Random Thoughts Thursday 84

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I do my laundry on Monday.  This week I went on Sunday with my mom because I knew I wouldn’t be able to go on Monday.  It is always weird when I see other people’s machine and the amount of detergent they use.  My machine is the one on the left.  It looks like I don’t use any at all.  🙂

• Monday afternoon I met a friend for lunch at The Purple Pig.  Ha, even the name is interesting.  My friend lives in Dallas and the last time I saw her was in November  I’ve known her since college and she is am amazing and wonderful person.  We had cheese, calamari, steak, and wine.  For dessert we had chocolate cake.

• I know I’ve mentioned the high cost of traveling by plane.  I was looking for tickets to go to Mexico in December and holy cow!  Do you think these will be cheaper next month?  I really want to go since it’s been years since I’ve been there for Christmas but cannot justify paying that much money.

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• This made made me laugh.  I know these meetings sometimes are out of their control but still many times they’re unnecessary.

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• There is an app called Resy that allows you to book restaurant reservations.  My friend told me about because she wants to eat at Tiffany’s in New York.  Well, I was shocked when I got an email to let me know that I could book one for that day.  Ugh, if only I lived in NY.  I would like to get a reservation for in 2-4 weeks so I have enough time to make travel plans.  I think it would be cool to eat there.  

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Tuesday Topics: My BibRave Pro Summit Weekend

Hey there!  How is everyone doing?  I think I got bit by the running bug and am now looking forward to running.  I am excited knowing that I will run in another state in a few weeks.  Oh, and I cannot wait till next week for my Peloton.  🙂

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  How do you incorporate fitness with your family?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!


The weekend of July 19-21 was the BibRave Pro Summit in Chicago.  The events included dinner on Friday and Saturday, a Cubs game on Saturday, a community service project, running RnR Chicago, ending with lunch on Sunday after the race.  I did not participate in all of the events and after looking at all of the pictures, I regret it.  But I still had a lot of fun and it was great to meet so many of them that came from various states.

The first event was a community service project on Friday morning but due to the weather, it was cancelled.  A few Pros still met up for a run and then went to get donuts and coffee at Stan’s Donuts.  I met up with them at the RnR expo.  I had already been there about an hour so I didn’t stay too long.  I was excited to see Kathrine Switzer again!


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That evening we had dinner at City Winery West Loop which was sponsored by Knockaround.  I’ve never been there and I had a great time.  I met more Pros while enjoying some delicious wine and food.  Check out all of that orange!

The next day was a shakeout run along the lakefront and a Cubs game.  That evening was another dinner at Current Kitchen that was sponsored by AftershokzDuring dinner there was a BibRave Podcast recording with Tim and Jessica as well as guest Cindy Kuzma, author of the upcoming book, Rebound: Train Your Mind to Bounce Back Stronger from Sports Injuries.  I missed all of the events that day and regret it because they all had so much fun!



After a few emails with my coach, I decided not to run RnR Chicago.  She told me to take a few days off from running because of my plantar fasciitis.  I still went downtown to spectate and of course I had fun!  I saw Amanda, Erica, Becca, and a few other friends.

It was warm but luckily not as hot as the past couple of days.  It was humid though.  Once we saw all of the Pros pass mile 6, we walked over to the finish line where we saw most of them again.  Then we met up by the music tent and waited until every Pro had finished.  Then it was time to head out because we were meeting for lunch at noon.  I walked with Amy to Buckingham Fountain because she wanted to take pictures.  She was sharing a hotel room with 4 other women so she wasn’t in a rush to get back to the hotel.  While waiting for everyone to shower, get ready, and pack, it started to rain.


Our post race lunch was supposed to be at City Winery Riverwalk but due to the rain we went to Public House.  I had a beer and a buffalo chicken sandwich which was so good.  I didn’t stay too long but did enjoy my time there drinking, eating, and catching up with the rest of the crew.

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I love being a part of this amazing community.  I’ve had the opportunity to try some new and cool products as well as run some run races.  BibRave is now accepting applications to become a BibRave Pro!  Head on over to bit.ly/2FxiKT7 and apply now!

Tuesday Topics

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Weekly Run Down: August and a Peloton Bike

Weekly Mileage-20.jpgHello August!  I am excited for it because it means Fall will be here soon.  It is my favorite season.  August also means back to school.  I have 3 weeks left of summer break.  I have a few meetings/PD this coming week and then will have a chance to set up my classroom.  I checked the roster and so far I have 17 students.  It is a good number but I know it will change in the next couple of weeks.

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I ended July with 58.72 miles.  It is my 2nd lowest mileage month after February with 21.52 miles.

