Tuesday Topics: A fun non running related thing I did over the holidays

Can you believe Kim and I have hosting this linkup for almost a year?  This was my first post from said linkup.  Thank you again to everyone for making this a fun linkup you all look forward to every Tuesday.  🙂

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This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s one fun running related thing you did over the holidays?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I am going to write about the opposite: One fun non-running related thing I did over the holidays.  I could have sworn that that is what I wrote or read when we were thinking of topics for 2020.  🙂  Oh well, I hope you enjoy it!

As most of you know, I was on Winter Break these past two weeks.  I went back yesterday and my goodness, I was exhausted.  Plus, I was still a little congested so that did not help.  I left at 3, did a few errands, and went home to rest.  I missed my run in the morning so I thought I could do it in the evening and no that didn’t happen.  Anyway, going back to Winter Break.  The best things I did were eat, rest, sleep, and spend time with family.  I definitely needed that to happen.

However, the most exciting thing I did was visit the Starbuck Roastery Chicago.  I’ve been wanting to go there since since it first opened in November.  My mom and I went on Sunday, December 29.  The weather was perfect for a trip downtown. 

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We took an Uber because I didn’t want to deal with parking and then walking from said parking lot to the roastery.  We arrived and we noticed right away a long line.  I did not know that was the line to get in.  The Uber driver had dropped us off in front of a hotel so I asked one of the guys there.  He said that the wait time was about 1 hour and to come back during the week or closer to closing time since that is when the line is much shorter.  We decided to get in line anyway since we were already there.  The line in the picture on the right is from across the street.  In order to get in, you wait there in line.  Then you cross the street and then wait again in another line.  Total wait time was maybe half an hour?

Once inside we took our time.  There are 4 floors.  We checked out each floor.  The first floor had a gift shop, a roaster, and a coffee bar.

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The second had a bakery and a cafe.  There were so many people and it was hard to find a place to sit.  Eventually we found a place to sit because I saw a lady and there were a few empty seats next to her.  I asked if they were available.  I can’t remember what she told me but I do remember her saying that we could sit for a few minutes because she was waiting for her son and grandchildren.  I told her that that was OK because I just wanted my mother to sit down for a few minutes.  A few minutes later we left but went back there to eat tiramisu and enjoy some iced coffee and a chocolate espresso martini.  

The third floor had a coffee bar.  There were so many options for coffee drinks (I wanted to try the Nitro Mole Mocha) but the line was too long so we sat at the bar and watched people picked up their drinks.  They all looked pretty good!

The fourth floor had a cocktail bar.  We looked around but there seemed to be even more people there.  There was an area to sit but you needed a reservation.  I don’t know if that is always the case or just that day because there were a lot of people.

Finally, there is a 5th floor/roof deck but that is only available as weather permits.  Although it was a beautiful day, it wasn’t open.

My mother and I went back to the 2nd floor to relax and drink some coffee.  We sat at the bar and ordered a martini too.  My mother had never eaten tiramisu and I was actually surprised to find that out.  She did like it!

Couple of things:

The guy from the hotel told me that the place is overrated.  I agree with him but at the same time glad I went.  Obviously it is nothing like a local Starbucks coffee bar.  Not all of the drinks from the coffee shop are available at the roastery, but the “basic” one are like lattes, cold brew, and iced coffee.

It is EXPENSIVE!  Now I know a martini is not cheap but I paid $16 for mine.  The tiramisu and iced coffee was $15.

I am sure it would have been less crowded during the week.  However, we ended up not waiting too long to get in.

It is a nice place to hang out and quite an experience. 

I don’t think this is a place to take kids.  I didn’t see anything there that they would find interesting that those are my two cents.

You can buy something to eat such as pizza, salad, and panini but it isn’t the place to eat a full meal.  Did I mention that it is expensive?

Definitely check it out if you are in Chicago.  Let me know so I can meet you there too!  🙂

Would I go again?  Yes, I want to try the Nitro Mole Mocha.  Doesn’t it sound yummy?  Also, I want to check out the cocktails on the 4th floor.

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Happy New Year and sick with a cold

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Happy New Year and Hello January!

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This past week was very different from last week.  I ran 2 days and spent the rest of the week at home with a cold.  I did go out a few times for errands and to meet friends, but I was feeling so tired and no energy to run.  

Monday was a cloudy day but still went out to run 3 miles.  Then it was off to do laundry and cuddle with the cats.  🙂


That night it started to snow and we woke up with a white New Year’s Eve.  Ugh, I hate the snow!  I had to run 4 miles but the snow and ice made it difficult.  Plus, I was getting very tired.  My throat was already hurting.  <<That is the first sign that I am about to get sick.

