Category: Weekly Run Down

Weekly Run Down: Spring Break and windy days

What a week it was!  I relaxed, watched TV, and read a new book.  Lola followed me almost everywhere I went.  She is so sweet!

On Monday I did not leave the house until about noon because I was reading and watching TV.  And the only reason I left the house is because I had to go to the post office and do laundry.  I should have done those things on Saturday but I felt lazy that day.  I also did my run in the afternoon.  It was windy all day (23 mpg).

This was on Tuesday.

I ended March with 78.22 miles.  I was really hoping it would have been closer to 100 miles but I am still pleased with how I did.  I remember the month started off well but then I had days when I was just too tired and did not want to do my workouts.  Plus, there were many windy days and I just did not want to fight it.

Wednesday was Lola’s birthday.  No big celebration but she spent the day hanging out with me.

This book is so good!  Thanks Wendy for the suggestion.  I am kind of obsessed with Kara.  I’ve learned so much about the Gouchers from reading the book.

Yesterday I had to run 5 miles.  I really had no desire to run that long.  That sounds funny because 5 miles isn’t really that long.  I started off with 30 minutes and was feeling really good so I kept going.  However, my last mile felt hard because it was all headwind and I was tired.  Took it easy and walked as needed.

Today’s run was GREAT!  No wind and it was sunny.  I did overdress and I should have worn shorts.  It was the first time doing an All For One Run.  It was so good and perfect for a Sunday run.  This is one that I will definitely do again.  Check out that playlist!

Anyone else watched “Law and Order: Organized Crime”?  I watched parts of it because my mother was here and I was helping getting her ready for bed.  However, I watched it the next day on Hulu.  It was so good.  I cried.  Now I am watching “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit” from the beginning.  I never watched it from the beginning and would randomly watch it on Saturdays since it is on all day.  

Overall, it was a great week.  I left the house a few times to do errands while taking it easy.  I would have liked to have traveled, but definitely enjoyed being at home.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Afternoon runner and kids in the classroom

Hello there!  Tomorrow is my first day of Spring Break!  I’ve been waiting for this week for weeks!  Haha!  I have no traveling plans but want to finish up a couple of things for school, read a few books, and watch TV.  Relax, right?  I am excited for Thursday to watch Law and Order!  Anyone else?

As you know I prefer to run in the morning.  But this week was all about running in the afternoon.  I could not wake up in time to run and then get to work.  It is weird how years ago I would wake up around 4:30-5:00 to run, get ready for work, and get to work around 7am.  I am thinking that something is wrong with me.  I’ve just been more tired than usual.

I ran in a few new Oiselle items that I bought.  New gear makes me happy.  Right, Shathiso?  

This week I celebrated my 150th run with Matty.  No shoutout from him but he did make one for a friend of mine that lives in Chicago.  I had no idea she was doing the same run until she posted it on Instagram.  But during the run I did not hear the actual shout (it was towards the end and I was tired of battling with the wind) so then I went back to listen again.  Gonna try again for my 200th run!

After a year of teaching online and not having any students in the classroom, I had two students on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I had so many emotions that day.  I was nervous, scared, and excited.  After Spring Break, there will be 3 students on Tuesday/Wednesday and 2 students on Thursday/Friday.  While I do like having them in the room, the most difficult thing is wearing a mask.  We all have to wear one.  It is hard to breathe and talk.  I found myself talking louder so my students that are at home could hear me.  Oh and we had a fire drill on Tuesday!!  😀

On Saturday I stayed in pajamas pretty much all day.  I finished reading “The Vanishing Half” and then went out to run around 5:30pm.  The book is so good!  Wow!  I had to run 5 miles but instead ran 1.5 miles (Sunday’s workout).  That night I did not sleep well then woke up on Sunday hungry and with a headache.  The plan was to run 5 miles (Saturday’s workout).  Nope.  It was WINDY and cold.  Could not do it.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: What a week and Spring is here

I don’t recall the time change having that much of an impact, but this time it did.  I also had parent/teacher conferences on Monday so that was another thing that also affected my schedule.  I was so tired this week.  Usually my cats wake me up very early because they want to eat.  This week I was able to sleep in till about 5 and on some days till 6.  I also took a few naps.

