What is the weather like where you live? For us in the Chicago area it was another hot week. It cooled down a bit on Thursday because it rained but then midday it was hot again. Then Friday and Saturday were just brutal HOT. It is summer after all. 🙂

My mom came home with me on Sunday because she had a doctor appointment on Monday and an eye doctor appointment on Tuesday. Both doctors are close to where I live so it made sense to have her stay with me.
Monday morning I ran 4 miles. I accidentally stopped and saved my run at .39 of a mile and didn’t realize it will about 1/2 mile later. I am not sure how that happened. I did keep running to complete my run.
At the doctor’s office we found out there were some changes to her medical benefits and therefore could not see her doctor. Somehow her current doctor is not in the network and she was assigned to a different one located downtown. Anyway, since it was early and we were still hungry, we went to eat breakfast.
I was told to call County Care and have them switch her back to her current doctor. I didn’t call and instead went back and forth via email and some phone calls to another clinic where I was told that her doctor is in the network. I also found out that County Care does not pay for medical appointments. Medicare pays for those appointments. Finally I was on the phone with someone from the clinic and County Care and I think we got it straightened out. She has an appointment on Wednesday. Cross your fingers we are not turned away again.
On Tuesday we went to the eye doctor. My mother had cataract surgery 5 years ago. She has some trouble seeing clearly with her right eye. The doctor said there is a wrinkle (?) in her right lens and a minor laser procedure can fix it. We scheduled an appointment for next Friday. Later that evening my cousin invited us to his house for enchiladas.
Wednesday morning I ran 5 miles. It was warm but not too bad. It helped that it was cloudy. Later on I took Lola to the vet for her yearly checkup. She is healthy but has lost some weight compared to last year. It was just a few ounces and was told to take her back in 6 months. Not sure how she lost weight since my sister and I always make sure she is fed. I hope it isn’t anything serious. Obviously she does not like going to the vet and as soon as we got home, she hid under the bed and was there for the rest of the day..until dinner time. 🙂

Oh, and my mother made enchiladas again. 🙂 That evening I took her home. I am glad she stayed with me. It was a change for her and it gave my sister a break too.
It rained all morning on Thursday. I must have been really tired because I slept in a bit and felt really good. No running for me because I met a coworker for breakfast. Her mom had been in the hospital and nursing facility since February and came home about a week ago.

It cleared up in the afternoon and it was hot again. I knew I still had to run and waited till after 8 to go outside. It was like an oven. I managed 1.5 miles. I wore my Koala Clip and was very happy with it. I did notice that my phone did get a little wet. Perhaps I didn’t close it correctly? Who knows but I still liked it and best of all there was no bouncing and it did not move.
I also went to the doctor to have him check out my left knee and foot. The bottom of my left foot started bothering me during the Missoula Half Marathon. Then again last weekend when I tried to run 10 miles. I suspected it was plantar fasciitis (thanks Google) but still wanted to be sure. The doctor did say it was plantar fasciitis, along with knee bursitis and patellar maltracking (my kneecap moves a bit and makes a clicking and scraping sound when I bend my knee). My knee does not hurt..just my foot. He gave me some exercises to do and a prescription for physical therapy (along with a recommendation for a gait analysis). He also told me to wear a knee support brace, but only when I run, and reminded me to stretch and foam roll. I thought for sure he was going to tell me to stop running. 🙂

When I suspected that I had plantar fasciitis, I bought these massage rollers from Amazon. Wow, they’re amazing!!!

On Friday I meet a few BibRave Pros at the RnR Chicago. I got excited when I saw Kathrine Switzer and one of my favorite Brooks shoes.

Then I meet the Pros for dinner at City Winery West Loop.
Saturday evening I decided not to run the half marathon. I went back and forth with my coach about my knee and foot. She advised me to take a few days off from running and instead to focus on cross training activities. I am to let her know Monday afternoon how my foot feels. Let’s hope I can get back to running soon.
Have you ever had plantar fasciitis? Suggestions on how to treat it?
Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.