Category: Tuesday Topics

Tuesday Topics: Benefits of running solo

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  Benefits of running solo.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

As most of you know I am a solo runner.  I have been doing it for a few years and am used to it.  Just like there are benefits of running with a group, there are also benefits of running solo.  Reading along to find out those benefits.

🏃🏽‍♀️ No one is waiting for you.  Running late?  No problem.  Want to skip the workout?  No problem either.

🏃🏽‍♀️Time alone.  I know I am an introvert but also enjoy being in a group.  However, just like some runners want that time to talk and catch up with others, I look forward to that time alone.  I like starting my day with a run.  During this time I am lost in my own thoughts.  I think about my life, the things that I have to do, things that are going on, etc.  Or sometimes I listen to music.  Last year with everything that was going on, I looked forward to this time alone.  

🏃🏽‍♀️ Your own workout/pace.  I have a coach and have specific workouts/paces for them.  Even without a coach, you decide how far to run, how fast, when to stop, route, etc.    

🏃🏽‍♀️ Just get up and run.  There is no need to make plans to meet someone at a specific time and location.  I love being able to get out and start my run.  Again, best way to start the day!

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Benefits of running with a group

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  Benefits of running with a group.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

I’ve been running on my own for the past couple of years.  I like it and will write about it next week.  However, I’ve run with a group as well.  There are benefits for both.  This week I will write about running with a group.


➡️ Motivate each other.  I ran with CARA while training for my first marathon.  The runners and pace leaders were wonderful.  I remember a couple of runners in my group were also training for their first marathon.  We all motivated and encouraged each other.  I also remember that during the marathon my feet were hurting a lot and I wanted to quit.  Two runners that I trained with and were also running the marathon with me told me not to quit and to keep going.  I did not quit.  Glad I listened to them.  🙂

➡️ Accountability.  When you know others will be waiting for you at your set location, you will not be tempted to miss/skip your run.  I have paced several training groups and it was very important for me to show up because I knew others were counting on me to be there.  

➡️ Safety.  If anything were to happen to you, at least you will have someone to make sure you’re OK.  One time I was running with a friend and I fell.  Luckily it wasn’t serious and she helped me get up and made sure I was OK.  Then I think I cried and then laughed.  She laughed with me too.     

➡️ Social networking.  When you run with a group you meet other individuals with the same interests.  You will make new friends.  There will be fun events to go to and more fun things to do.  I love reading Darlene’s posts because she always does many fun things with her running friends.   

Do you prefer to run with a group or solo?


Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: Funniest fitness myths I’ve heard

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  Funniest fitness myths you’ve heard.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

We’ve heard them all.  Sometimes they’re good enough to convince us and other times we roll our yes.  I used to believe them but now I roll my eyes and/or laugh.  Read along to find out a few of the fitness myths that make me laugh!

🤣 Carbs are bad for you.  OK, so maybe too much might be.  My doctor once told me I was pre-diabetic and I blamed it on the carbs.  It could have been the sugar too.  However, carbs are needed in order to train and recover effectively.  I love carbs!  Remember my mashed potatoes and wine dinner?  

🤣 You cannot run if you’re sick.  It depends on the symptoms.  If the symptoms are above the neck (sneezing, runny nose, etc) then it is OK to run as long as you feel good.  However, if they’re in or below the neck (sore throat, diarrhea, body aches, chills, etc), then skip the run.  Kim and I wrote about this topic a few weeks ago.

🤣 If you are not sore after a workout then you did not work out hard enough.  During the week a few of my workouts are hard workouts.  My heart rate goes up and I hit paces that I don’t see all of the time.  Afterwards I am not sore but I do feel tired but also good! 

🤣 Running is bad for your knees.  I am sure you have heard this one many times.  My knees have hurt a few times but the doctor never told me running was bad for them.  In my case it was due to weak glutes and hips.  Clamshells, bridges, and lunges are a few exercises that he recommended I do to strengthen them.

Tuesday Topics

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Tuesday Topics: My 2021 mid year review

Hello there and Happy Tuesday!  I took a week off from blogging.  I think this is the first time I miss all 3 linkups (Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday).  My mind went blank for Tuesday and Friday’s linkups and then on Sunday I started to write my post but then was busy with my niece who is visiting from Mexico, so no post from me.  But here I am and hopefully will not miss many more linkups.

