun everyday.

The topic for next week – 5 favorite race photos.  Feel free to write about this or any fitness topic you’d like.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

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Tuesday Topics: How I get through Summer running

Happy Tuesday!  Thank you for joining me and Jenn for another edition of Tuesday Topics.  Remember to link up with us!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Don’t forget to come back for later linkers!

Running in the Summer is not my favorite.  I dislike the hot weather but I do like running in shorts and tanks or short sleeve tops.  But I have no choice this Summer.  I am training for the Chicago Marathon!

Here are some Summer running tips that work for me. 

• Start early.  It is already warm at 6am.  I get up at 5 and then check email, read blog posts, while I drink my coffee.  Then I use the bathroom and get ready to head out.  I’ve told myself that I need to wake up earlier or drink fast my coffee and save the reading for later.

• Hydrate.  I make sure to drink water every day.  Sometimes I will freeze some water in my handheld and then add more the next day.  I have cold water to cool me during my run.

• Wear a hat or visor.  A hat helps keep me cool and blocks the sun from my eyes. 

• Use sunscreen.  I want to protect my skin to prevent sunburns, wrinkles, and even skin cancer. 

• Take it easy and listen to my body.  Running in the heat will make you run slower.  During the hot weather I’ve also had to take more walk breaks.  Nothing wrong with that. 

The topic for next week – Treadmill vs. Outside running.  Let’s talk about it.  Feel free to write about this or any running-related topic.  We hope you’ll link up with us!

New Tuesday Topics

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