Random Thoughts Thursday 114

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I was not selected to run the NYC Marathon in November.  Yes, I am disappointed but I am also going to apply for the MCM lottery.  Now if I don’t get picked for that either, then I will be disappointed as well.

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• Anyone giving up anything for Lent?  I remember as a kid my mother would tell us of the “importance” of giving something up.  Yeah, that did not continue as I got older. 🙂

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• How awesome is Molly Seidel?  She ran on Sunday in the Olympic Marathon Trials.  It was her first marathon ever and qualified for the 2020 Olympics.  Let me remind you that it was windy and it was a HILLY course.

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• After my race on Sunday, I went to The National Center for Civil and Human Rights.  If you are ever in Atlanta make sure to go there.  The things these segregationists said is mind boggling.  I wonder what their relatives think about them now and about what they said?


•  Is it rude to correct someone when they post a typo on social media?  For example, I have seen people write “Sunday’s” when they mean “Sundays”.  What would you do?  It just drives me crazy.


Tuesday Topics: Publix Atlanta Half Marathon Race Recap

This weekend went by so fast.  I am back home recoverating from my race on Sunday.  If you missed my recap of the Olympic Marathon Trials, click HERE to read about it.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Have you ever taken a break from running?  Why?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’m deviating from this week’s topic to write my recap of the Publix Atlanta Half Marathon.  I ran this race the day after the Olympic Marathon Trials.  Did you watch it?  It was INCREDIBLE.  I have no idea where it will take place in 4 years but for sure I want to be there again.

I signed up for this race in April of last year.  I paid $50 plus fees.  Pretty great deal!

I didn’t sleep well on Saturday night.  I even took a melatonin.  I think I finally went to sleep around 10:30 pm.  The race started at 7 am but I always like to get there early and use the port-a-potty.  Plus, I knew it was going to be cold in the morning and I was planning on wearing sweatpants and sweatshirt, so I also needed plenty of time to check in a gear bag.

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I woke up at 4:40 am but didn’t get up till 15 minutes later.  I quickly got ready and went to the lobby to get a coffee from Starbucks.  Then I walked to the start line at the Olympic Centennial Park.  I had 3 layers so I did not feel cold at all.  🙂

I used the port-a-potty, took some pictures, then I checked in my gear bag.  I got in line about 6:30.  Then I waited.  And waited.  I asked myself why I had gotten there so early.  It was chilly but I wasn’t THAT cold.  I wore a Oiselle flyout long sleeve underneath my singlet and that helped.  

When it was almost start time, the race announcer introduced Meb.  He was pacing the 1:40 group.  I was in Corral C and I am assuming he was in either A or B.  I wanted to leave my corral and find him.  I didn’t.  Then she mentioned that the Olympic Marathon Trials winners were there as well.  Neat way to start off the race.

Then it was time to run.  My goals were to finish the race and to have fun.  I did finish it and made the best of it.  I was tired and in pain.  I knew it was a hilly course.  I underestimated how hilly it was.  The plan was to walk up the hills and run the downhills.  Good plan, right?  Well, in this race I was either going up or down.  There were very few flat areas.

Here is the elevation map from my Garmin.

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I felt good for about 3 miles then I got really tired.  I decided to just walk and run whenever I felt like it.  I don’t remember too many details because I was so focused on running and walking.  By then it had warmed up a little and the sun was out.  I was never hot nor cold.  In reality it was just perfect weather.

While running I saw Kim and we ran together for a few minutes.  I could not keep up with her.  🙂  I also saw Vanessa and ran with her but also could not keep up with her.  I saw Jessica pacing the 5:30 team but also could not keep up.  I was really struggling but I still wanted to finish.  I didn’t care about my finish time.  I just wanted to finish.

I took two Huma gels (mile 4 and 8) and stopped at every water station.  I think it was around mile 11 or 12 that I had some Powerade.  I needed something to get me through the final miles of the race.  I don’t remember being thirsty but that drink tasted really good!

I enjoyed running in Piedmont Park.  It was lovely and a great place for running.  I didn’t see other runners except those running the race.  I thought that was strange.

