Tuesday Topics: My running or race pet peeves

Hey there!  It is Tuesday again and time for another fun topic to discuss.  I am actually excited about this one and hope that you still like me after reading my post.  🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are your running or race pet peeves?  You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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Time to rant!  

• Runners that post their pace all of the time.  Maybe I am jealous because I will never be fast like them.  I know some people that post their Garmin AND Strava paces after each run.  I know someone that will just post her “fast” time.  Seriously?  No one cares about your pace but you.  That reminds me that I need to stop posting it in my blog too.  🙂

Source: www.garmin.com

• Walkers that start in the front of a race.  I’ve been in a few races in which I’ve crossed the start line and immediately see walkers.  Now, there is nothing wrong with walking in a race but shouldn’t they start at the back of the race?

• Runners that make sudden stops.  There’s been a few times in which I am running and the person in front of me decides to stop to either walk, fix their shorts, or tie their shoelaces.  Move to the right side!

• Runners that take up the whole path.  Ugh, so annoying.  Sometimes the path isn’t wide enough so we have to run either single file or by twos.  Yeah, some people think they own the path.

• Dog owners that don’t leash their dogs.  I know I am a cat person but do like dogs.  However, I don’t like it when I am running and there is a dog with no leash and its owner is nearby.  I dislike it even more when said dog runs towards me.  I don’t care that it is a small dog or that he is friendly and won’t bite me.  

• Runners that blast their music.  I wear headphones so that only I can hear the music.  I hate it when runners run with a small radio so that everything around them could hear it too.  Just no.

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• Runners that talk non stop during  a race.  You know how I feel about talking while running.  But must you need to talk throughout the whole race?

Talking Blah Blah Blah GIF by Wiz Khalifa - Find & Share on GIPHY

Haha, I have quite a few.  Are any of these YOUR pet peeves or am I just a weird person?
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Weekly Run Down: Mateo and Hamilton

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I decided to name my kitten Mateo.  I love that name!  My mom calls him Teo as a nickname.  He is a wild kitten with so much energy.  Lola is beginning to like him and she does not hiss as much anymore.  I took Mateo to the vet on Tuesday and while he is healthy (so far), he has fleas.  🙁  The vet gave him a dosage of Revolution and also gave me some for Lola.  I am supposed to go back in 3 weeks for another check up and for more additional shots for Mateo.

My coach updated my training calendar for my upcoming race on October 20th.  This week I ran 3 days and it felt great being out there.  I cleared all of my records again (hopefully I won’t have to do it again for a while) and this week have some new records.


My plantar fasciitis is a bit better.  I bought a Strassburg sock but ended up returning it since it was uncomfortable at night.  I bought a sleeve to wear during the day and at night, some inserts for my running shoes and my Tieks.  The Tieks are even more comfortable to wear and don’t hurt my feet as much anymore.  I requested a note from my doctor to “let” me wear gym shoes at school.  Now I just need a note to wear jeans during the week.  🙂

For months I’ve been trying to win tickets for Hamilton using an appI finally won and went on Wednesday.  It is sad to say that I did not like it.  I got bored.  I’ve seen The Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Rock of Ages, Aida, Miss Saigon, and The Color Purple and have loved each one.  I LOVE musicals and was looking forward to it.  I did not like that the whole musical was all singing and/or rap.  I left at the intermission so I only watched half of it.  Still I am glad I went and got it out of my system.  

Have you seen “Hamilton”?  Did you like it or were disappointed like me?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 90

Random Thoughts Thursday

• On Sunday I rented two movies, “La Llorona” and “Aladdin”.  Well, I thought I had Aladdin.  I did not realized there was another similar movie – Adventures of Aladdin.  Imagine my surprise when I started watching it but did not recognize any of the names in the introduction.  Well, I did not see Will Smith’s name.  Sure enough I had the wrong movie.  Redbox was nice to send me a code for a free movie.  

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• I love Starbucks.  You bet I am not about to pass up on a Groupon deal to get a $10 eGift card for $5.  I immediately got one and then tried to get another one.  No luck.  Then I tried to buy a card for a friend and still no luck.  Oh well.  Still happy I was able to get one. 

