Thanks to everyone for their comments from my post on Sunday regarding my fall. I am not done reading everyone’s post/comment. The bruise is slowly going away and my face looks so much better. 🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic: What’s your plan to achieve your 2020 goals? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
I wrote about my goals in December. Here is the post. I didn’t count them when I wrote my post but yesterday I counted them and I have 10 goals for this year. Maybe it is too many and maybe it isn’t. 🙂 Read along to find out how I planning on achieving my goals this year.
1. Be injury free. Please go away plantar fasciitis.
Last year I got a taste of plantar fasciitis. I didn’t know that’s what it was (although I did suspect it and my doctor confirmed it) and it is one of the most painful injuries I’ve ever had. As of now, I want to say that it is gone. I did a lot of stretching, used my massage gun, wore a sleeve at night, and wore gym shoes with inserts during the day and while out running. I am also obsessed with my Oofos. I wear them every single day. Of course, I could get a different injury. Injuries like to follow runners. This year I plan to get stronger by taking up swimming, strength training, and/or cycling. I already have a Peloton so now I need to look into the other two.
2. PR in the following distances: 5k, 4 miles, 8k, 10k, 10 miles, and 13.1.
This might be a tricky one. Last year I signed up with a new coach and was determined to make it work and stick to my workouts. I didn’t expect to get sick and to fall this year. I am not sure when I will run again. My PRs are so many years old and now am wondering if it is even possible. Maybe I should stick to the shorter distances?
3. Get a sub 2 half marathon.
I’ve been wanting to do this for a number of years. My last couple of half marathons have been done just for fun and to run in a new state. I have a few I will be running this year but haven’t decided which one to make my sub 2 half marathon.
4. Run a marathon. I am hoping either the MCM in October or the NYC in November.
This one depends on the lottery. I entered the early lottery for NYC but didn’t get selected. My entry was automatically entered into the regular lottery. The lottery registration for the MCM is in March. We’ll see what happens.
5. Buy a house.
I have to figure out exactly what kind of house I want. I’ve been looking for over 2 years. Isn’t that long enough? Honestly, I am tired of waiting and looking. I saw the perfect house last year but by the time I was ready to make an offer, the owners had accepted an offer from someone else. Again, things happen for a reason so the question now is why didn’t I get that house?
6. Travel to Mexico. It’s been years since I’ve been there and really hope I can make it next year.
I can cross this off my list. I bought my mother’s and my ticket on Saturday. We will be going in March/April for Spring Break. I told my sister and niece that I want to go to 3 places: Xochimilco, the pyramids in Teotihuacan, and to the Frida Kahlo Museum. Cannot wait!
7. Run a couple more half marathons in new states. I am registered for GA and KS but still need HI, NM, ID, ND, SD, SC, and WY.
Only 9 more states to go. I have an idea of the ones I want to run in NM, ID, ND, SD, SC, and WY, but need to check out logistics (airfare and hotel) before I sign up. Anyone want to join me? Also, not sure about GA since it is at the end of February and I don’t know if I will be ready for it.
8. Be more patience at work and at home.
So far I am doing OK with this one. I’ve been more calm at work and at home. I’ve been paying more attention to my students because many times that is just what they want. I need to remember that my students are little kids. Many look forward to coming to school and will do anything for attention and to please me. I’m also working on being more patient with my mother. She is older and needs a lot of care and attention. She isn’t patient either and tends to get angry because now there are many things she cannot do by herself and she does not like that.
9. Do more fun things with friends. I realized that I always use the same excuse “I am too tired” with them and don’t do enough fun things with them.
I am at loss with this one. Not sure how to tackle this one because honestly I am tired at the end of the day. 🙂 I guess I can make plans with them for either one day every other weekend or during the week.
10. Find joy in everything that is possible. Life is short to not find joy in it.
So far this is going well too. I started off the year with a cold and stayed home for 3 days. However, I watched TV, slept and took some much needed rest. As for my fall, well, nothing fun about that but I am glad it wasn’t worse and that I didn’t break anything. I know this sounds cheesy but in the morning I tell myself that it is going to be a good day. 🙂