Tuesday Topics: The reason I started running

Happy Tuesday!  Spring Break is going well.  Slept in a little bit yesterday and then watched “Cheers”.  Today I will spend some time calling the parents of my students.  I’ve been using “Remind” but have not touched based with everyone.  My principal asked us to now call them  Honestly, I wasn’t going to but who knows when I will see them again since our return date is still up in the air.

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  This week we’re talking about what made you decide to start running.  Let’s discuss!

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What made you decide to start running?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I started running in 2005.  I know this sounds silly right now but I did not know how to run.  Just writing it make me laugh.  I signed up for a Beginners Class with CARA.  I don’t think I finished the class because I ended up signing up again.  🙂

I know many people start to run for health reasons.  Not me.  I started running because I saw a much older man running along the lakefront.  If he could do it, so could I.  And I did.

Now I continue to run because I like it.  I don’t love it, I just like it.  I’ve had my moments in which I felt burned out and did not want to run anymore.  A break was all I needed in order to enjoy running again.

Other reasons I continue to run are:

♥ To feel good about myself
♥ Improve my health
♥ Improve my energy levels
♥ Train for a specific goal
♥ Gives me time to think and get ready for the day

Thanks to Wendy for letting me know about the Un-Canceled Project.  Click HERE to sign up.  It is FREE and it starts tomorrow.

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How about you?  What made you decide to start running?

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Not too much running and 4 Peloton classes

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Hey there!  How is everyone doing?  I cannot believe it is Sunday.  Even though I was at home it went by very fast.  Gosh, I miss teaching and my students.  As of yesterday we are scheduled to go back to work on April 13th.  This week is our Spring Break and the following week is another week of eLearning.  I am ready to go back but at the same time am not ready.  In some states the schools are closed for the rest of the school year.

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I didn’t do much running but did take 4 Peloton classes.  I think that’s the most I’ve taken in a week.  I know there are so many great instructors but seriously Cody is my favorite.  Love him!

I didn’t feel well on Thursday and did not run.  It felt great to get out on Friday.  Ran 4 miles and again did not worry about pace.  On Saturday I woke up not feeling well again and decided to wait and see how I felt in the afternoon.  I took aspirin and did feel better.  I changed and went outside.  It was chilly and raining.  I had no desire to run in that weather.  I went back inside and got on the bike. 


Today’s run almost didn’t happen.  Woke up early, had coffee, and got dressed.  It was WINDY.  As soon as I made it outside, it began to rain a bit.  And it was windy.  Ugh, I wasn’t in the mood to deal with it.  I knew I wouldn’t run the 4 miles I want so I turned around and then did a few loops around my house and I was done.  



Did anyone enter the lottery for the Marine Corps Marathon?  I know I said that I was going to enter it, but now am not so sure about it.  Part of me does and doesn’t want to train for another marathon.  Plus, 2 of my out of state races were cancelled so now I want to look for and run half marathons in other states. 

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Anyone like House Music?  Julian Jumpin Perez has live music sessions on Saturday night at 8pm (Central Time) through Facebook.  His music is takes me back to when I was in high school.  A few songs I remember from grammar school.  🙂  Last night I was listening till 10pm!


Just something funny I saw on social media.  🙂  I will be going to St. Bathroom to clean it from top to bottom.

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How are YOU?  How was your week?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 117

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I will admit that I am LOVING all of these memes about teachers.  

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• Due to race cancellations, I also had to cancel my flights leaving me with a few credits.  Unfortunately some expire in April and in June.  No way am I able to travel.  Luckily Southwest has extended the date.  Now I have an extra year!  However, I just checked my account and they still show the 2020 expiration date.  Hmm.


 • eLearning is not fun.  I am doing the best I can but it is a two way process.  I mentioned in another post that I have posted homework in Google Classroom but sadly many students are not doing the work.  I miss my kids.  I miss teaching.  Sigh.  Wasn’t it a few weeks ago that I was complaining about them?

• Has anyone checked this out?  I am curious about it.


•  This made me laugh!  I hope it doesn’t get to this point.  Although, my cats are cute!

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Tuesday Topics: My Spring bucket list

Disclaimer:  I received a free entry to the Fargo Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!  