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

How is it that we are already in July?  These past 6 months have gone by fast.  So many words to describe it along with many emotions to go with it.  Regardless, it was a good 6 months.  Let me tell you all about it.

Mileage:  Total is 503.03 miles. My goal to run this year is 1,200 miles.  I had a feeling I was not going to meet my goal and was thinking of changing it to 1000 miles.  However, I told myself that if by June 30th I’ve run at least 600, then I would leave it.  Someone told me that my mileage could increase during the Summer.  Well, time to change that goal.

Highest Mileage Month:  118.12 in June.  May was the 2nd highest with 111.79 miles.

Peloton: In November I paused my membership and renewed it in February.  I don’t know exactly how many classes I took since February, but I have reached a few milestones.

I was actually surprised that I made it to 5K minutes.  At the rate I am going then for sure I will get to 10K by then end of the year.

Current Challenge:  My running streak.  Today is day #312.  

Current Shoes:  Since January 1 I’ve run in the Launch 5 and Brooks Levitate 1.  

2021 Running Goal:  My new goal is to run 1,000 miles.  I am at 50 percent done with it with 503.03 miles.

Pain/aches/injury:  All was going well.  I had my usual aches/soreness but nothing painful.  On Friday during my run (I realize it was already July) I had some pain on my lower left leg.  I ran/walked the rest of the way home.  I knew I was in trouble.  Once home I made an appointment with a sports doctor for Friday.   I know better than to check Google but I did anyway.  Looks like it could be achilles tendonitis but I’ll know for sure on Friday.  I did a short run/walk (20 minutes) on Saturday and it wasn’t painful.  I did the same on Sunday and Monday (30 minutes) with hardly any pain.  I plan to continue doing this till Friday but might increase the time to 45 minutes.  

What am I looking forward to the next 6 months?  To run all of the miles!  Haha, JK.  Hopefully I get good news on Friday and can continue running.  I will be happy with at least running/walking.  Getting out in the morning is good for me.  I need it.

I also want to continue my run streak.  The stubborn runner in me does not want to stop.  I am so close to one year.  It will be one year in August.  Will I continue after?  Who knows?  I would like to train for a half marathon or maybe a marathon.  Also, I would like to incorporate cross training and strength classes to my schedule.  We’ll see.

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Tuesday Topics: Things I saw on my last run

This week’s Tuesday Topic is:  Things you saw on your last run.  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

Last night the phone alert woke me up and scared me.  It was loud!  There was a storm coming my way.  I looked out the window and all was calm.  Another alert went off.  There was a tornado warning in the suburbs.  A few minutes later there was rain, wind, and thunder.  I was now wide awake and checking out the weather app and the TV to get more information.  Still raining with thunder and rain.  Eventually it calmed down and I went back to sleep.

The tornado was devastating.  It was an EF3 and destroyed many houses.  Fortunately no one died but a few were critically injured and were taken to the hospital.  I cannot imagine what those that lost their homes and/or family members are going through right now.

This morning I did my run with Matty to celebrate my 250th run.  It was a fun run!  I took it really easy and walked too.  The weather was pleasant but it was windy and humid.

I did not see too many interesting things along the way.  There was more trash than usual.  Lately I have noticed there is a lot of it in my neighborhood.  The trash could have been from the storm or from Father’s Day celebrations.

I did see the following:

👀  Flowers

👀  Little Free Library

👀  Fallen branches

Some random things I’ve seen on other runs are pigeons, squirrels, bunnies, condoms, and bottles with yellow liquid.  The last two gross me out.  Well, more the bottles with the liquid.  Some people are just plain gross.

Surprisingly I did not see any dogs walking their humans.  😀 It was actually very calm.  Matty made me laugh (as usual) during the run.  He talked about how in his parent’s house in RI they don’t lock the bathroom door.  Whatever business you have to do there, make sure to do it fast before someone opens the door!

Not running related but before I left for work I checked again on the mama pigeon.  One of the eggs has hatched but there is still another one in the nest.  I also checked on Mateo.  It was another exhausting night for him.  He was in the same spot during the storm.

Tuesday Topics

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