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• Yes, I won tickets.  Yes, I did go.  No, I did not like it.  Now I can remove the app from my phone.  🙂

 • I don’t handle stress well at all.  Who does?  I thought I was doing well handling it and staying calm but I was wrong.  Yesterday I went home early and cried on my way out.  I did feel a bit better today but during the day felt stressed again and ended up staying at school till about 5:30pm.

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• I will take Frequent Jeans Days!  I love wearing jeans to work.  Oh and add the gym shoes too.  It may not look “professional” at all but I am definitely comfortable.

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Tuesday Topics: I love taper time

Hey there!  Happy Tuesday again!

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  Taper time, love it or hate?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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What’s not to like about taper time?  I for one do love it and always looked forward to it when I was training for a marathon.  

Cat Running GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

So what is taper time and what is the big deal with it?  Tapering starts right after completing your last long run (which is usually 20-23 miles but depending on your training plan and/or coach).  During this time you reduce the mileage each week allowing you to rest and recover and be ready for marathon day.  Many runners think that during this time they lose fitness because of the reduced mileage.  That is not true. 

Many other great things happen during taper. Tapering allows muscle glycogen stores to return to peak levels.  Metabolic enzymes, antioxidants, and various hormones, depleted during training, return to their optimal ranges.  Muscle and connective tissues repair and strengthen.  And, the body’s immune system improves dramatically too.  In short, tapering allows your body to prepare for peak performance.” (Source: www.runnersworld.com)

During this time people notice a weight gain of 2 to 4 pounds.  Basically it is carbohydrate and water being stored which you will need as you run 26.2 miles.  

What else can you do during this time?
• Drink plenty of fluids and cut down on alcohol and caffeine.
• Protein is your friend.  Have more of it.  
• Eat more food with complex carbohydrates but also include traditional sources of it like rice, fruit and legumes.  

GO RUN 26.2 MILES!!!

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So what is your opinion, love or hate taper time?
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Weekly Run Down: A new kitten and still no running

Still no running but my foot does feel better.  This week I did 4 workouts on the Peloton bike.  My bottom does not hurt as much but still get a little sore.  I do have a seat cover but maybe I need cycling shorts?

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I enjoy the classes that have various resistance levels.  Yesterday’s was tough!  I don’t know if you can see in the picture but this class had a 90-100% resistance.  Yeah, I didn’t last that long but I still enjoyed it.

Doing good in my challenge.

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My brother found a kitten and brought him/her on Sunday.  It is adorable!!!  We first thought it was a girl but now I think it is a boy.  I am 99% sure it is a boy.  We have a vet appointment on Tuesday for a checkup and we’ll then find out for sure.  

Lola is spoiled and is NOT happy with the kitten.  She spends her time hissing at the poor kitty.  We kept the kitten in my sister’s room this week.  However, yesterday he was able to roam around the apartment and simply would not stop.  He has so much energy!!  I had a name in mind (Luca) but now I am not so sure.  Now I am thinking Mateo?

Yesterday the kitten was enjoying Lola’s scratcher so I put it in my sister’s room because I know Lola wouldn’t want to use it anymore. (Lola hissed at me when she smelled the new kitten smell on me and for a few hours wanted nothing with me).  At Target I found the cutest scratcher that they can both use.  I mean eventually they would have to get along, right?  Haha, to them it is more of a toy.

Friday was an interesting day.  Well with it being Friday the 13th and a full moon, I was expecting the worst.  Not really.  It went better than expected.  My kids had to take a MAP test in Math and we were done in about 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Then we spent the rest of the day taking more tests (spelling, reading, and math), some fun time, and then watched part of a movie.  

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With the new TV I also purchased a new DVD player.  Earlier this morning I watched “La Llorona” and even though I was scared, I liked it!  I remember as a kid my sister telling me the story.  Next we are going to watch “Aladdin”.  

Not so much an exciting week.  🙂  I am going to try running tomorrow and see how it goes.  I have a half marathon next month!  How was your week?

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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