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Still not running as much before and that is OK with me.  I did run Monday through Wednesday with 7.31 miles for the week.  It cooled down this week and my runs felt pretty good.  I just realized that my next half marathon is in 11 weeks.  I’ve been checking out various 12 weeks training plans and there are so many.  Do you have a good one I could use?


This was Lola waiting for me on one of my runs.  I guess she does miss me when I’m gone.  🙂


On Wednesday my mom and I went to The Great American Bagel.  We both enjoyed our bagel with jalapeño cream cheese.  I remember there used to be one at Midway Airport and I would get one before boarding the plane.  

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Now the exciting news is that I finally ordered a Peloton bike!  Earlier I received an email to schedule the delivery.  It will be delivered Tuesday, August 13.  I’ve been wanting one for months!  Kim gave me her referral code and I was able to get $100 off my purchase towards accessories (she will also get $100 towards her accessories purchase.)  I bought the bike mat and a heart rate monitor.

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My week might not have been THAT exciting but to me it was perfect.  🙂

Linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down.

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Random Thoughts Thursday 83

Random Thoughts Thursday

• I finally finished this book.  I cannot believe it took me so long to finish it.  I’ve had it since March but then life happens and you need to put it down.  She is someone I would love to meet and chat for 10 minutes.  OK, maybe 5 since I know she is a busy woman.

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• I’ve been trying to get a teacher discount with Sprint but was told that I cannot get it because I already have a discounted phone plan.  Ugh, that annoyed me.  No one told me when I submitted my application in February.   I have been with Sprint for almost 20 years and my bill is around $103 every month.  Let me clarify that –  my plan is $50 and the rest are fees and taxes.


• August is almost here and that means back to work.  I am looking forward to it but then also I am not.  This summer is flying by.  I worked the month of June and then it was awfully hot that I haven’t really been enjoying this summer.  I guess I better make the best of it the next couple of weeks.  I start the 26th and kids start the 28th.

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• I don’t know about you but I am definitely looking forward to Fall.  It is my favorite season.  I love that it isn’t hot but yet cool enough to wear a sweater or light jacket.  I can still run in shorts, compression socks, and a long sleeve top.  Oh and let’s not forget the different colors of the leaves.  

• I have plantar fasciitis.  Luckily mine isn’t as severe and it doesn’t hurt as much anymore.  Maybe it is gone?  I hope so.  One of the things I’ve been using are these massage rollers.  Plantar fasciitis or not, every runner should have these.  I have a few friends that had plantar fasciitis and when I would read their blog posts, I was always curious about that feeling/pain.  Ha, now I know.  

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Tuesday Topics: My favorite summer drinks to stay hydrated

Hey there!  How is everyone doing?  Cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of July.  Soon it will be August.  To me August means back to school; I am ready but also not ready to go back.

This week’s Tuesday Topic:  What are your favorite summer drinks to stay hydrated?  You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post.  Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida!  Visit at least two of the other linked posts – the more the merrier!  Remember to come back for later linkers!

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The number 1 item on my list is water.   Thankfully I am on summer break and can drink as much water as I want to.  During the school year is when I struggle.  Well, drinking water isn’t the hard part, it is finding someone to watch my classroom while I run to the bathroom.  Luckily the bathroom isn’t too far from my room but I either have to call the office or ask my coworker.

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Something else that I am enjoying is hibiscus tea.  I drink mine cold and it is delicious.  My sister brings the flowers from Mexico and I make it several times a week.  Some benefits of drinking hibiscus tea are that it may lower blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, and also lower cholesterol level.  A friend of mine also mentioned it is good for the swelling in my feet.  Not sure how accurate all of these reports are, but I drink it anyway because I like the flavor of it and it gives me a break from drinking just plain water.  <

I fill a pot with water (I think the one I have is 8 cups) and add 1/2 cup of dried hibiscus flower.  I let it boil and then let it steep.  Once it cools down, I then pour it in a plastic pitcher.  This pitcher usually lasts me a few days and then I make more.  You can also add honey or sugar to sweeten it but I prefer to drink it without it.

I don’t drink milk but do add it to my cereal or when making a smoothie.  A few years ago I switched to almond milk because cow milk would leave me bloated.  No bueno.  A couple of months ago I purchased almond milk chocolate milk and liked it a lot.  Sometimes I use it to make a smoothie or I add it to my coffee instead of coffee creamer.

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While it maybe not be the best way to stay hydrated, sometimes I like to have a beer or wine.  🙂  A nice and cold beer with a burger is so refreshing after a race or a run.  Oh and I like apple martinis too!


Beer or wine? Both?  Have you tried hibiscus tea?

Tuesday Topics

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