• Law or no law, it still amazes me how many drivers I see that use their phone while driving. It is weird how much we depend on our phones and everything we do has to be done right there and then. Remember when we had to get home in order to find out if someone had called or simply to make a phone call?
• I’ve had the same TV in my living room since 2001 or 2002. I’ve moved several times and I’ve brought that TV with me. Lately it doesn’t always turn on or off. Time to get a new one. However, there are so many out there that it is overwhelming! All I want is a TV to watch CBS and to use it for Netflix and Amazon Prime. These two are the ones I like.
• I am a sucker for pens. I have so many in my classroom and tell myself to stop buying them. I really don’t need more. I found an “old” pen in my mom’s room and remember liking it. I then found a set on Amazon and ordered it. Love, love, and love them. They write so smooth and they make me happy.
• Saw these car magnets at Michaels and regret not buying them. Now I need to go back and get them.
• Tamales today, tomorrow, and forever. Sigh. I will never get tired of them. Definitely not the healthiest thing to eat but always so delicious.