Tuesday Topics: My pre-race routines

Hey there!  How is everyone doing?  How is it that summer break is almost over.  While I am sad about it, I am also excited for a new school year.  

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What’s your pre-race routine?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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I am lucky that my stomach can handle pretty much anything.  One of the things I have to be careful about is eating too much spicy food.  What happens is that the next morning I tend to spend an extra few minutes in the bathroom.  I LOVE spicy food but try not to eat too much of it.

Where it is before a run or a race, I always have coffee.  As a matter of fact, even if I am not running, I always have coffee first thing in the morning.  I love the taste and the smell.  If I am running less than 6 miles then I don’t eat anything.  For longer runs I eat an Orgain Organic Protein Bar (chocolate cookie dough is my favorite).  I drink my coffee and eat my protein bar while getting ready.  If I am staying at a hotel, I find out if the hotel is offering a free breakfast and I usually get a bagel.

I try to have my clothes and gear ready the night before so that I can quickly get dressed.  Oh yeah and so that I don’t forget anything.

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Depending on the distance, I may drink UCAN on the way to a run or race.  I’ve tried Cranberry Raspberry, Chocolate, Orange, and Cocoa Delite.  My favorite one is Chocolate.  Sometimes I make a gel with UCAN.   

I’ve run over 100 races and still get nervous before a race.  When will I learn?  Being nervous makes me go a lot to the bathroom.  I have counted and have sometimes used the port-a-potties 3-4 times before a race.  Yikes!

Do you have your gear and clothes ready before a race?  Have you forgotten something and realized it right before a race?Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: Room set up and it is here

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I spent 2 days setting up my classroom and was exhausted!  My classroom is ready.  I just need a few more things to finish up like labeling their lockers, mailbox, job responsibilities, etc., but I will be ready on August 26th.  We have two Institute days and they students’ first day is on the 28th.

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My Peloton bike was delivered on Tuesday afternoon.  Isn’t it beautiful?  Even Lola is checking it out.  I thought the bike would have toe cages like the ones at the gym and I would be able to use my running shoes.  Wrong!  After going back and forth with a few people that also own a bike, they convinced me to get cycling shoes.  Thanks Amazon for the fast delivery!  It took me some time to figure out how to clip in and out.  🙂  

This week I ran 3 days for a total of 11 miles.  Tuesday was a planned rest day but then woke up very tired on Wednesday and Thursday so I decided to rest those days too.  I made a mistake and thought my mother had a doctor appointment on Friday.  Nope, her appointment was on Thursday.  I was angry because I couldn’t believe I made that mistake.  Ugh, the next available time slot isn’t till September 16th.  

The plan on Saturday was to run 8.5 miles.  I had a great run last week and really thought I could have another great one yesterday.  It was humid and I wasn’t feeling it.  I did enjoy running along the lakefront and seeing many friends.

This morning I did my first Peloton ride.  It was 20 minutes Glaciers & Rocks Scenic Ride.  It was fun and I was very sweaty at the end.  I need to buy a small fan to have nearby.

Heat Wave Cat GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

So that was my week.  I didn’t do much running but I am OK with it.  This week should be less hectic so I am hoping to run more days.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 85

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I saw this on Facebook and not sure what to say.  Kindergarten teachers are supposed to teach kids how to tie their shoes?  Umm, shouldn’t parents do that?

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• Excited to plan for Hawaii next year.  I was supposed to go 10 years ago but cancelled because I was hired as a new teacher and had to go to orientation.

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• This made me sad.  I have seen so many little ones struggling to make friends and it breaks my heart.  I tell my students to be nice to everyone and to always include their classmates if they see them by themselves.  

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• My Peloton bike was delivered on Tuesday.  I didn’t plan correctly since I need cycling shoes to use it.  I ordered some on Amazon and am supposed to get them today.  

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• Another Lola picture because she is cute.  I don’t think she likes that the bike takes up so much of “her” space in the living room.  


Tuesday Topics: My favorite running shoes

One guess as to what is my favorite brand of running shoes?  🙂  I have worn Mizuno, Newton, Nike, Asics, and Saucony but have been wearing Brooks for all of my runs and races since abot 2017.  