Welcome to another edition of Tuesday Topics.  This week we’re talking about your Spring bucket list.  I know many races have been cancelled (3 of mine).   For now there is no actual training for me.  No worries.  I won’t stop running.  I am following a plan but my main goal is to run mostly for fun and not worry about pace or distance.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s on your Spring bucket listYou can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I started writing this post early this month.  This was before the situation came to be the way it is now and before any race cancellations.  I was scheduled to run the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle (March 22), Garmin Oz Half Marathon (April 18), and the Fargo Half Marathon (May 8).  The last 2 were in two new states for me.  Actually the Fargo Half Marathon was rescheduled for August 29 and I am not sure if I will make it to ND.  The race will be right after the first week of school and I would have to take off on Friday (Wednesday is the first day with the students) in order to make it to the race.

With so many race cancellations who knows when my next race will be.  I haven’t signed up yet but I am hoping it will be the Elmhurst 4 on the 4th of July (I know it isn’t a Spring race but just go along with me).  I’ve run this race since 2013.  My PR is 39:39 in 2014.  One of my goals this year is to PR in all race distances.  <

I am also interested in the Wintrust Lakefront 10 Miler/5k.  This was scheduled to take place on April 18 but has been postponed to July 11.  I’ve done the 10 mile race before but racing in July is not something that I like to do.  I might be more inclined to run the 5k but that distance is also difficult.  

For the moment there are no plans to run in a different state.  There are a few I am looking into but won’t make any decisions till maybe this summer.  Hopefully by then things will be better and races will be taking place.

What are you running plans for the Spring?  What are your race plans for the Summer?

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Almost 14 miles and working from home

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I have been home since Monday.  I spent most of Monday and Tuesday preparing lessons for my students using Google Classroom.  I prepared 8 days of lessons.  “Last” day of school is March 27 and then we are off for Spring Break.  At the moment we are scheduled to go back on April 6th but that can change.  In some states schools are closed for the rest of the school year.  Also, CPS will be closed till the 20th.  My district will most likely follow CPS’s plan but so far haven’t heard anything about it.

What I am not liking about this is that my students have not done the work nor turned it in.  On Friday I gave them all a folder full of worksheets.  I also told them to go to Google Classroom because I would be leaving additional work there.  One week has gone by and only 5 students have logged in.  Maybe 2 or 3 have turned in the work.  I am trying to be understanding and patient.  Maybe they’re all working on their worksheets?  Who knows?

Flexible for school

The two weeks after my half marathon in Atlanta, I did not run at all.  First, I was recovering from said race.  I felt better by Thursday but still did not want to run.  Then I was just tired and wanted to sleep.  Before I knew it 2 weeks had gone by and I told myself to snap out of it.  I did and ran on Monday.  Not too long but a little over 2 miles.  My pace was slow but I did not care.  I ran again the rest of the week except on Tuesday.  My goal was to run each day longer than the day before.  I did it!  

I ran by the area where I fell in January.  Well, I walked.  

It was gloomy most of the week and I got tired of it.  I think one day it was cold but not windy.  I wore an insulated jacket and ended up being too warm.  It is now my favorite jacket for running on cold days.  

Being home all day I saw just what my cats do all day.  They sleep all day.

Lola prefers to hang out with me than Mateo.


This is my favorite one.  They were both waiting for me after my run yesterday.  OK, enough cat photos for today.  🙂

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I had planned to run 3 races from March-May and they were all cancelled.  Right now the race I have in my calendar is in July.  So for now I will continue to run.  Since now I have more time, I am thinking of using again the Hansons Training Method.  I already printed out a 16 weeks schedule.  I know it is an intense plan.  Will I run 6 days a week?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  I might just run 3, 4, or 5 days depending on how I feel.  Right now I need a plan so I can keep on running.  I know there are other plans I can use, but I’ve used this one before and like it.  

So what else did I do this past week?  My mother was here this week so I spent some time with her.  I made the mistake of watching “Outbreak” and “2012”.  HUGE mistake.  🙂  I have a TiVo in my room and have been catching up on a few shows such as Chicago PD, Bull, and Hawaii Five-O.  Quite a few episodes were from September!  I have yet to finish Hawaii Five-O, Young Sheldon, and NCIS.  Yep, will be busy for the next couple of weeks!

How are YOU?  How was your week?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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