Brrr, it is cold here. I am not liking the snow nor the weather. Yesterday I went out for a run in the snow and had to cut it short because it was just too much. Winter isn’t here yet (though it feels like it), but I already want warmer weather.
This week’s Tuesday Topic: How I warm up before a run? You can write about this topic or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida! Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier! Remember to come back for later linkers!
Even though I know I should be doing it more, I only warm up when I remember or when I have time. However, I do warm up with a cup of coffee. I never leave the house without first drinking a cup. I know, I know, that is not the kind of warm this week’s topic is about. 🙂
Benefits of warm up include:
• Raises your body temperature. Dynamic warm-up exercises raise your body temperature by heating up your muscles.
• Enhances muscle performance.
• Boosts heart function.
• Improves the load distribution in your joints.
• Prevents injuries.
While I don’t always warm up, I do stretch my calves and quads (static stretching). That’s it. However, I read that there is no evidence that static stretching is actually beneficial. Also, stretching cold muscles isn’t a good idea either which is what I’ve been doing. I am actually doing everything wrong!
What is actually recommended to do before a run is walking briskly, marching, jogging slowly, or cycling on a stationary bike. Then do dynamic stretches/exercises such as walking lunges, jumping jacks, or opposite toe touches. I remember when I was a CES pacer, we had to do dynamic stretches before our run. So why is it that I cannot continue to do them now?
Do you warm up before heading out for a run? What do you do? Thoughts from running coaches?