Tuesday Topics: Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon Race Recap

Disclaimer:  I received a free entry to the Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro.  Learn more about becoming BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review, find and write race reviews!  

This week’s Tuesday Topic is a FREE topic.  Feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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On October 20th, I ran the Detroit Free Press/TCF Half Marathon.  It was my 73rd half marathon.  It was also state #42 in my goal to run a half marathon in each state.

I left Saturday morning and arrived in Detroit at 1:00.  Once there I took an Uber to the hotel to check in and left for the expo.  I stayed at the Rivertown Inn and Suites on Jefferson and Rivard.  It was an OK place to stay.  What I liked about it is that the expo and start line were less than a mile away.

The expo was fun with lots of vendors.  I signed up for the International race so I had to show my passport in order to get my bib.  

I tried on some shoes but didn’t buy any.  🙂  Although these felt more comfortable than another pair of Ghost 12 that I had but sent back.

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I bought 3 pairs of Balega socks (it was buy 3 pairs and get one free) and an R3 foot roller. 

Race morning I woke up tired.  My neighbors next door were loud and it took me a while to go to sleep.  I got ready and made some UCAN gel for before the race and during the race.  Then I went to the lobby because the clerk told me when I checked in on Saturday that there would be breakfast for the runners.  I ate a waffle as big as my face with coffee.  I walked with another girl to the start line while eating my UCAN.  It took us about 15 minutes to get there.

One bathroom break and it was time to run.  I was happy and excited.  I almost skipped the race because my left foot had been bothering me so much that it hurt to walk.  I blamed it on my inserts.  I have two different pairs – one in my shoes for running and another in the ones for running.  I switched them and hoped that I made the right decision.

The race began at 7am.  It was dark.  I didn’t worry about it too much and concentrated on my run.  I was feeling good.  The beginning of the race was in downtown Detroit.  I couldn’t really see my watch but knew that I was going faster than I was supposed to.  Still I kept running.  I was determined to enjoy and finish the race no matter what.  

Then came the incline to the Ambassador Bridge.  It was long.  I was beginning to feel tired.  I stopped to take a few pictures because the view was gorgeous.

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Running in Canada was so much fun!  Lots of spectators cheering for us.  I was running in Windsor, Canada while on the left was the Detroit River and left to it was Detroit.  How awesome is that?!?!

My foot began to bother me.  My longest training run was 6 miles so I was beginning to feel more tired.  I didn’t want to remember this race as one in which I was in pain.  Instead, I wanted to remember it as the race where I ran in two different countries.  I soaked it all in.  The weather was perfect and I loved seeing the Canadians cheering for us.  So I kept going. 

My time in Canada was coming to an end as I entered the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel which is under the Detroit River.  Someone warned me that it would be hot in there.  It wasn’t too hot but I did warm up a little bit.  Love the middle picture with both flags!

Towards the end of the tunnel is another slight incline.  

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You know what I am going to say now, right?  I was hurting.  I felt even more tired.  I wanted the race to be over.  I still had about 4 miles to go.  I kept going.  I began to wonder if I had made a mistake in running the race.  Well, at that point there wasn’t anything to do but to keep going.  I am smiling in my pictures but pictures can be deceiving, right?  🙂

I ran and walked the last 4 miles.  We were back downtown and I remember thinking that I was going be done soon.  I could see more people lined up on the sidewalk.  I could hear the announcer and knew I was close to the finish line.  I kept running till I finally finished.

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I enjoyed this race and would love to do it again.  And this time hopefully not be dealing with an injury.  It took me a few days to recover from the race but I don’t regret running it.  My quads hurt a lot.  I felt like I had run a marathon.  The weather was perfect, there were a lot of water stations (there were signs letting you know how far the next water station was), and the volunteers were wonderful.  Every runner also gets free race photos (low resolution but still free).  Oh and the best part was running in CANADA!!!!

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The swag bag had a long sleeve shirt, a pair of gloves, and a race wrap.

I am pleased with how I did.  I enjoyed the race and finished it.  That is all I wanted.  Oh, and I got mostly positive splits.  Isn’t that the way to do it?  🙂  And yes I did run with my passport and no a border patrol agent didn’t stop me to check it.

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If you are planning to do this race, I hope I convinced you to do it.  Save the date as next year it will be on October 18.  There is also a marathon if you want to run more than 13.1 miles.  

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Weekly Run Down: Recovery week and 2 runs

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Whew!  I can honestly say that this week went by fast!  As usual, it was busy at work but still very productive.  Parent/teacher conferences are on November 12th.  Our school is doing student led conferences and I need to get some of my students ready for it.  The main difference from traditional conferences is that in student led conferences, the students do most of the talking.  I know I complain that my students talk a lot but yeah no so much for conferences.  I have 16 students and will be doing individual/traditional conferences for 9 of them.

I am not sure what is going on but I was very tired l after school.  I took a few naps.  Did the race affect me that much?

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I will have my race recap on Tuesday.  The Detroit Free Press TCF Half Marathon was so much fun.  The best part was running in Canada.  If you want to run it next year, the date is October 18, 2020.  Save the date!

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Monday morning I saw a gorgeous sunrise!  


My mother spends the weekend with me and my sister.  It gives her a change of scenery plus it gives my sister a break (the one she lives with).  Her caregiver drops her off on Thursday afternoon and then I take her home on Sunday evening.  

On Thursday, after my nap, I was craving pozole.  I called a local restaurant to make sure they were selling it.  They did so my mother and I went there.  It was yummy!