The last 4 miles is when I was cursing a little bit.  I was tired of the hills.  I was struggling more than ever.  But I was almost done and I just needed to hang in there.  

I was so happy to hear the race announcer.  I was almost done and could stop running.  🙂

After the race I got my medal and was handed a bottle of water and chocolate milk.  There was a tent with some food but I didn’t get anything.  I got my bag from gear check and went to take some pictures.  I just wanted to get back to the hotel to eat something.  I was so hungry.

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I showered, packed my suitcase, and my friends and I went to Hard Rock Cafe for lunch.  We then went back to Olympic Centennial Park to walk around for a bit before going to The National Center for Civil and Human Rights.

I loved that they offered FREE race photos.  I like the long sleeve shirt.  It is soft, comfortable, and perfect as a pajama top.  I don’t like the medal.  So plain.  🙁

There weren’t too many people on the course.  The volunteers were friendly and encouraging.  There were also plenty of water stations.  I was looking for a medical tent and did not see one at all.  I was disappointed because I wanted some Vaseline or something to apply to where I had chafed.

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This was state #43 for me.  Next is the Garmin Oz Half Marathon in April (#44) and the Fargo Half Marathon in May (#45).  Then I will need 6 more to go!  Total will be 51 because I am counting Washington DC as a state.

Have you run this race before?  Would you run a race knowing that it was a hilly course?

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: The Olympic Marathon Trials Edition

I did not run one single day this week.  I did rest as much as I could while getting things ready at school for my days off.  Since I was planning two days worth of work for the substitute teacher, I decided to also work on my sub tub/emergency plans.  While I did finish my sub tub, I did not finish my emergency plans.  Oh well, next time.

Sub tub-1.jpgFriday morning I took a 7:10am flight to Atlanta.  It was a quick flight and landed earlier than expected.  Saw this at the airport and just wanted to share it with you.

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I shared an Uber with another Oiselle friend from Ohio.  It took us maybe 20 minutes to get to the hotel (we stayed at the Atlanta Hilton).  We quickly got our key and then went to get something to eat.  There we met up with our roommates.  There were a total of 5 of us.  I was sharing a room with one of them and the other 3 were in another room.  Then we went to the expo to get our bib and to listen to a panel discussion.  The discussion was moderated by Mary Wittenberg and featured Alison Desir, Kara Goucher, Kara Finley, and Sally Bergesen.

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I was not impressed with the expo.  Hardly anything but why am I complaining since I rarely buy anything.  I did sign up for the Clif Bar newsletters and I got 3 different bars.  As I was leaving I saw Kim and Charlyn.  

Then we went back to the hotel.  It was cold and windy.  Oh, and lots of hills which I knew but still made me nervous.

That evening we went to Monday Night Brewery for a casual get together with other Oiselle friends.  I wasn’t planning to stay too long since I was tired, but we ended up staying till about 9pm.  I had one beer and a beef brisket sandwich and they were both yummy!

The next morning there was a shakeout run with Kara Goucher sponsored by Clean Sport Collective.  I did not run but there were so many people there.

Then it was off to spectate!  Spectating a race is fun.  Spectating a marathon gives me chills.  Spectating the Marathon Olympic Trials is a very different feeling.  Unbelievable.  AMAZING.  Lots of goosebumps.  Chills.  Yep, you name it.  I will post pictures and videos so you can see for yourself.

The way the course was set up allowed us to see the runners six times.  Yes, 6!!

There were so many runners.  What made me more happy was that there were twice as many women than men!!!!  I was rooting for Desi to make it on the team but that didn’t happen.  Hard to believe she missed it by 11 seconds.  I will be rooting for her at the Boston Marathon next month.

This morning I will be running the half marathon.  Maybe by the time you read this post, I would have finished or will still be running.  I have no finish time goal but just to finish it and to have fun.  Did I mention it is a HILLY course?  I read that there are 23 hills in the course for the half marathon.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 113

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I did not know that anyone without a Costco card could eat at the food court.  I read the other day that they will ban those without a Costco membership.  Why are they even allowed in the first place?  I pay for a membership so why should others be allowed to go in for free?