I want to say that it is also taking me longer to read, comment, and respond to everyone’s blog posts.  So sorry.  As of now I am all caught up.  🙂

This week was windy!  It really annoyed me.  No matter where I turned it was windy and it was tiring.  I decided to just take it easy and walk when needed.  Maybe that is what I had to do anyway.

Monday afternoon we got more snow.  Not too much but Tuesday morning I wasn’t comfortable running in the dark not knowing if there was snow or ice on the ground (there was some snow on the sidewalk).  I am still afraid of falling.  Tuesday was my 200th day of my run streak.  

I had posted that for my 100th ride I was planning to take a class with Cody either on Tuesday or Wednesday.  I had a birthday car celebration to go to on Tuesday but I thought it was at 6pm.  So then I decided to do take the class on Wednesday.  Well, it turned out that the celebration was at 5 and I knew I would be back in time to take the class at 6:30pm on Tuesday.  Cody is always fun!  No shoutout from him but hopefully there will be one for my 150th ride.  I need to keep trying!

On Wednesday I was supposed to run 2 miles recovery run.  I didn’t do the workout I was supposed to on Tuesday so the plan was to do said workout on Wednesday.  Then I found out that Wednesday was my coach’s birthday.  I ran 5.3 miles that morning to celebrate.  I had to run 5 miles anyway so what’s .30 more?  It was not easy.  I was tired.  I walked when needed and finished.  

Today was a gorgeous day for running.  I went out later in the morning and enjoyed my run.  Took a 45 minute class with Serena Samuela.  I like her!  Not too chatty.  🙂 Wore a jacket but took it off halfway because I got too hot.  I also ran in shorts.  Spring is here!

On Wednesday my students watched a video to draw on leprechaun.  They had so much fun!  Check out their work.  🙂


I am not sure if I’ve asked or mentioned this before, but has anyone read “The Vanishing Half”?  I think Wendy has.  I am about 1/4 done with it and so far am liking it.

I am hoping next week is better and I am not as tired anymore.  I’ve been using my weighed blanket and it’s helping me sleep better.  Even Mateo approves of it.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: One year later and my 99th bike class

Hello there!  This week went by fast again.  That’s what happens when one of the workdays is an Institute Day.  I have mixed feelings about Institute Days.  Some of the PD is useful and some is not.  There was an emphasis on self-care.  Umm, OK.

One year ago yesterday was the last day that I taught in a room full of students.  I was instructed to make packets for my students but obviously had NO idea that I wouldn’t see them again.  Below are two pictures I took at Target on the 12th and then in my classroom on the 13th.

This week I had some good and bad runs.  On Monday I ran 3.14 miles for Kim’s Week of Pi.  It was fun!  

Last week there was hardly any wind but Wednesday and Thursday it was just awful.  It did not help that I was exhausted.  I was very tired and I did not do the workouts assigned by my coach.  But I still ran and wore shorts on Wednesday.  🙂 I did feel much better on Friday and could have kept running but ran out of time.

Saturday morning was a gorgeous day for running!  Didn’t I say I was not going to do another of Becs’ running class?  Well, I did another one.  The playlist was AMAZING but the chit chat was not.  There is just something about her voice.  Is it just me?  I was pleased to have run close to 6 miles.  December was the last time I did a “long” run (6 and 7 miles).