Saturday morning I woke up very cold.  I did not want to run.  I am NOT ready for this “cold” weather.  Well, I finally went out for 2 miles.  I overdressed.  I was warm and sweating and it was OK.  🙂


My babies finally cuddled!  Mateo is a trouble maker and likes to pick on Lola.  He chases her, bites her,  and jumps on her ready to play.  She does not like it at all.   There were both on the sofa napping and then somehow Mateo moved closer to Lola and went back to sleep.

Today’s run was GORGEOUS!!!  It was warmer than yesterday.  I ran 3 miles and in shorts.  Fall is my favorite season!  On December 14 I will be running the Kiawah Island Half Marathon.  I have my ticket but still need to find a place to stay.  I leave Friday morning and will come back on Saturday after the race.  I might go in on Thursday or stay an extra night so I can explore a bit.  Have you been there?


I don’t really hate Halloween but I do hate how chaotic it is at school.  Students are allowed to come to school in costumes, so you can imagine the excitement.  Because of said excitement, students are not in the mood to work so it is hard to do any teaching.  Plus, we have a parade around 1 and then a Halloween party.  I believe the party is optional but really can I say “No”?  I don’t wear a “real” costume but just a small witch hat and a pumpkin skirt.

I didn’t run a lot this week due to recovering from my half marathon.  I was more sore than I thought I was going to be.  I felt like I had run a marathon.  Well, that’s what I get for not training properly.  🙂

Have you eaten pozole?  Did you like it?  Are you a Halloween fan?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 95

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I love my car.  I’ve had it since 2006.  Right now it has 110,000 miles.  Not sure how much longer it will last so I don’t know if it is time to get a new one. 

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• I bought a massage gun.  It is so awesome!  I took it to school and some of the teachers love it.  


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• Snow?  There must be a mistake!  I know we got an early start to winter weather but I am definitely not ready for snow. 

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• I’ve been using this foot roller this week and it feels so good.  I don’t want to jinx it with the plantar fasciitis in my left foot but I really like it!


• Just a cute photo of my babies.  Rarely are they with me at the same time.  This was after I came home from my half marathon in Michigan.  I think they both missed me.  🙂




Tuesday Topics: My favorite running movies

Happy Tuesday!  I hope everyone had a great weekend! 

This week’s Tuesday Topic: What are your favorite running movies?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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In no specific order, here are mine:

• Spirit of the Marathon – I love this movie!  OK, so this one of my favorites.  🙂  This movie follows the journey of 6 runners (with two of them being elite runners) that are training for the 2005 Chicago Marathon.  

• Chariots of Fire – I remember hearing about this movie when I was a kid but I didn’t watch it till about 3 years ago.  I got chills watching it.

• The Barkley Marathon – It is an ultramarathon that takes place in Tennessee.  The course is 100 miles and only 40 runners are accepted each year to run the race.  The time limit is 60 hours and to date 15 people have completed it in that time frame (one runner has finished it twice and another runner has finished it 3 times).

• McFarland, USA – It is based on a true story of a cross country team from a Latino high school in California.  With the coach’s help, the team wins the state championship.

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Weekly Run Down: Race week and almost 400 miles

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Brooks Shoes-17Did you see these new shoes?  They’re a beauty!  I definitely do not need them.  🙂  Right?  I have a similar pair, Ghost 11, that I bought last year.  I love those!  I use Garmin Connect to track the mileage on my shoes.  Right now I have 5 shoes that I am tracking.  A few weeks ago I decided to just run in the Ghost 11 till I get to 400 miles.  Then the next shoes I will run in are the Launch 5 and the Levitate 1.  I know it is a crazy system.  I also have 3 new pairs in boxes.  Yikes!  Update: My Ghost 11 now have 289.40 miles after today’s race.  🙂

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I am so excited to run the Detroit Free Press/TCF Bank Half Marathon.  But I will say that I am not ready for it.  I think this is the first time I haven’t felt ready for a race.  Well, I think many of us have those feelings, but in my case I really am not ready.  If you’ve been reading my blog, the training hasn’t been there.  I had (have) plantar fasciitis and at one point took 3 weeks off to recover.  But my goal is to have fun and finish it!  Oh and maybe finish in less than 3:18:01 which is my worst finish time from when I ran the Walt Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon.

I ran only 2 days (one was race day).  The rest of the days I slept in.  I don’t know what is going on but I have been feeling very tired.  I wake up just in time to get ready and leave for work. 

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The photo below is from Monday, the day after the Chicago Marathon.  It was cold and windy the day of the marathon.  On Monday I ran 4 miles and enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful fall colors.


I received my two Koala Clips on Thursday.  Love using these on my runs!

Saturday morning I finished getting my stuff ready.  Then I had breakfast and left for the airport.  My flight left at 11:15 and I arrived in Detroit at 1:00.  Once there I took an Uber to the hotel to check in and left for the expo.  The expo was fun!  There were so many vendors and I was actually impressed with it.  Normally I don’t buy anything anymore but this time I bought 3 pairs of Balega socks (it was buy 3 pairs and get one free) and an R3 foot roller.

In the evening I had dinner and watched TV.  One of the workers from the hotel offered to take me downtown so I could see the start line.  It turns out it it close to TCF Center where the expo was held.

When I got back I got my stuff ready for the race and went to sleep.

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The race was fun!  But my foot did bother me and I ended up walking a lot.  I enjoyed this race and would definitely do it again.  Oh, and I finished in 2:45:41.  


Have you run a race where you did not train well for it or were not prepared?  How did it go?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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