• Just one month till my trip to Mexico!  I am beyond excited.  I am happy and really looking forward to it.

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• So true!  I wake up between 4-4:30 and if I could, then I would respond to texts at that time.

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• We were supposed to get a lot of snow a few days ago.  While we did get some snow, it wasn’t as much as it was expected.  I am NOT complaining at all.  You kind of have to laugh when it is about Chicago weather.

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• Sometimes I wished I had a garage.  I always leave it outside and for the most part it isn’t that bad.  I’ve been able to find parking in front of my house!  I hate it when it snows and I have to clean it off my car.  I know, first world problems.  I just really hate snow.


Tuesday Topics: A few things I am loving

Hard to believe we are at the last week of February.  For being a short month, it sure went by fast!  I am leaving on Friday morning for Atlanta.  The Trials are on Saturday and I am running a half marathon on Sunday.  Should be a fun weekend!  I will have a recap in next week’s linkup.

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This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.

Ritual – It is a multivitamin.  Yes, I can get one pretty much anywhere.  I got these based on another friend’s recommendation.  These vitamins are vegan certified, gluten and allergen free, non-GMO, and no colorants or synthetic fillers.  (Source: https://ritual.com/).  There are 3 options to pick from: Multivitamin 18+, Prenatal Vitamin, and Multivitamin 50+.  Each month you get a bottle with 60 capsules (you take 2 per day).  You also get an email a few days before you get charged and before they’re shipped.  You can then rush or delay an order.  You can also cancel your subscription at any time.  Each pill has 9 key ingredients such as folate, omega-3, vitamins B12, vitamin D3, iron, vitamin K2, boron, vitamin E, and magnesium.  I like that everything is in one pill (versus taking multiple ones) and that they’re delivered to me.  Have I noticed anything different?  Well, lately I have noticed that I am more calm.  Could be from the multivitamin or something else.  If you want to try it out, let me know and I can send you a link to get $15 off your first order.

Billie Razors – I have tried many different kinds of razors and I finally found one that I like a lot.  These razors are inexpensive and leave your legs very smooth.  At sign up you pay $9 and you get a shaver, a magnetic holder, and two 5-blade razor cartridges.  Then for $9, every month or every 2 or 3 months (you select the subscription frequency), you get four replacement blade cartridges sent to your house.  You can also delay an order or cancel your subscription.  I shave once a week and replace my razor every month.  Other products you can purchase are shave cream, body lotion, a travel case, an extra handle and holder, and body wash.  Click HERE to order your razors.

Prose Personalized Hair Care –  Yes, I get my shampoo and conditioner through the mail.  There are questions you answer (consultation) and based on your answers, Prose recommends the items for you to buy.  There are questions such as age, hair texture and length, condition of hair, whether you have dandruff or dry scalp.  They also take into consideration the city you are living in for humidity, pollution, UV rays, and water hardness.  You can also pick if you want vegan, gluten-free, and silicone-free products.  Yes, lots of questions!  Finally, they recommend a fragrance but you can also change it (there is also an option for fragrance-free). 

I received my first order in December.  The bottles are really small.  I was very impressed with the scent.  I don’t wash my hair every day anymore and can say that I really like the shampoo and conditioner.  My scalp doesn’t itch as much and my hair does feel very soft and smells nice.  I also ordered the hair oil but I thought it was too greasy (turns out I was using too much).  I let them know about it and they gave me a refund.  They said I could keep the bottle and now I use it mostly as a deep conditioner.  Other items you can get are leave-in conditioner, dry shampoo, pre-shampoo mask, curl cream, and a boar bristle. 

If you subscribe, you save 20% off your order.  You can change or cancel your subscription at any time.  Even if you don’t subscribe, you can change the formula of your shampoo and conditioner by doing another consultation.  Each bottle of shampoo and conditioner is $25.  I know it isn’t cheap but I really like them and will continue to use them. If you want to try it out, let me know and I can send you a link to get $10 off your first order.

Just curious but how often do you shave your legs?  Are you using any of the products I mentioned?

Tuesday Topics

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