I stayed home that evening (went to bed before midnight) and stayed home the next couple of days.  🙁  I felt horrible.  I was sneezing and coughing so much that my stomach started to hurt. 

It warmed up on Wednesday and the snow melted.  Still no running for me.  I kept busy by reading “The Whistler” and I finished it on Friday.  I also watched 3 seasons of “El Chapo”.  Haha, so good and I couldn’t stop watching it.

Even my babies knew I wasn’t feeling well and they cuddled with me.

Each night before going to bed I took cold medicine with Emergen-C.  My mom told me that a cold usually lasts about 3 days.  Sure enough by Saturday I felt so much better.  No coughing or sneezing, but I was still congested. 


Back to work tomorrow and I am not ready.  🙂  I did have some grading to do over break and finished it last night.  I told myself that I was not going to go to sleep until I finished it and I did.  I was up till 1 am.  

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I already let my coach know that I am feeling better and he is having me run 3 miles tomorrow.  I told him that I hope I wake up on time because I am so used to sleeping in these past 2 weeks.  

I hope you had a great week!  What medicine do you recommend to take for a cold?  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 105

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I only give Mateo cat food.  However, once in a while he likes to see what we are eating and then “begs” us to give him some of it.  My mother gave him rice and I gave it to him on a paper plate.  Looks like he is enjoying the food.

• If I had room in my living room then I would get this.  However, I will admit that the apostrophe in “Nothing’s” does bother me.  Or does it belong there?

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• Frankly I am tired of going to the laundromat to do laundry.  For sure when I move, a washer and dryer will be the first two items I buy.  And I am loving the front loader!

Laundromat-1.jpg • Snow and I hate it!  But by Wednesday it had cleared up and it was sunny and warm.

• My school district is switching over to Gmail.  I’ve been using Outlook for over 10 years and am excited for the change.  You bet I am excited!

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Tuesday Topics: End of the Year Review

Hard to believe that it is the last day in December!  Oh and it is the last day of this decade.  The plan was to stay home today, go to bed early, and wake up to 2020.  However, my cousin invited us over to her house to celebrate.  It is supposed to be cold and it snowed this morning so I am not sure if my mother would want to go.  We’ll see.

This week’s Tuesday Topic: End of the Year Review.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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I like to look back and write about my running stats.  I like seeing how I did and think about what I want to change or do different next year.  In late November I started working with a new coach and am excited to see how I do next year.  I have a lot of old PRs and I would like to set some new ones in 2020.


For now let’s check out my stats:


146:27:24 hours




June 2019 Mileage

  12:02.  Last  year it was 12:06

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Happy Holidays and a great time

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What a great week this has been!  I slept in almost every day and did something different with my sisters and mom or just with my mom.  She is staying with us for these two weeks.  She keeps asking when she is going back home.  I guess she is tired of staying with us?  🙂

Monday morning I ran 3 easy miles and then my sisters, niece, and nephew came over.  My mother and sister made “picaditas” for breakfast.  They’re small tortillas with a pinched-up rim around the edges.  Then my aunt and uncle came over.  We ate, talked, ate again, and talked some more.

No running on Tuesday but my mother made Mole.  She had the paste and I thought she was only going to mix it with chicken broth but I was wrong.  She added additional spices and let me tell you that it was worth it because it was DELICIOUS.

And this is why I don’t put a tree up for Christmas.

I did get a good picture with my babies.

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I was so happy to see my coach schedule a run for Wednesday because it was a beautiful day outside.  I ran 4 miles and wore shorts and my new Brooks Revel 3 shoes.  Then we went to my cousin’s house to eat (again) and hang out together.  Another great time!  

No running on Thursday but we went out for lunch with my sisters, niece, and nephew.  We ate at “Mi Tierra” and their food is delicious.  It is one of the few restaurants that serves good Mexican food (in my opinion).  Then we went to get some dessert.

On Friday I ran 2 miles.  I should have run on Thursday because I was cold on Friday morning.  Plus for some reason I struggles running 2 miles.  Must have been all of the food I’ve been eating.  🙂

I was planning to go to WaterFall Glen on Saturday morning but woke up late so I ran by my house.  I needed to be back in time to shower, get ready, and eat something before heading out to the movies.  We saw “Jumanji”.  It was really good and funny too.

As you can see, this week was full of eating good food and spending a lot of time with family.  Being with family is definitely THE BEST.  I did all of my runs and 2 Peloton workouts.  Oh and thanks to Facebook for the reminder from 8 years ago.  Yes, we did find her house.  🙂

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I hope you had a great week!  What are your plans for the New Year?  We haven’t decided yet but most likely we’ll stay home and go to bed early.  🙂

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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