Fit Five Friday: Running advice I would give to my younger myself

I started running in 2005.  I didn’t know much about it.  I knew one other person that ran (he worked with me).  My friends that run now, didn’t run before.  I remember going to races and I didn’t know anybody there.  Fast forward many years later, and I know so much more about running and more of my friends are runners now.  On race day I would always see someone I knew.  Sigh, cannot wait till I can race again.

I am pleased with how things have turned out.  I’ve run many races and have met many wonderful runners.  However, if I could go back in time, there are a few things I would tell my younger self.

✔️ Be ready to invest good money for shoes, clothes, and gear.   Running stuff is not cheap.  Do you have to spend $150 for a pair of shoes?  No, but there is a difference between spending that amount of money versus $50.  However, there are a few instances in which you will find some great deals.  I remember a few years ago I bought some Brooks shoes that were on sale and they were around $60.

✔️ Make sure it is fun.  It was within these past few years that I finally realized it.  Running is a hobby and not a job.  When running is no longer fun, it feels like a burden.  There is no joy so what’s the point?

✔️ Don’t compare yourself to others.  It is very easy to do it, but one of the worst things a runner can do.  Comparing yourself to others will not make you feel better.  On the contrary, it will make you feel worse.  I don’t do that anymore because sometimes it would make me envious of others instead of being happy for them.

✔️ Never say never.  I remember saying that I would never run an ultramarathon.  It my mind 26.2 miles was more than enough.  Why go longer than that?  Eventually I did get the itch to run more than that.  Ha, I didn’t run just one ultramarathon, I did two.  Now I am thinking of doing another one in the next couple of years.

✔️ Don’t run all of the races and have a goal or goals.  In the beginning I would sign up for whatever race I could find.  It was in 2012 that I decided to run a half marathon in each state.  By then I had run about 20 half marathons.  Then about 2 years ago I decided to work on speed and get some PRs.  The ones I have now are a few years old and it is time for some new ones.  

I am not saying that any of these are “wrong”.  I am just saying that if I knew those things, then I would have done things a bit different.  But then maybe that’s how it was supposed to happen?  Life is weird.  🙂 What running advice would you give to your younger self?

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.

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Tuesday Topics: Best things I’ve seen on a run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: What are some of the best things you’ve seen at a race or a run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

How is it Tuesday already?  I had parent/teacher conferences yesterday and it was EXHAUSTING.  I had 13 appointments with parents and 11 showed up.  I got home after 7pm and I didn’t have any wine and I was too tired to make a martini.  🙂

Anyway, back to this post.  As you already know I enjoy taking pictures.  Read along to see some of the fun things I saw on my run.  Nothing really specific but a few pictures of things that made me smile.

Two weeks ago I mentioned how now that the snow is melting, I’ve been seeing so much garbage out there.  I took these pictures of an area that literally made me stop and stare.  I could not believe it.  

On Saturday I ran by there again and stopped.  There were workers cleaning up the area.  I don’t know where exactly they were from but I stopped to talk to one of them.  He also could not believe how much trash there was.  I also thanked him.  He told me that they were going to several other places to clean it up. 

It looks much better.

Then I saw this.  I used to play this a lot when I was a kid.  

Saw this yesterday.  I love seeing kids’ artwork on the sidewalk.  

No pictures here but on Saturday’s run I got to the corner and almost bumped into a woman walking two dogs.  We were both freaked out.  However, not one of the dogs barked at me.  Usually whenever I see dogs while out running, they bark at me.  Then I saw a couple walking their dog and I crossed the street to avoid having the dog bark at me.  The man stopped walking and told me that he had the number of a place where I could go get vaccinated.  I smiled.  I thanked him and told him that I was already vaccinated.  I do appreciate him helping others (total strangers) to get the vaccine.

This was from yesterday’s run.  It reminds me of a friends that still have their Christmas tree inside their house but decorate it according to the season or holiday.

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Weekly Run Down: One year later and my 99th bike class

Hello there!  This week went by fast again.  That’s what happens when one of the workdays is an Institute Day.  I have mixed feelings about Institute Days.  Some of the PD is useful and some is not.  There was an emphasis on self-care.  Umm, OK.

One year ago yesterday was the last day that I taught in a room full of students.  I was instructed to make packets for my students but obviously had NO idea that I wouldn’t see them again.  Below are two pictures I took at Target on the 12th and then in my classroom on the 13th.

This week I had some good and bad runs.  On Monday I ran 3.14 miles for Kim’s Week of Pi.  It was fun!  

Last week there was hardly any wind but Wednesday and Thursday it was just awful.  It did not help that I was exhausted.  I was very tired and I did not do the workouts assigned by my coach.  But I still ran and wore shorts on Wednesday.  🙂 I did feel much better on Friday and could have kept running but ran out of time.