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Do you have favorite running shoes and why?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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Right now I have the Ghost 11, the Levitate 1, the Launch 5, and Launch 6.  I like them all and have another pair of the 5 and 6 in boxes.  I wear the Launch 5 for my speed workouts and the others I rotate on my easy runs.  Why do I love them?  I won’t get all technical on you but the main reason is that they’re soft and comfortable.  I also like how they fit.  Each pair has plenty of cushion and provides ample support.  Black shoes are nice but why not get them in wild colors?

I’ve also worn the Glycerin, PureConnect and the PureFlow (another one of my favorites).  The PureConnect and PureFlow are no longer available.  << Correction:  The Pure Flow are still available.  I just realized that I had a pair of the 6 but sent them back because they hurt my calves.  The only “bad” thing about them is that they had to be replaced every 200 or so miles.

New running shoes

The PureConnect 2 was a lightweight shoe but yet provided plenty of support.  I remember running the Goofy Challenge in those shoes.


The PureFlows were perfect.  I loved, loved these shoes.  At one point I bought 4 pairs of shoes from Running Warehouse.  I think I paid about $55 for each pair.  


For sure I will continue to wear running shoes from Brooks.  Right now I buy my shoes from Running Warehouse and love it more when the shoes are on sale.  Running Warehouse provides free shipping and have a great return policy.

Are you a Brooks fan?  What running shoes do you wear?

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: A great run on Saturday and some new records

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The days are going back too fast!  I like it but then I don’t.  We had some great weather this week and I ran 22 miles.  Big improvement from last week!  🙂

I deleted all of my records from my Garmin watch.  Feels good to see some new records!  I went from a 11:24 fastest mile to a 10:50.  I am confused about the 10:50 record because I don’t see it in the mile splits from yesterday’s run.


I also got new records for a 5k and a 10k.  It is the little things that make my day.

I love my 4 mile runs.  Slow and easy since I don’t worry about pace.  I tried to do a speed workout on Wednesday but had to stop because I ran out of time.  My next one is on Wednesday and I plan to do 6×800.


My run on Saturday was PERFECT.  In the morning I had coffee and an Orgain Organic protein bar before heading downtown.  I also drank some UCAN on the way.  The weather was gorgeous!  I felt great too!  I didn’t feel sore or tired.  Honestly, I haven’t felt this way in a long time.  The heel of my left foot was a little sore but then I foam rolled when I got home and it was better.  Again, I cannot believe how great I felt yesterday!

I know I’ve written about issues with my mother’s medical coverage and it looks like we have it all straighten out.  For some weird reason her Medicaid medical coverage (County Care) was cancelled.  I thought she didn’t have medical coverage and freaked out!  We were told to go to the Public Aid office and apply again.  We went on Thursday and I learned a couple new things.  She does have medical coverage.  What was cancelled was the long term care which pays for medical supplies and a caregiver.  What we need to do now is pick a new medical plan for her.  Some options are Aetna, Blue Cross Community, Cigna, and Humana.  After that visit, my sister called the Department of Aging and we were able to get a caregiver and medical supplies.  Cross your fingers we don’t have any more issues with it.

Beginning tomorrow is when I can start setting up my classroom.  This was my view on Tuesday when I went for a meeting. 2019-2020 Classroom-1.jpg

My classroom is 104.  My classroom is on the right side of the hallway so as my kids enter the building, they’ll be on the right side of the hallway and easier for them to get to the classroom.  You probably think it is silly but when you have that many students trying to get inside in the morning and after lunch, this definitely helps.

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This year we have a new GE classroom for a total of 5 second grade classrooms (3 GE and 2 TR).  What is nice is that the teacher in the new classroom is someone that I’ve worked with before and the transitional teacher I will be working with is someone that already works in our school.  Due to some changes, her 1st grade TR classroom isn’t available anymore and she moved to 2nd grade.  It looks like we will have a GREAT year!  I still have 17 students in my roster so I hope that number does not change.

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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