Random Thoughts Thursday 99

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I am at this point right now.  I’ve had a rough few days with my students.  I cannot wait till Thanksgiving Break next week.  I will be at work for 2 days and then home the rest of the week.  My mom will also be home with us so I am excited about it.

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• I was not selected for the NYC Half Marathon.  I am kind of bummed about it.  I know things happen for a reason so I am trying to be positive about it.  Maybe I will be selected for the NYC Marathon?  🙂

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• Anyone have the BURST Sonic ToothbrushI am tempted to get one for me.  It has charcoal bristles to remove stains, 33,000 sonic vibrations per minute, and a 2 minute timer.  There is also a subscription plan where you get a replacement head every 3 months for $7.  Pretty good, huh?

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• Has anyone seen the new “Harriet Tubman” movie?  Looks good!

• My birthday was yesterday and I have a giveaway going on right now.  Have you entered?  Check out this post to enter to win a $47 gift card.

Happy Birthday Giveaway

Tuesday Topics: My Winter weather running tips and a birthday giveaway!

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Kim and I want to thank everyone again for linking up with us every week!  We love reading your posts and comments.  We love learning more about you and from you with each post.  We may not respond right away (I finished reading Tuesday’s posts on Saturday and replied to comments on Sunday), but life happens and adulting is hard.  🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic: What are your Winter weather running tips?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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I will start off by mentioning that Wendy wrote a GREAT post on this topic.  Read hers first.  🙂

It is not officially winter yet but last week we got snow and the weather dropped down to freezing cold.  I ran one day and did not want to venture out the other days mostly because of the ice.  Yes, I could have run at the gym but the thought of running on the treadmill, left me with NO desire to run at all.  It is so weird how one summer I did almost all of my runs on the treadmill.

I know Winter will be officially here in a few weeks and I want to share some of my tips for Winter weather running:

• Layering with the right clothes.  All of my running clothes are from Oiselle.  Depending on how cold it is, I wear a short sleeve or tank followed by a long sleeve shirt and a jacket.  I also love the wazzie wool top.  Don’t overdress because even though you feel cold in the beginning, eventually you will warm up. 

• The right gear.  Definitely a hat and gloves (I like Super Puff Mittens and Power On Gloves).  I also wear a gaiter to protect me from the wind.

• Hydrate.  Just because it is cold does not mean you should not be drinking water while out on a run.  <<That’s what I used to think.  You can still dehydrate just like you would in the summer.  

• Warm up.  I wrote in this post that I never do any kind of warm up.  I started working with a new coach and he told me I have to warm up before every single run.  Now, I really have no choice.  🙂  Today I did a few dynamic workouts and I was hot before I went outside.  

• If it is really cold out and/or icy, then run indoors.  It isn’t worth falling (that is my fear).  But if you “must”, then listen to your body and go indoors or home if needed.

• Skip the run.  There is nothing wrong with staying home to catch up on a TV show or read a book.  Maybe even take a nap?

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Now let’s talk about the giveaway.  My birthday is tomorrow.  There will be one prize for a $47 gift card to one of the following online stores: Zappos, Dunkin’ Donuts, Running Warehouse, Amazon, or Starbucks.

Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter.  This giveaway will run until November 26 at 11:59 pm.  The winner will be selected on November 27th.  The giveaway is open to US residents only.  All entries are verified, so please be sure to complete them or a new, random winner will be selected.  GOOD LUCK!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: 3 day work week and snow

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It was a cold week with snow and ice but I am happy that it will warm up this week!  I ran twice this week compared to 5 last week.  I hate running in the snow and I didn’t feel like going to the gym to run on the treadmill.  

I know many of you have a separate Facebook page for running.  Whatever you post on said page, do you repost /share it on your personal page?  I am finally using my running page (The Running Teacher) and post here and there but am wondering if I should also repost/share on my personal page since I know not everyone follows The Running Teacher.  I hope that made sense!  🙂

I knew snow was in the forecast but I was in denial.  Monday morning I woke up and saw the snow.  I still went out to run and did not make it far.  The snow was coming down fast and it was hard to see.  I ran 2.85 miles which I am surprised I made it that far.  

I was supposed to be off that day but ended up going to work.  Well, not exactly work because it was an Institute Day.  We spent a few hours learning about Standard-Based Grading.  So boring.  Plus, we’ve been hearing about it for about 3-4 years so I am not sure when we will start implementing it.  Waste of time.