You would think that I would have done more Peloton bike classes, but I am currently on my 99th ride.  Isn’t that the reason I bought the Peloton?  🤔 🤦🏻‍♀️ I want my 100th to be with Cody and it will either be on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Very excited!Clientmoji

Tomorrow I have parent/teacher conferences.  Is it too early to runfess?  Well, I have NO desire for them tomorrow.  I don’t mean it in a bad way, but what could I possibly say to parents that I haven’t said all these past months?  I am not meeting with all parents (those students that are doing well in class, have turned in assignments, have participated, etc).  I know it’s been hard for everyone but we’ve been doing virtual learning for ONE YEAR!  I have communicated with all parents about missing assignments, log in information, etc.  They know it already, but I will have to repeat it again.  We’ll see how it goes.  

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Weekly Run Down: Working with my coach again and my 2nd vaccine!

Hello there!  Happy Sunday!  With it being a short work week for me, this week went by fast.  No complaints at all.  The sooner the days go by, the sooner we are much closer to Summer Break.  Three more months to go!


This week went really well.  I began working with my coach again and enjoyed my runs.  Much of the snow has melted and it is slightly warmer.  There were some days where even if it was 20-30 degrees, there was no wind or little wind.  I ran everyday (no surprise there) and also took a short bike class (too much?). 

I finally used the stack feature for the bike classes and like it.  However, I wished you could do that on the app.  To stack running classes you can only do that on the website, but it will be so much easier to do it on the app too. 

Some of the fun classes I took are below.  I am not a huge fan of Shakira but there were some good songs and, of course, Matty is always great.

I took this one on Saturday and did not like it at all.  The music and her constant talking really annoyed me.  I could have sworn I took a similar one by Robin but now cannot find it.  I actually enjoyed that class.

I also took a Feel Good Ride with Ally and nope did not feel good.  🙂 The music is a HUGE factor for me as well as the instructor.  I think that is why I love Cody.  He always makes me laugh and smile.  

On Monday I took my mom to get her second vaccine.  Last time I mentioned about the long walk to the actual vaccination room.  Someone was nice enough to take her in a wheelchair but she had to walk back.  This time someone took her in a wheelchair, waited for her, and then brought her back to the lobby of the hospital.  She didn’t have to walk too much.  Oh, but then we got off on the wrong floor of the parking lot and we ended up walking one level up.  Yes, we could have waited again for the elevator but only one was working.  She was not happy about it.  🙂  Throughout the week I checked in on her.  She said she was fine.  No effects.

On Tuesday I went to get my second vaccine.  They were running behind a bit so I was there longer than when I went for my first one.  I felt fine afterwards.  The next day is when I felt awful.  After my workouts, I got home and felt so tired.  Not the usual tired from working out but a different kind of tired.  Throughout the day it got worse.  My students knew about the vaccine and I told them how I was feeling.  I also told them that in case I had to log off, they had work to do that was posted on Google Classroom.  I managed to hang on with them, but once class was over, I logged off and went to bed.  I knew I had to sleep and took a melatonin.  I also did a Calming Meditation class.  I had chills, my body ached, and I had a slight headache, but no fever.  I felt better about 24 hours later.  It is interesting how the vaccine affected people in different ways.

On Friday I mentioned how in a few weeks I will have a new work schedule.  With this new schedule (hybrid) I will still be teaching online but there will be students in my classroom.  I know I will have 2 students two days a week and beginning on April 7th I will have 3 more students.  There are two groups, Group A and Group B.  Monday will be a remote day for everyone.  Group A will go to school on Tuesday and Wednesday and Group B will then go on Thursday and Friday.  Even though I will have students in my room, they will still be learning virtually.  I will still be teaching everyone online just like I am doing now.  Everyone will be wearing a mask.  If students that are in the room have questions, they will need to ask me on the computer just like they do now.  While I am happy that I will have a new schedule, I really do not like this arrangement.  I’d rather teach everyone in the room or everyone online, but not do both.  Is this ideal?  Probably not but I do know that no matter what schedule or plan is put together by the District, not everyone will be happy about it.  3 more months!  3 more months!  Oh, and two weeks till Spring Break.

Whew, those are long paragraphs.  Yikes.  🙃 

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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