Saturday morning was a gorgeous day for running!  Didn’t I say I was not going to do another of Becs’ running class?  Well, I did another one.  The playlist was AMAZING but the chit chat was not.  There is just something about her voice.  Is it just me?  I was pleased to have run close to 6 miles.  December was the last time I did a “long” run (6 and 7 miles).

You would think that I would have done more Peloton bike classes, but I am currently on my 99th ride.  Isn’t that the reason I bought the Peloton?  🤔 🤦🏻‍♀️ I want my 100th to be with Cody and it will either be on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Very excited!Clientmoji

Tomorrow I have parent/teacher conferences.  Is it too early to runfess?  Well, I have NO desire for them tomorrow.  I don’t mean it in a bad way, but what could I possibly say to parents that I haven’t said all these past months?  I am not meeting with all parents (those students that are doing well in class, have turned in assignments, have participated, etc).  I know it’s been hard for everyone but we’ve been doing virtual learning for ONE YEAR!  I have communicated with all parents about missing assignments, log in information, etc.  They know it already, but I will have to repeat it again.  We’ll see how it goes.  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

Weekly Run Down.jpg

Fit Five Friday: 5 pictures from this week

Happy Friday!  Friday is my favorite day of the week.  Every other Friday it is payday for me.  Currently, our students are in school till 11:30 am and the rest of the day they have asynchronous work.  That will change on 3/22 with the new hybrid schedule.  Monday will be how our current Friday is now.   We’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, I love taking pictures.  Right now I have almost 6,000 pictures stored in my phone.  Many are duplicates since I need to get the right one.  🙂 I take pictures of things I see on my runs, my students, my cats, and my mom.

Let me share with you 5 of those pictures from this week.

📷 I took this Peloton running class on Tuesday and just thinking about it makes me smile.  Since there are so many classes I have not taken, my plan is not to take any class twice.  I may make an exception here.  I had so much fun with Chase and the playlist was amazing.  In 45 minutes I listened to 10 songs (1 from each year) while learning something interesting about each song.  I highly recommend it! 

📷 I ran in shorts!  It made me so happy.  I wore one of my newest Oiselle shorts.  It was warm but very windy.  I also felt very tired (have not been sleeping well) and ran for 20 minutes.  

📷 I’ve mentioned that Lola and Mateo do not get along.  It is very rare to see them together.  I was in bed reading and Lola joined me.  Then Mateo came along.  Lola did not move and Mateo got comfortable.  I’d say too comfortable.  I don’t know how long they stayed like that because in the morning they were both gone.

📷 This reminds me of the hours and days spent last year on the balcony with my mother.  Did we enjoy being stuck inside the house?  No, but we made the best of it.  We ate, drank coffee, talked, people watched, and listened to music.  You bet I am looking forward to it again this year!

📷 Yesterday right before lunch my students asked me if we could have lunch together.  It made me feel really good and made me smile.  I thought that for sure they would be tired of being with me.  I guess not.  

Thanks for linking up with us again this week!  We’ve got FIVE incredible co-hosts, and we are ready to link up every Friday to share YOUR weekly fitness favorites!  Join hosts My First 5K and MoreRunning With AttitudeRun Laugh Eat PieRuns with Pugsand Zenaida every Friday for Fit Five Friday!  Please add your link below.

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Tuesday Topics: Yes or no to makeup while running?

This week’s Tuesday Topic is: Yes or no to makeup while running?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I don’t wear a lot of makeup.  All I wear is translucent loose powder.  Sometimes I use mascara.  Sometimes I wear lipstick.  The lipstick makes me feel good.  My favorite is the MAC PatentPolish in Ruby.  Unfortunately, it’s discontinued but you bet I stocked up.  I had to get most of them from a store in San Francisco.

However, while running I don’t wear any makeup at all.  Well, if you count chapstick then, yes, I do.  Will I judge anyone that does wear makeup?  Nope.  NOT AT ALL.  

I may not wear makeup while running.  It isn’t for me.  But you bet I like to splurge on running clothes.  Thanks to Oiselle I have quite a collection to use throughout the various seasons in Chicago.  Yep, if feels like we do have more than 4 seasons.  Last week I received 6 new pairs of shorts.  Do I need more?  Definitely not but I want them.  Let’s not forget my shoes.  I have various new pairs waiting in boxes to be used.

Wearing makeup while running is a personal choice.  If someone wants to wear makeup then who am I to say anything about it?

One thing I know I need to get better at is wearing sunscreen.  I know, I know.  I wear it mostly during the Summer but I do know I need to use it year round.  I usually use the spray on version for my legs and arms but like the stick for my face.  My favorite one is Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Non-Greasy Sunscreen Stick for Face & Body, Broad Spectrum SPF 70It may not feel like Summer yet but it is sunny already.  

Any other suggestions for a face sunscreen?  Thoughts on wearing makeup while running?

Tuesday Topics

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