Tuesday was parent/teacher conferences and was pleased that 12 out of 16 parents showed up.  One of my coworkers had all 19 parents show up!  I’ve never had all parents show up on parent/teacher conference.  It was cold that day and even I did not want to go.  

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I went to IHOP for breakfast on Tuesday morning and this was the parking lot.  Ugh!

My sister likes to complain that it is cold in San Antonio.  Haha!  We want 40 degrees in December.

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The rest of the week went by fast.  Well, I only worked for 3 days.  Kids were fine Wednesday and Thursday but by Friday it was downhill.  I was so angry at the end of the day.  Not only do my kids talk a lot but sometimes they don’t want to do the most simple thing.  We are reading “Tia Isa Wants a Car” in Spanish.  They have a hard time understanding that book and I end up explaining EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE.  Huh?  The book is in Spanish.  Why is it hard to understand?  I asked a question and they are supposed to provide evidence and they don’t even want to look in their book.  Same thing in Math.  I asked them to work on a problem in their book and most just stared at me or the wall.  They didn’t even write the equation in their book and I wrote it on the board!!!!

I left Friday feeling like failure.  What am I doing wrong?  Is it me?  What more can I do?  

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Saturning morning was “warmer” and it felt good being out there. 


My cats getting along.  This photo makes me happy.  🙂

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My birthday is on Wednesday.  Make sure to join Kim and me for our Weekly Topics Linkup to learn about “What are your Winter weather running tips?”  Plus, I will have a giveaway in honor of my birthday.  Don’t miss it!

Happy Birthday Giveaway

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 98

Random Thoughts Thursday

• Anyone excited to see the new “Frozen” movie?  I loved the first one and the second one will be interesting.  Another movie I am excited about is “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”.  As a kid I remember watching the show and remember when he took his shoes off and then did something with his sweater.

• These memes are HILARIOUS.  I am loving all of them and laugh at each one.

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• We got more snow on Monday.  Honestly, I don’t mind too much the snow or cold weather.  What I really, really hate is the ice.  Next week it will be in the high 40s so I am happy to know the ice will melt.

• On Tuesday we had parent/teacher conferences.  Conferences went from 11:30am-3:30 pm and then again from 5:30-7pm.  All but 4 parents showed up.  I am actually surprised that many showed up since it was very cold that day.  Most of them went well but I had to bite my tongue with one set of parents because they refuse to acknowledge that their son needs more help than I can give him.  


• Just another photo of my little guy.  I love him so much and am excited when I get home.  I wonder if Lola, my other cat, feels like I neglect her.  I don’t.  Mateo is very dramatic and craves attention.  He likes to sit on top of the radiator to stay warm.


Tuesday Topics: How I warm up before a run

Brrr, it is cold here.  I am not liking the snow nor the weather.  Yesterday I went out for a run in the snow and had to cut it short because it was just too much.  Winter isn’t here yet (though it feels like it), but I already want warmer weather.

Angry Let It Snow GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

This week’s Tuesday Topic: How I warm up before a run?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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Even though I know I should be doing it more, I only warm up when I remember or when I have time.  However, I do warm up with a cup of coffee.  I never leave the house without first drinking a cup.  I know, I know, that is not the kind of warm this week’s topic is about.  🙂

Cat Cafe GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Benefits of warm up include:
• Raises your body temperature.  Dynamic warm-up exercises raise your body temperature by heating up your muscles.
• Enhances muscle performance.
• Boosts heart function.
• Improves the load distribution in your joints.
• Prevents injuries.

Source: https://www.runtastic.com/blog/en/how-warming-up-improves-your-race-performance/

While I don’t always warm up, I do stretch my calves and quads (static stretching).  That’s it.  However, I read that there is no evidence that static stretching is actually beneficial.  Also, stretching cold muscles isn’t a good idea either which is what I’ve been doing.  I am actually doing everything wrong! 

What is actually recommended to do before a run is walking briskly, marching, jogging slowly, or cycling on a stationary bike.  Then do dynamic stretches/exercises such as walking lunges, jumping jacks, or opposite toe touches.  I remember when I was a CES pacer, we had to do dynamic stretches before our run.  So why is it that I cannot continue to do them now?  

Do you warm up before heading out for a run?   What do you do?  Thoughts from running coaches?

Tuesday Topics

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